3d loli videos
3d loli videos
that reminds me.
seen the last of us 2 trailer?
pic unrelated
yeh, dark..
is she supoust to be the same girl that the gif?
What gif?
there is no gif
You're all pedophiles and you're all going to hell
tell me something I dont know mate
sorry... glorious webm
how about instead of belittling me, you try fixing me you fuck
No. Girl in the gif is Sarah, she's dead in the game, I think. Ellie is the one in the trailer.
Here let me fix you...you're going to hell.
You have been fixed
Watch "SSG vs. SGG Ultimate Yoga Challenge" on YouTube
I can masterbaite to this
why no girls massage me when I was that age..would have massive boner!
only one i have
i know, theres a special place for me there. Its the throne
i guess there is a not a free interent database with this kind of stuff
i need those sweet teens on my dick very much
theres a free 1 too.
Its warmer in hell so down we go ;)
not in 9th circle and i wish i got satan trips right now
Humans are meant to have sex around when puberty starts. Hell is completely fictional.
What's more believable:
1) Man's natural state is to start having sex before the age of 18?
2) Hell actually exists.
if humans were meant to have sex at puberty, girls wouldntve died during labor at that age
Except women die during labor at all ages, so, moot point.
except way more die in young age, so most significantly large number of infants remain without mothers, feeding and support, which would cause extinction
>which would cause extinction
You're pulling stuff out of your ass. How do you think we got to this point? Do you think early man waited until 18 to start having children?
just built a snowman in my shorts
they waited more than till shes 12
another user here,
tbh, they didnt wait til she was 12, they fucked kids all the time, its just around 12 they hit puberty and then they can get preggo
do u have sources on this, other than quran?
You guys should know that in the U.S. animated loli is a felony.......
Less arguing about a dead time period, more 3d loli
If you look at historical documents, such as the Quoran [i know, its still a historical record], Muhammad fucks his second wife before she's 9, and looking at greek culture, they fucked little boys alll the time, that shit was like daycare with benefits
no its not, there is plausable deniability that those models are over 18. cant prove the age of something that doesnt exist, all is up to the animator, and even then it can be argued agasint.
boys dont get pregnant
islam says u have to w8 till she can handle a cock and they hardly can at 12
What game is she from?
>What game is she from?
Are you fucking kidding me
the idea is that pedophilia exists throughout time.
It is not some modern creation
I'm not a console fag
no, the idea was children should be getting impregnated
>hur I'm so unique and cool
It's still illegal.....plausible deniability only comes into play once you've been charged and you use that as your defense......even if you are found not guilty, you will still be plastered on the news as a kid fucker and be out 10-20k
Neither i am, still, i know that's a character from The Last of Us, faggot.
how do derive that idea?
human sexuality is not driven by the desire to reproduce, its driven by "im horny and this makes my dick feel good" when was there ever this rationalization of procreation, aside from modern religion?
Tnx, that was not so hard was it
dont mind the age but... argentinian soccer tshirt?... cmon
>Humans are meant to have sex around when puberty starts.
human sexuality IS driven by the desire to reproduce; self-preservation instincts. Its that if prolonging the species wasnt fun, no1 would do it. And for 12yo virgin girls its not fun to have an old stranger man ramming her
loves niggers, I dont see a misleading there.
theoretically, however if the government went around and charged all the people that they could, the gov would be out millions and the majority of people would be off scott free. not to mention the counter culture movement that would stem from that. Imagine a bunch of people hating all the pedos out there, once you chage like 10k people at a time and the media demonizes them, they'll band together like the gays/trans/ect. So in an economical/social interest, there will be no action taken by the government.
As another point, Sup Forums deletes cp and other felonious threads, but not this? what makes this thread different from any other 'illegal' ones?
you speakin from experience user?
the pleasure from sex is the self preservation (along with the cocktail of chemicals released in females after birth to love their child) but there is no instinctual thought to have a child.
Sexual pleasure is what drives reproduction, you are correct if it wasnt pleasurable, no one would do it. But that pleasure is not singularly dependant on having a child. the older man ramming the girl gets the same pleasure out of it, plus he has the power to hold her down. she may not want it, but she cant do all that much in the situation. Pleasure stems from the act of sexual intercourse, not the production of fertile offspring.
r u sayin u have experience of getting boys pregnant?
She has the face of an old lady here wtf
> 2mb upload limit
Newmoot you fucking nigger
Please never let this thread go 404
not argentina
there isnt a though to have a child? Whats "maternal instinct"? Why r women after 30 getting desperate to get knocked up?
And u r sayin girls went meant to be knocked up at 12, cuz they cant run away from an adult man?
/r/ feets
>you unbelievable faggot
Jokes on you there's no hell
If only it had better content and i had some to con.
>we're not in hell right now being alive
Nice. Another reason to get PS4, on top of everything else NaughtyDog has been making, and Bloodborne, and Nioh...
This was a terrible year for XBOX huh?
I dont know how long 'maternal instinct' has been a thing. From what i've read in history, baby fever was something relativly new, in order for women to meet the standards that society created for them. Women 20-30 are told to have children at that time, its the ripe age to have them.
and yes, in a very crude explanation, rape was used throughout time.
tldr; desire to have a baby at 20 to 30 is a social construct by society. rape is a product of sexual desire
she isnt that pretty
>desire to have a baby at 20 to 30 is a social construct by society. rape is a product of sexual desire
nope and nope
Reproduction is done at those ages as the risk to both mother health (physical and mental) and the risk of birth defects and other difficulties is at it's lowest, It is not a social construct, it is biological fact.
Secondly Rape isn't solely self satisfaction, it is more often a tool of violence, like most prison or male on male rape frequently is. it can also be an assertion of dominance and nothing to do with pleasure at all.
Please go outside
but we know rape is bad. So is killing teens with rape.
20-30 is a prettu good age for a child - educated, working, mature. Earlier, uve got school or very little money. Later, its riskier for the childs health