I don't know about you guys but I think The Purge: Election Year looks phenomenal. Don't believe me? Then check out this awesome trailer: youtube.com
I don't know about you guys but I think The Purge: Election Year looks phenomenal. Don't believe me...
>wanting me to watch a trailer that ruins major plot points of the movie
nice try user
Sometimes the shilling is so obvious it becomes meta.
Too meta for me.
is this 2 meta for you?
Looks awful
Thanks OP! That is an AWESOME trailer for an AWESOME movie that i'm sure will be a classic! I already pre-ordered my tickets and extras to rewatch it the next day! James DeMonaco is the greatest director of our generation!
>the purge
>the third sequel to the purge
>plot points
What are the Purge movies like? My GF apparently loves them so I have to take her to it, I haven't seen the others. They look like maximum edgy films for teenagers.
That about sums it up.
>let's make it legally ok to murder people for a day
>Teenagers think that makes a good plot
>trailer spoils major plot point
>or is the crib notes version of the movie
>choose two
No reason to even pirate movies these days to see if they're shitty. I know they're trying to cater to the millenium crowd who can't hold their focus for more than eight seconds, but fuck. The major movies are getting worse every year.
Shill please leave, it looks like all other generic trailers, maybe worse.
congrats shill you've got me to see it, I can't wait to torrent it and give it to all my friends for free, you truly are a top tire shill
looks cool as fuck, #IPurged
Oh wow! That was a pretty amazing trailer user! Can't wait to see it this Independence Day weekend :)
>psy-ops films about le evil super-republicans make murder legal
No thanks, I prefer my left wing bullshit fiction in the form of documentaries about killer whales, suger and the environment.
>liberals think that the only reason everyone isn't senselessly killing each other is because it's illegal
You kniw what I'd do on purge night? Kill the faggots who shill purge-movies on Sup Forums
>conservatives think that the only reason everyone isn't senselessly killing each other is because they're christian
How did that false marketing meme start?
And why The Purge exactly?
Decent concept executed poorly.
The first one was stupid as fuck
The second one was actually okay, but only because of Frank Grillo.
Looks like every niggers dream come true.
First one is forgettable shit.
The second one is the best Punisher movie we're ever going to get.
I hope they branch out into other genres after this. The premise is too good to use just on horror and action.
> It's an all Republicans are rich, self entitled, not even 2 dimensional assholes who pit the poor against each other episode
Yeah go shill your more than heavy handed bullshit film elsewhere faggot, the first one sucked but at least it knew what it was. now these retarded "Film makers" think their films are making a political point / statement even though it's been done better in literally dozens of films, even They Live was more subtle than this shit.
No, the best Punisher movie is Eps 1-4 of Netflix Daredevil, S2