Just saw Perfect blue. Like Mulholland Drive, but good.
Just saw Perfect blue. Like Mulholland Drive, but good
Other urls found in this thread:
>like the best film ever realized, but good
>mulholland drive is the best film ever
It's a well done surreal, which is rare, but it's not a hard genre to be dominant in.
why are weebs so disgusting? fuck off back to Sup Forums subhumans
Get off Sup Forums newfriend
this is an anime website
have you seen Perfect Blue?
>on an anime board
Just saw Mulholland drive. Like Perfect Blue, but good.
>some 14 year old kid hears about the ebin raids and memes on Sup Forums
>comes here expecting filthy frank tier shit
>doesn't understand that this is an anime website
>gets mad when people post about anime
>this is a lie
>Christopher 'moot' Poole creates this in 2003 after ripping off some Jap cunt's idea for an imageboard website
>Sup Forums grows
>suddenly, there are boards for things other than anime!
>"Righto chaps, let's make a board specifically for anime, so people who enjoy anime can talk specifically about anime."
>anime watchers are pleased with this
>but wait
>they want the cake AND the pie
>the fucking flaming flamboyant pillow-biting faggots infest OTHER boards
>anime shit, anime shit, everywhere
>people are upset with them
>"buh-buh-buh-but this is muh anime board"
>mfw you should just fucking kill yourself
I cant remember anything about Perfect Blue other then the rape.
No, this is an anime website. Fuck off underage normalfag
>mfw you're in the wrong neighbourhood
>your newfag is showing
Welcome to Sup Forums :)
Was getting caught part of your plan?
Yessss, which is why cars over at /o/ are driven by 2-dimensional, Japanese cartoon characters.
I repeat: kill yourself.
>can't talk about japanese animated films on Sup Forums because Sup Forums is the worst board
>can't talk about japanese animated films on Sup Forums because "go back to Sup Forums"
Have you ever even been to /o/? it's basically just Sup Forums for cars
It's Black Swan but good. Aronofsky had bought the rights to Perfect Blue years prior so he just ripped it off completely.
I like some anime
I like some movie
I like some tv
Don't ever like Sup Forums
Hurry up with the task of killing yourself.
Just fuck off. Maybe if people like you would stop getting so buttblasted when you see anime pics, things would be easier for you. Just keep on posting and stop wasting your time to complain about the medium the site originally existed for.
How fucking pleb is Sup Forums that they cannot appreciate Satoshi Kon? Sup Forums I can understand being this pleb but Kon ist Kino.
Sup Forums in general has become a normalfag infested shithole for underage faggots to post ebin memes
An alarmingly-high percentage of those who watch anime, have been deprived of the knowledge necessary to interact successfully with other human beings. Anime is nothing more than cartoons with featureless expressions, expressions that the audience often mimic and attempt to pass off as "socializing". More often than not, this is met with derision and scorn, as it should be.
Those who watch anime have not matured. They are stuck in eternal limbo between childhood and pubescence, completely unable to respond appropriately to others in the outside world. I suppose as long as they're contributing to society in some manner, shape or form by coding from home instead of polluting outside with their awkward ugliness, then I have no major issue with them.
>tl;dr: watch all the anime you want, manchild, but don't bring your stink anywhere near me
I'm seeing a lot of people today (I mean more than usual) who have fundamental misconceptions about the nature of Sup Forums and seem to believe this place works like Reddit.
>suddenly, there are boards for things other than anime!
>"Righto chaps, let's make a board specifically for anime, so people who enjoy anime can talk specifically about anime."
Sup Forums was one of the earliest boards, and Sup Forums was created for Sup Forums type of shit in the first place.
>the fucking flaming flamboyant pillow-biting faggots infest OTHER boards
You say that like you people had always been here. You weren't.
>anime shit, anime shit, everywhere
Yeah imagine that. Anime shit on an anime site. What will they think of next?
And then there's the fact that people can't seem to grasp the concept of topics that span more than one board. Perfect Blue is Sup Forums but it's also Sup Forums. Satoshi Kon was also a pretty significant filmmaker and has influenced at least Nolan and Aronofsky.
>posting on a chinese anime message board
>thinks he's an adult
Ironically it's actually the people who are feverishly opposed to anime who are lacking in maturity, intelligence and education.
>tl;dr: watch all the anime you want, manchild, but don't bring your stink anywhere near me
Then get off this fucking anime website you thickheaded cunt.
Fucks sake you people are retarded, couldn't find your way out of an open box.
fucking this
Also Perfect Blue is top 5 animated movies ever
No, it's not. It isn't even top 2 SK
I swear these passionately anti-anime posters are like robbers breaking into your house and then getting mad because you won't get the stuff out of your house that they don't like.
i actually got a heavier feeling of perfect blue from inland empire, especially in the final half an hour or so after the movie shoot is finished
>calling other people manchildren in the middle of your "I HATE ANIME" tantrum posted on a chinese cartoon image board
Dont even like anime that much but youd have to be autistic to seriously mind someone posting about it. And Perfect Blue is fucking great.
>all these fedora-wearing, enormously-buttblasted weeb faggots with their panties in a bunch because they know they've been called out and should fuck off back to Sup Forums with their googly-eyed shit
You can talk about any anime on Sup Forums as long as you don't act like a newfag. Most people who have a bad experience with Sup Forums do it to themselves, they make threads that are the equivalent of walking into Harlem and shouting NIGGER at the top of their lungs.
Just fuck off you retard.
If you don't like anime, don't come to a predominantly anime website.
>meme image with text that is pretty much nothing but buzzwords strung together
Holy hell are you ever butthurt. Take a look at yourself my man and how upset you are being over other people liking what you don't like. How you think you're the mature one in this situation is baffling.
This, you can have reasonable disussion if you act smart. The reason most people hate Sup Forums is because they act like newfags there, and end up receiving the side of Sup Forums that exists to scare off newfags.
Why do all these wannabe Sup Forums posters have 2016 fn numbers?
fuck off back to Sup Forums boys
Have you even watched the film in the OP?
Fuck off.
That's a really funny way of saying, "whoa, look at all these different boards for different, things, why there's even one dedicated to 'alternative sports'!"
Kill yourself. But not before taking your fucking weeb shit out of the board for things that people watch on a television OTHER than your fucking stupid-faced cartoons.
anime fans have are a strong contender for most cancerous people on the face of the earth
Maybe it's because I just got a new laptop and my old one died before I could recover my folders. I don't keep reaction images in a separate drive.
>so butthurt you won't even respond to people directly anymore
Did you know that on regular forums people will also discuss anime on subforums dedicated to movies and TV? /r/movies also sometimes talks about anime. The Internet sure is a scary place.
Because we're talking about anime on an anime site? No, I think it's you who's being cancerous here.
Anime is Japanese television you handicap.
There's literally nothing wrong with having threads about it on Sup Forums.
If you don't like it, Reddit is this way.
>don't talk about Satoshi Kon on a television and film board because seeing animation triggers me
No Jon, you are the plebs
Look at the banners. Look at the advertisement. Look at the site mascot. Look at the fucking site name. Now fuck off and never come back here again.
Not all of us browse reddit, aaron
You're the only cancerous one here.
>Getting so autistic about people liking anime that you have to insult them even though they're doing nothing wrong.
>s-satoshi san is patrician!! uh see this uhh film is just like uhh a david lynch film and uhh this one is totally better than black swan!!
Holy shit you entry level fucking plebeian
>have to make up straw men because you've never seen anything by Satoshi Kon and have no idea who he has influenced
Sad desu
Have you even watched the movie?
I have this on my to watch list but I hate anime
If you think liking Satoshi Kon movies makes you a weeaboo, you should probably get your plebeian ass back to imdb
People are exceptionally retarded in this shithole, but there's a line. All these diatribes have to be bait
Maybe you should. It seems more like your kind of place.
Black Swan has a scene in it lifted directly from Perfect Blue.
Satoshi influenced basically all of Aronofky's filmography
First, fucking watch movies before you criticize them. If you hate it that much and you can't watch it, then you can't say anything about it because you know absolutely fucking nothing about it.
Second, don't come to a fucking anime website if you don't like anime.
>all these cancerous cinematically bankrupt children replying to me
Maybe when you've passed sixth grade and have 1/20th of the cinematic skill set I have i'll remotely listen to your plebeian mongoloid rambling
Getting lazy, huh, retard above?
Is that your best defense? Bella Thorne threads invoke conversation too don't they princess, shall we start up some? Think before you post lest you embarrass yourself even more.
It's an imageboard website with dozens of different boards for those with dozens of different interests, you foul-smelling, acne-scarred behemoth. Your "anime" can stick in the fucking containment board for it. On a side-note, why haven't you goddamn killed yourself yet?
Just fucking go, you reddit piece of shit
I'm not going to reply to your shit anymore because I've got some manga to read.
Yes, no problem with them either. Now go suck a knife, you fucking cancer. You and your ilk are the problem
Nice deflection.
How about actually arguing next time, fucking coward.
Why did moot make this board if Sup Forums was enough? There is no reason for this board to have been made in 2007 considering how slow the site was and that Sup Forums covers both television and film