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Davos edition.


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azor jorah

Nth for the Great Game

From the Hollywood Reporter:

Reporter asks:
>If Bran makes it back to Winterfell, he's the true-born son of Ned and Catelyn. Would he want the title of King in the North?

Isaac Replies:
>I don't think he would even be interested. I think he knows it's not for him. He's not a leader, as such. He's like an über maester, as it were. He has all of this all-knowing power, knowing everything about everything. I think he would be a fantastic hand or assistant to Jon, but I think the second he got there, he would say, "Look, whoever's the leader? It doesn't matter, as long as we can coordinate ourselves to sort ourselves out before this massive ice king comes to kill us and the dragons start messing us up."

GO CIA fuck off haters


The only good Tully, is a dead Tully.

Based Blackfish understood that, that's why he's based

Predict how CIA will perish



This is so fucking dumb, Jon doesn't seem to give a shit either.


Beheaded by Sansa in Winterfell when she "tears the head off the giant"

Friendly reminder!

Cersei is OUR QUEEN.

Preston is on suicide watch.

The hilt looks kind of phony, but honestly I would have preferred needle to look more like that.

First for based Worker-King Gendry.

He will take the crown, then break the crown.


I choose Jaime...

He invents the airplane and crashes it into Drogon, killing both of them.


28 weeks later kinda style.

Either sacrifice himself to save her, or sacrifice her to keep his dreams and vision alive if only with himself as a King with no Queen. And he'll choose the latte, which will turn out to be the choice that gets him killed

He won't be King in the Rock until he kills Cersei, but yeah I agree. Team Qyburn-Euron-Jaime even though Jaime might be the one to defeat Euron and Qyburn.



is Salsa a kike?

>Gendry comes back
>Joe Dempsie doesn't because he knows exactly what he's back for

Bran squeals on how he betrayed Ned. Jon beheads him.

Jon doesn't give a shit about being king because he's not an egotistic greedy piece of shit. He cares about saving the realm and knows what's actually important. Squabbles over thrones are for narcissistic idiots.

Season 7 speculation

Season 7 how it'll probably go
(Time skip of about a month, month and a half)

Melly, will meet with Arya once more and they'll run into the BWOB which will force Melly north for her cause with Beric, Hound and co they'll head north and this is pretty much where their arc ends till next season. Melly will promise arya that her family is fine in winterfell and that her brother Jon is king. We'll see a heartfelt reunion between The hound and Arya even of they dont really exptess their feelings.

Cersei will rule as queen with Jamie as her protector (serving as her queensguard) with winter here the smallfolk are starving and dying and rumors of Cersei's involvement in the destruction of the sept persist even when she tries to quell them. Cersei believes everything to be fine even with the death of Tommen. Jamie is devastated not just by the death of tommen but especially when Cersie reveals that she destroyed the sept killing Kevin, Marg, Sparrow he starts to grow distant from cersei especially as she becomes more power hungry



not all season 7, and I avoided bran/arya/cia/varys because i dont know what is planned for them

Sam meets Marwyn the Mage and studies relentlessly offscreen

The Hound, Beric, Thoros, Brienne, Melisandre, and Arya end up in the same location at the same time. Shenanigans ensue

The Vale knights are stranded by the snow, so they join Jon

The big battle next season is naval, Dany vs Euron in/near Oldtown

Viserion is grounded by a ballista then surrounded and killed in the streets

Euron boards Yara's ship and kills her, Theon witnesses but escapes

Dany's fleet is crushed and in disarray, she escapes on Drogon while her army retreats

Oldtown is pretty much a ruin, but Euron thinks he's made a work of art and stays there. Sam escapes, but he has the knowledge he came for

Dany begins to doubt herself and sulks around for a while

Jorah travels to Asshai and finds Quaithe, he gets a volcano arm

Qyburn hears what happened and leaves Cersei, he arrives in Oldtown and Euron lets him be archmaester. Qyburn torments the maesters who had him expelled

Riots in King's Landing intensify, Cersei orders her soldiers to kill all of the rebels

Jaime blows up the Red Keep and Cersei with wildfire, King's Landing is abandoned

Jaime puts Edmure back on the seat of Riverrun and rides for Casterly Rock, proclaiming himself King in the Rock

Jon begins his war against the white walkers, Dany has joined him and things don't go very well. Rhaegal is killed

Sam reunites with Jon and gives him important information. Either a method of forging Valyrian steel, another sort of weapon, or evidence of a historical treaty between the Others and Men that was buried by the maesters. The white walkers are either killed or make peace. Jon is revered as a demigod

Jaime becomes a competent battle commander and defeats Euron. Maybe Theon is the one to kill Euron. Theon rules the Iron Islands

Jaime marries Brienne

There's only one king I mean to bend my knee to. The Others can bugger the rest for all I care.

Dany lands in Dorne, she gives an “amazing” speach on how westeros is her birthright and she shall claim it trough fire and blood etc etc etc while the dornishmen, dothraki cheer. Ollena will be cautious of Dany. Moving her way north the Dothraki slaughter opposing forces moving north raping killing children it'll be remencisent of season 1 (dany will probably try to protect some but realize this is their nature and what she has done similar to season one when she protected those woman and the witch) The dothraki kill mostly farm hands and small folk defending they're lands. And a few small lords here and there.
Dany expects cheers and parades in her honor, but instead she'll only get murder, devil and evil screamed at her. It'll be remencisent to the myhsa scene but she's not a savior but a destroyer.
She'll talk to her hand about this predicament Tyrion will say it's just how war is etc etc.
Dany will get a new intermediary for the dothraki or she'll use miss andy to try to tell them pillaging is wrong and so save the slaughter for the men in iron dresses.
But this is when winter really kicks in and some dothraki will grow sick from both hypothermia and westerosi illnesses only 1/3 of them shall die

Edd for god

It'd be kinda cool to see Bronn fight Euron, but I don't even know if show Euron could take Bronn.

Please don't post all your pastebin shit here.

I didn't gave a shit about Shireen but when he confronted Melisandre made me feel really bad for him in a Disney death kinda way. Great acting by Cunningham.

where are my shekels you gentile?

i will shut you and the starks down.

pay up now

>J-Jon Snow? King in the North! NO! I'M IN CHARGE HERE!!

Qyburns little birds tell Cersie of a coup orchestrated by little splinter cells amongst the small folk. He believes that in order for Cersie to keep the peace she must rule trough fear and the rebels must be killed and quelled to prevent further insurrection. Jamie advises against it believing their os no concrete evidence to suggest it. Cersie kills the peasents anyways.

Sam continues studying to become a measter well at least keeps the facade in reality he is constantly searching for myths of the white walkers and how Valyrian steel, and dragon glass is connected to them. He checks on Gilly and little sam occasionally. Eventually finds something at the citidel about mass producing Valryan steel and white walkers. He realizes he must report back to Jon and that he can't complete his measter training

Jon rallys northern troops amassing about 10,000 men from northern houses. More wildling arrive making it about 3,000 wildlings in total giving Jon 13,000. He still doesn't find this suitable and in a plea of desperation writes a letter to northern lords begging for soldier for the coming winter to fight the WW threat he signs it king in the north.

Bran heads to the wall and unknowingly breaks the seals that hold the wall together and protects the relm of men from the others. Bran meets Edd who tells Bran his brother has taken winterfell and has been declared king in the north. Bran explains to Edd his part to play to stop the WW. Edd gives Bran and Meera horses to they can get to Winterfell. We finally see the WW and the Nights King again who can sense that Bran has finally crossed the wall and he and his large army finally march south.

>Melly is going south
>BWB hideout is on her way, they're loyal to her and the lord of light
>Hound is there
>Melly needs a bodyguard
>They both go to KL
>Hound is still pissed, learns what happened to the Mountain
>Fucking confirmed

>sacrifices her, against everything he feels in the barely remaining 'no bullshit' part of his brain that is left

>loses composure for a moment weeping over her corpse "I'm sorry I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry" then goes cold again with his usual determination and ambition

>turns out Sansa had the key to the room with all the candy


You could say Arya goes up and meets them and kills Meli for sending Gendry away too

There's no reason for Arya to not just appear in Winter now.

How fucked is Cersei?

The Riverlands is an important part to play also the BWOB will reach the twins and with the death of walder and his sons there seems to be an inheritance issue. The brotherhood slaughters them. And they free Edmure Tully telling him to rally loyal riverland soldiers and send them north to help fight the great war edmure agrees but is only willing to send half his army for he must protect the riverlands. He writes a letter declaring the death of the Freys and the freeing of riverun from their control bannerman come the Freys no longer in power the riverlands he bolsters about 10,000-18,0000 men half of which go to the brotherhood an their cause

Southern lords finally get Jons letter. Cersie seems upset telling Jamie that this king in the north will die just as his brother had and there can only be one ruler in westeros. Dany seems confused and so does Tyrion by the request, Dany says that he will bow the knee to her and her dragons because there will be only a queen ruling westeros. Tyrion tells her thag Jon is an honest man and it reminds him of what Jeor Mormont said in season one.

Lancel could have easily snuffed out those candles. He just stared at them for like 5 seconds.

Which episode is this? I need a good fap desu senpai

The night king is going to siege winterfell while jon is rallying people down south.
He's going to challenge the Night King to a 1v1 to give time to Sandra to escape. NK will obviosly defeat him effortlesly, but before the final blow, he'll reveal that he has Winterfell rigged up with valyrian fire, blowing most of the white walkers along with him.

Season 7 speculation
>men die
>women rule
>emmy nods

>Qyburn torments the maesters who had him expelled
No, at least not intentionally. Qyburn is NOT evil. He's curious and solitary. He would make friends with the maesters if they would accept him.

refuses to tell Jamie who is prepared to protect the city. Cersie seems unfazed by Danys presence which botherd Jamie a bit. Back on Danys side Tyrion advises she stay behind because of wildfire and hold her dragons too from burning down the city. The rest of the Dothraki and half of the reachmen enter the city the Dothraki slaughter and rape with no opposition which the reach men find strange they see very few guards or lannister men. They reach the Red keep and find it completely empty. Outside the city jamie holds about 2/3 of the lannister forces and plans on slaughtering Dany while her army was aways. Until he sees Cersie riding off with the other third of Lannister troops. He follows her and catches up to her. And this is when the city explodes. Tyrion and Dany surprised. Ollena grief stricken. Cersie laughs as she hopes Tyrion and his dragon whore died in the flames. Jamie says the innocents and the men guarding the city. She says fuck them and tells him to piss of to casterly rock with her. And jamie kills her.

Ollena decides to pull out her troops. Dany complains saying that she promised her and army. Ollena say no the only reason she was here was because varys promised her revenge "Look at where revenge has got me, it wont bring my family back" she says stating that she lost half her men on that seige, it's winter her men are tired, cold, and want to see their families. Dany threatens to kill ollena with Drogon. Ollena is unfazed and doesn't flinch she's already lost everything and she says "even if you kill me my men wont follow you" Tyrion advises dany to let ollena go and the reach men leave.


how come they had to show varys' no dick having ass in the last shot? would have worked fine to just show him saying his line in dorne and then we see him back with the whole fleet next season

it was such a small thing that could have been easily avoided

Was this one of your favorite scenes of the whole episode? I think Liam Cunningham does a great job of conveying sadness and anger in this scene.


friendly reminder that dany will spend all of next season on a ship

I the only one OUTRAGED that My Lady had her birthright stolen from her? By what right is Jon Snow King in the North? My lady is thr trueborn daughter of Lord Eddard Stark and Lady Cateyln Stark, born in Winterfell. Even on the battlefield, his idiocy almost cost the day, until Sansa saved the North.Why is she not QUEENINDANORTH or at the very least,Lady of Winterfell

>she was completely wrong

classic fucking sansa

The vale Knights are trapped in the north due to winter LF wants to escape and head back to the vale. The Vale knights will not abandon Jon or Sansa for they believe in them more than they do LF. LF will reveal some plan for power since he believes he can confide in salsa. She however will manipulate Robin into killing LF. Taking the Vale knights for the north.

Euron sacks Oldtown believing that it holds key information hidden away for him to fulfil his master plan. He steals "the dragon binder" and something else of importance this forces Sam and Gilly to escape and flee north.

Dany walks through the ruins of Kingslanding a la the vision had in season 2 along with Tyrion and they discuss the future and whether danys invasion was just since it brings a heavy emotional load upon her Tyrion advises she set her eyes somewhere different and points her toward the north.

Melly is back with the BWOB and she is having second thoughts about heading north again but believes she is nessacry in keeping Jon alive.

Bran amd meera finally make it to winterfell and we have Stark reunion 2.0. Jon says that Bran should be the rightful king in the north but he refuses. But he reveals important information he's learned about the others and Bran tells Jon the truth about his percentage and why Ned his it from him and that in reality he isn't they heir to winterfell, he isn't even a stark bastard. Jon with this information heads to the crypts consoles with the statue after learning the truth

Qyburn would take over the Citadel and revoke the old laws, ushering in a new golden age of science and progress.

Will Jon go south to the riverlands?

Danny could literally sail into King's Landing right now and take the city with the state it's in at the moment. I don't know how they are going to drag out a war with the Lannister crown for very long

Feels good to see Sansa cucked out of her birthright by retarded northerners.

protecting sansa or saving sansa even though she doesn't love him. he'll die a cuck's death. but she'll still tell him that she loves him as he lies dying, to give him peace. some lies are kindly meant.

keep ignoring me d&d, youre only fueling my faggotry

Jon literally told her she was the Lady of Winterfell

She has to face Euron first and that will take up enough time for Jaime to blow up the Red Keep before Dany gets there.

i agree but then I also hate jon so..... internal conflict


But it's not her right to rule, not when Bran is still alive.

>already has the most powerful army in westeros at her disposal

she doesn't need to land to win

Would the Nights Watch have elected a new Lord Commander?

Cause Salsa would be a horrible, horrible Queen for the wars to come.

>I DON'T KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT BATTLE, WHY ARE YOU ASKING ME? Just don't do what Night King wants you to do
>I DON'T KNOW HOW TO KEEP A HOUSE, WHY ARE YOU ASKING ME? Just do what you think you should do
>I DON'T KNOW POLITICS, WHY ARE YOU ASKING ME? Just do what you guys think you should do

>it's a Sansa get anal from her dad episode

It's fun speculation triggers discussion shitposting is fun and all but sometimes its good to have something different you don't even have to read it.
At the same time the NK finally arrives at the wall and similiar to the cave of the three eyed raven he breaks the barrior dramtically destroying the magical sheilds and sending a massive shockwave towards Winterfell.

Bran uses his greenseeing abilities to check up on the Nights king only to see that the Night's king and his troops slaughtered the Knights watch. The King sees Bran once again. This time he speaks and he says "Winter is coming, Brandon Stark" just so kinda imply the NK is a Stark. The wall falls, revealing a massive army of wights over 200,000 strong, along with wight giants stretching as far as the eye can see in every direction.

Jon finds something that would solidify his claim as Son of Rhaegar a love letter written to Lyanna before his battle on the trident. Saying how he loves her, he married her against the rules etc etc her child is a legitimate targ, etc, etc, he hopes to see her again and play his harp(which might be their also) for her and her favorite song “A song of ice and fire” by George rr Martin

Yara believes it is time to take back the iron islands back with Theon and take the rest of danys fleet to the irong islands while the other half went to kingslanding(maybe) but they are confident they had her dragons and will burn them into surrencer. The dragons lay waste to about 100 of Eurons fleet. Until he blows the horn dragon binder. The dragon run on danys fleet and burn its the wreckage sinks to the bottom of the ocean yara dies, theon escapes (Final scene of the season)

He isn't though. As far as everyone know, he was murdered by Theon Greyjoy. The only one who could prove otherwise was Rickon, and he's dead.

>mfw dany vs euron sea warfare in season 7

Nah Jon passed it onto Edd

Were in here

really makes you think

>Bran uses his greenseeing abilities to check up on the Nights king only to see that the Night's king and his troops slaughtered the Knights watch. The King sees Bran once again. This time he speaks and he says "Winter is coming, Brandon Stark" just so kinda imply the NK is a Stark. The wall falls, revealing a massive army of wights over 200,000 strong, along with wight giants stretching as far as the eye can see in every direction.

i wish but dabid already confirmed talking white walkers is a no-go

Pretty cool. The only thing i'd do different is Cercei succeeds in blowing up some more shit and jaime chokes her to death with his golden hand.

>tfw Dany is finally defeated
I don't even care that she survives and wins in the ends, it's gonna be so fucking satisfying to see her face when a dragon gets ballista'd

>salsa u shuld be lady of winterfell
>nah i don't wanna
what did they mean by this?

Showing the Mad King for one second was better than eight episodes of this whole season. They should've shown more flashbacks instead of Tyrion asking the most boring people in Essos to make jokes



Is the Vale part of Jon's Kingdom in the North like the Riverland's was part of Rob's? If thats the case Sansa can still be Lady of Winterfell, if there are still autonomous Wardens/Lord Paramounts.

He seems to dislike religion. If I ever saw an evil trend in him, though, it's that he doesn't fight for the sanctity of life. He'll create monsters to kill (The Mountain), set traps for people to die (Pycelle and Sept of Balor), and gets excited by watching people in pain (Jaime's arm wound). Guys like him are why there are ethic's committee's these days.

can you at least try paying attention

in the show, sam told jon that he helped bran pass the wall

theon also told sansa he never murdered bran and rickon because they escaped before he had the chance

Too bad he's becoming a tree. You can thank the only high fantasy plotline in this show for that.

I had all my bets in on Rickon conveniently inheriting but good golly guess who got shot. Jon is the only thing keeping a Tully fucking shit from ruling the North.

considering there is no other named nightswatchman there would be no point to hold another vote

The more I think about it the angrier I get. That castle is Salsa's right by all the laws of gods and men. And that motherless bastard took it from her. Ned never would have allowed it. He is rolling in his grave.

to be fair sansa is motherless too

There's only one king I'll bend my knee to...


the rest of those prophecies were resolved in ASoS, why do you think grrm is dragging only one of them out? stop being so autistic. the prophecy was talking about the snow castle scene, it's hugely important to sansa's arc. the first time littlefinger expresses romantic interest in her and it leads directly to lysa's death and her and LF's subsequent partnership. it's not that deep. not every prophecy has to end in ~le epic death~.. and that prophecy DID end in a big death. lysa's. just stop.

>early as fuck

Fuck off


>"you wont become me. you wont become an old man in a tree."


not sure i like those reds
maybe a lannister gold?

Turn on your family, turn on your birthright.
I hope she never gets Winterfell.