
what do women want ?


To be loved by a real man who is truthworthy and genuinely lovable and a man who will also hopefully fuck them quite very hard so that they may chew bubblegum and kick ass and see the stars of another dimenion.

a twelve inch dick that ejaculates chocolate and money



This. And have a stable job.

You fucking soul and money

And be a friend to them, remember?

Not a pitiful fuck with major adhd

Some neckbeards on Reddit ask this question constantly. Don't bring their women worshiping cancer here.

a manly man

5 minutes of disappointing attempts at sex followed by the offer of a back rub, a mug of hot chocolate and an early night

For you to be an utter asshole, except to them as they have 'tamed you through the power of their love.'

Money and power are usually needed subsets of above.


we want sleep and food and affection


security and money

someone to solve their problems and fuck them hard

It's really quite simple. All women want is a good-looking put together man who treats them well and never stops trying to grow his life or personality. They want someone that will do something with their life constantly take them on adventures and buy them shit.


This guy understands

Supreme gentlemen

chocolate money penis

chocolate flavored dicks which ejaculate money

My dad once told me a saying he had for women. "Women look for the thickness of three things when picking a man. The thickness of his junk, hair, and wallet." Wise words papa, wise words indeed.