Any airsofters around here?

any airsofters around here?

No, 91w here, fought in Iraq.

Thanks for taking an interest.

you dirty baby killer

Your filename should be manchild.jpg

before any of you faggots get salty, i did my military duty in my country while doing airsoft on the side

its cute to see you revert back to autism once the military duty was over

I like the airsoft-tier optic and mount on that SIG 550

and you, what have you done? sitting on your fatass being a keyboard warrior i guess

it's actually the opposite

benching 250 and fucking a different babe every week

i can smell the cheetos in your neckbeard

I can smell your insecurities all to way from norway


says the guy who posted how much he lifts

No, no. Airsoft is definitely not fucking /k/. Don't point them to us. They're toys. Not weapons.

bunch of faggots pretending to be military.

Go fuck yourself with a rake, how does that sound to you?

says the guy who gets buttflustered whenever someone heckles his hobby

This isn't /lgbt/. You're on the wrong board


Is it smart to dress as a terrorist with an airsoft AK if I'm going to an official airsoft place nearby?

I know the regulars of airsoft are wannabe marine faggots, it would bring me joy to upset them and shoot them in the name of Allah

Honest question, what's the point of airsoft stuff? Why does it even exist?

Kinda glad whatever numbskull drew that has never seen a real gun.

You might as well bring a real AK

that's like asking why people are enjoying playing FPS, except you're doing it in real life here, it's much more immersive and fun

Real guns and reservist training are much more fun.

cheating faggots. go play paintball

second this

That's all I wanted to know. It's like running around pretending to shoot people with real-looking guns. Thanks. I seriously had no idea what people did with these things. I live in Texas and we just go buy real guns and shoot targets either static or on "tactical" courses.

i do that too, but with airsoft gun the targets "shoot" back it's more interesting and challenging in a way

You must be looking for this board:


"did military duty in my country"
>air force civil engineer detected

no i'm an aufklarer in the swiss army

Airsoft is like that thing that used to be neat and fun until a bunch of aspy grown men got really serious about it going all out in full military gear and shit. It's fucking toy guns for Christ's sake. It's funny if you use one to shoot your friends in the nuts when they least expect it but taking it any more seriously than that is pretty lame.

still better than sit in your mothers basement being a fat virgin sissy fuck

I play, spent a decent bit of money and am 25, dont act like a hardass and just play to have fun, great stress relief. Also dont put real patches all over my stuff like some of the tools out there

You got fucked bud, shut up.

finally someone that gets it

Just getting into it.
Seems fun enough and the comunity isnt full of assholes


You must be tiny, bitch

Airsoft is the closest u can legally get to fucking KILLING. it kicks ass

I know this doesn't matter at all, but I do airsoft and I go to "Kalamazoo Airsoft." The facility is run down and fucking piss poor. Literally watched it over 4 and a half years be run into the ground by a guy named "Chad." I hate him so much and it's located in the fucking ghetto and he has kids run the business and he gave keys TO THE KID REFS WHO ARE FUCKING NIGGERS. Guess what Chad? Those niggers and the methhead "Bode-eye" stole your shit and guessss what you fucking cuck! You told them to give it all back and still let them work there.
Broken glass and shattered lights every fucking where. A kid has had his pinky ripped off, ankles broken and concussions given due to the metal grates and ramps not being salted in the winter and low hanging abrupt-ions. BB's everywhere so you slip and sprain shit every time you go, high entry prices and fucking idiotic cheaters. Thank god they cracked down on the P* players, tired of having split skin and broken gear. I am a regular so I am pretty tight with everyone around there, so are my two other brothers. Spend quality time and money there.

Would rate like 7.3/10. Only downside is the entry, $15 for 4 hours of play in a hey-arnold looking ass part of town. Oh, also it's located in a run-down sweatshop warehouse that was used to make shopping carts.