All memeing and marketing aside, who is actually /hyped/ for this?

All memeing and marketing aside, who is actually /hyped/ for this?

>tfw Purge 1 and Purge 2 are actually my most favorite movies.
>Not as good as Rampage but still
>Purge 3 will be hopefully also enjoyable, maybe even better than Saw

The 1st one took me by surprise!!! The 2nd one is ... Meh .... (´-д-)-3. Then this 3rd one .... Let's keep the hope high up.

I wasn't really feeling Purge 1. Kids damned near killed the whole family. Is part 2 worth it?

the first one had that hot schoolgirl

ITT: alt-right losers and their pathetic fantasies

How long were they standing in front of the security camera like this, hoping the guy on the other end would see them and get creeped out.

>Purge 1 and Purge 2 are actually my most favorite movies.

i wish i would hear someone say this irl so i could laugh in their face

>Keep America Great
real subtle

3 and an half minute(s)

>Leftists literally attack people in the streets because of their feelings

Yeah, pretty sure you guys have lost the moral authority at this point.

It was alt-right young dudes going around killing homeless and niggers, sounds pretty alt-right to me. Don't you have that fag Milo to go worship or something?

>what if Bernie Sanders was a hot white woman and evil Trump supporters tried to kill xir?
I've almost considered watching it for Elizabeth Mitchell, but it seems kind of lame

wtf is alt-right?

No, I mean in reality. Going around attacking people for disagreeing with them is something that Leftists do. If the Right acted like this there wouldn't BE a Left anymore.

Making movies with ridiculous premises so that you can pretend that the ebil Rethuglicans are just waiting for an excuse to butcher you all is pathetic. When did liberals become so cringeworthy?

>all memeing aside
>he thinks fags will stop memeing episode

>another Purge shill thread

Toppest of the keks

This movie is made by liberals though

American agenda-pushing, my friend

>I see now, we've become The Purge: Election Year™

What did she mean by this?

>evil president's name is Donald

alt-right autist detected