Why do electronic albums age so horribly?

Why do electronic albums age so horribly?

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All albums are electronic.

Did you mean ambient techno or another actual genre specifically?


fucking asperger

>All albums are electronic.

No it doesn't say that.


couldn't find a less related picture user

That is the correction

hello tumblr

Takes electronic production to produce an album. Every one of them is electronic

Its not a genre you dumb cunts

i did not say it was a genre you dumb cunt but its pretty obvious that not every album is electronic

>albums didn't exist before computers became mainstream


I think the reason it seems that way is because new drum machines and synths are always coming out, certain sounds become over saturated for a certain period time, and when you hear those sounds it can make the music feel really dated. I feel like this is less and less of a problem the more we move away from analog gear and I also think if the album doesn't use the sound palette as some kind of gimmick you can get over it and enjoy it for what it is.

Yes they are. Electronic production is the definition of electronic music.

What'd they record them with, paper cups and string between the 2?

Magnetic tape you underage retard.

are phonograph cylinders electronically produced you mug

>tape music
>not electronic


wtf does cage have to do with tape music you dumbass

I agree about some of it being the gear (DX7 & Linndrum etc stand out on 80s records etc) but I think moving away from analog has actually made it worse.
A million tracks all using the amen/think breaks sound like shit now because of it, and wobwob brostep all sounds like the same 6 Massive patches because it is

are they albums? no fuckface! :D

Production gets old, it depends on The synths, percussion anda textures used, for example i think SAW 85-92 aged really bad, but SAW 2 sounds almost timeless.


still a banger what are you saying

>tfw this record is over 20 years old

>Why do electronic albums age so horribly?
If you consider this album the pinnacle of electronic music, I understand why you'd have that opinion.

Especially musique concrete, hip hop and synthpop

Electronic musicians take whatever subgenre is trendy, beat it to the ground and exaggerate it until it's a parody of itself, and then move on to the next trend. So most electronic tracks represent a very specific time and place.

I was actually thinking of trance, vaporwave and brostep.

>I was actually thinking of trance, vaporwave and brostep.
Highly innovative and influential genres, right? This thread is horrible.

Ambient too

they actually are though???? better than the garbage /bleep/ jerks off to

>All albums are electronic.
>Takes electronic production to produce an album. Every one of them is electronic
>Electronic production is the definition of electronic music.
>What'd they record them with, paper cups and string between the 2?
>tape music
>not electronic

Yeah, SAW has aged horribly but you can't tell me anything from 1996 on sounds bad. RDJA still holds up well and anything Autechre from 2001 on sounds great.

just listen to the remasters?

Not an argument.

All this post does is show how dumb you are.

>Not an argument.

that album aged well id say. die antwoord rapped over one of the instrumentals and most people who listen to die antwoord probably wouldnt have suspected its an instrumental from 1992.

People who unironically listen to rap don't have a say on production quality or anything else really.

>aged horribly
pleb criticism
sorry you can't appreciate goat retro aesthetic
youre missing out on the comfiest genre ever

This is autism.
A lot of electronic music exists due to trend hopping.
These two give your question a fair response.

Are there albums by other artists that capture the same moments? Like in the songs "Further" or "Glitch"?

how can a sound age? in which ways does time make it decay? SAW still sounds like it's from the future which makes your claim of it having "aged badly" even more bogus.

>ironically posting one of the best albums in the genre and one that aged fantastically

they intend that saw couldn't be released today.

I agree with stuff like breakcore or happy hardcore hasn't aged well, but they never were good in the first place

Which genre?

Oh you must mean techno since "electronic" is a production method, not a genre.

The bait shoppe

This album is still beast wtf are you on about

"Electronic" refers to the instruments you mongoloid, you are trying to be pedantic but you fail to understand simple context.

Do you post about string music (rock, reggae, funk, metal etc...) and brass music (jazz, ska etc...) all in one too?

what's the genre that you would group big beat, techno? same as you can group punk, metal and progressive rock into the rock genre?

Yes, music made without electronic devices is called acoustic music.

if it's produced entirely on a computer it can be considered electronic. Calling it or not calling a genre doesn't matter once you accept that it's a meaningful label.

Techno is techno.

Big beat is breaks.

Not sure the problem there?

Well I listened to a techno album earlier with piano in it too, guess that's no longer electronic music.

It was techno though, a standalone 35 year old vet expansive genre.

Definition of album
a : a book with blank pages used for making a collection (as of autographs, stamps, or photographs)
b : a cardboard container for a phonograph record : jacket
c : one or more recordings (as on tape or disc) produced as a single unit a 2-CD album
: a collection usually in book form of literary selections, musical compositions, or pictures : anthology

We should have lots of those threads, /acoustic/ generals and put Slayer, Bob Marley and Mingus altogether.

Yeah, it's techno with both electronic and acoustic instruments, what's your point? You are trying to be cheeky and le clever but you are just coming off as a complete idiot.
Please stop posting.

I know but you can say
punk is rock
metal is rock
ska is rock
techno is ____
house is _____
trance is______

But it's not electronic music anymore right, by your definition because of the piano. The techno album isn't electronic music. Confusing.

Techno is techno
House is house
Trance is trance

Each are 35 year old varied genres, the same as rock was by 1990. Unless rock wasn't a distinctive separate genre on 1990 either?

It uses both electronic and acoustic instruments so that means it falls under both umbrellas you idiot.
Stop posting already.

Okay. Just clarifying that techno isn't electronic music now.

It's bizarre really, may be life would be easier without silly electronic word and just call it what is, techno, pianos or not.

ok satan
but genres have subgenres
and you could argue that techno, house, trance and many others are subgenres of something

You could argue rock is a subgenre too.

How did you come to that fucking nonsensical conclusion?
Are you really this mad at OP for using the term "electronic" to refer to all music made with electronic instruments which is perfectly fine considering the context of the thread?

maybe yeah
western popular music and electronic music is a subgenre of that too
like death, black, doom, etc are subgenres of metal

I came to it by the discussion I was having where i was told if it includes non-electronic instruments it's no longer electronic music and since it was a techno album with piano, the techno album is no longer electronic music. That was his/your explanation.

why are you being so pedantic? you know exactly what we mean by 'electronic music'

And metal is a rock subgenre which is a strong music subgenre which is an acoustic music subgenre.

Much easier to say metal instead of acoustic though huh, but like saying techno instead of electronic, cuts to the point of discussion better don't you think.

techno is a style
electronic is the genre
so SAW is an electronic music album in the ambient techno style and it is really good and has aged like the finest wine

Yes, everything since 1940 using electronic instruments from musique concrete to hip hop, synthpop to Eurodance.

I'm not him, he's also an idiot like you.

"Electronic" isn't even a genre, it simply refers to how the music was made and there's no rule telling you how many electronic instruments a track needs to use to be considered electronic music.

Everyone in this thread is retarded except for me.

stop being difficult you dumb cunt

Techno is the genre.
Electronic is the means of production.

Metal is the genre.
Acoustic is the means of production.

I know it's not a genre, that's what I said.

If you want to talk about say, Slayer, would you ask about acoustic music? String music?

If the thread is about acoustic music in general (like the current thread is about all electronic music) then yeah sure why not.

why do you care so much

Never happens and do you really think that's a good way to discuss jazz, rock, reggae, funk, blues and gamelan, lumping all those different, unrelated genres altogether like that because it's acoustic?

You're right, I'll go post in the techno thread, no wait, the house one, no the breaks one, oh shit there aren't any because every genre that was made with instruments that have plugs are lumped into one.

Because the thread is about all music made with electronic instruments, it has nothing to do with specific genres.

Except hip hop of course, but then that's shit.

And it's awful.

>A million tracks all using the amen/think breaks sound like shit now because of it, and wobwob brostep all sounds like the same 6 Massive patches because it is
This is the major problem with this type of music, people simply buy the technology and don't do anything interesting with it.

That doesn't matter, your retardation is just as awful, you sound like some otherkin tumblrette.

It does matter though, it shows exactly how retarded it is.

Not for your retarded reasons.

I think it's pretty clear that OP is talking about not just what he might perceive to be an "electronic genre" but all music made with electronic instruments in general, there's no mention of beats per minute or styles or anything, just "electronic" which is a valid umbrella term.

Here you go

That's a LOT of very different music.

So? That's not relevant at all and your damage control is pathetic.

That will 404 without actual music discussion because no one knows anything about breaks, just "electronic music" (read the 25 albums from the essentials)

A lot of music had some electronic element to it, doesn't mean it's the genre electronic
See: hip hop, industrial, metal, minimalism, etc.

Except it is relevant.

How would the board go if all acoustic music from Bach to Fugazi, Bob Marley to Kate Bush was in ONE thread only?

That's like saying videogames shouldn't be differentiated from real-life games with a simple umbrella term because there are thousands of game genres, it makes no sense.

It's like saying breaks and ambient ("electronic") are as different as reggae and metal ("acoustic"). Which they are obviously.

Sure they are, but they are still both electronic music.

And reggae and metal are both acoustic music but you don't see threads about the together (along with all other acoustic genres) so why would you do it with 80 years of electronically produced music?

This is a fair point. I only say I like "rock" if talking to someone whose musical knowledge is impossible to gauge. Or an old person.