If you haven't seen this movie, torrent it right now and watch it.
If you haven't seen this movie, torrent it right now and watch it
Cause it's good.
Agreed, also Michael Shannon looked good in this movie. I just have to get it off my chest.
I refuse to believe you actually enjoyed yourself watching this, you are posturing or fooling yourself. Sure it was well-shot and acted but it is a story of no consequence. You would rewatch this OP?
Or if you can find it just download Starman... Same fucking film
Eh... it's nothing special.
why does michael shannon look like such a slackjawed mongoloid in every movie. close your mouth faggot
It's shit, even fucking Knowing was better
Cagekino is better than most things.
It was great. I really dug it.
didn't see that coming
>Hey guys I really loved this movie! Please kill the part of the industry that makes movies like this by torrenting it! It also sends the message to those pesky studios that movies like this don't sell, which is a good thing, obviously we don't want more of this shit, no siree Bob! Tell all your friends to torrent it too so they too can save their money up and instead go and watch the latest MCU movie in theaters!
Stay classy.
it was garbage and the build up was horrible
michael shannon didn't deserve to be in this shit flick
It was meh
and Fire in the Sky and Close Encounters of the Third Kind
The film built up to nothing.It started out interesting and mysterious but it didnt really get anywhere.Pretty mediocre desu.Musics and cinematography were decent though
really unsatisfying ending
thought it was the weakest of his films even if it was shot beautifully
>The film built up to nothing.
>really unsatisfying ending
What did they mean by this?
Seriously, what do you mean?
Or, you know, just rent it.
I agree. Knowing is better.
Ending ruined Midnight Special. This is the first lackluster Nichols film.
It's not 4 out of 5 stars, it's a 3 at best. Still well-done for what must've been a shoe-string budget. An episode of NCIS probably costs more.