Trying to kill my father. The easiest way would be to use nitrogen from a supplier. Not that balloon time shit...

Trying to kill my father. The easiest way would be to use nitrogen from a supplier. Not that balloon time shit, I tried it a few years ago it's got oxygen in it.

Now, the worry is that if you induce low oxygen you can have symptoms like, vomiting and so forth. It's possible a sleeping person may wake up and leave the room, or make a paramedic question how they died. Although nothing is perfect.

Dad is a heavy drinker and smoker.

Let's discuss Sup Forums

Does he take any medication?
Also, what's your motivation for this?

Kys instead m8

Put antifreeze on all the stuff he drinks. That will kill him for sure.



It's either I have nowhere to live or my 62 year old dad does.
Abusive, No need to go into details, not like anyone on Sup Forums doesn't lie anyway.


Not really up for that at the moment but if it fails, sure.


Well OP. Gotta do it, thems the rules.

Pillow to face while he's sleeping. Looks like heart attack. He's 62, so it's natural causes.

Old but gold

Antifreeze will kill you and it also taste sweet.


Quads don't lie nigga.


Again does he take any medication?
If so, do some research. You might be able to come up with something.. Maybe mix a few pills in with his drink so he ODs?

Quads here. Real talk, killing yourself or your old man won't solve anything.

Antifreeze is also detectable and not drank normally. If they do any sort of poking around to find out how he died they'll find it and OP will spend a good chunk of time in prison.

You said he's an alcoholic? if you played your cards right the only thing that hasn't been said here would be a staged suicide

>implying this is real though

you're probably actually your real dad living in a basement asking for fake murdering advice on a board dedicated to anime porn and furries so I mean do what you will

>pic unrelated

Get a job and move out. Easier than murder.

double murder suicide with a knife

This, spike his drunk with his prescribed medications and it will look like he just got drunk and didn't know what he was doing when he took his meds.

Weed can cause overdoses give weed pretending it is just broccoli


Dude, the man made you. Doesnt matter if hes a total cunt, at least respect that he made choices that led to your existance. Just pack your bags and leave.

Does he want to kick you out because you don't work or do anything