Atheists could simply kill ten thousand infants for no reason and they shouldnt feel bad about it because you cease to...

Atheists could simply kill ten thousand infants for no reason and they shouldnt feel bad about it because you cease to exist after death and you will not be punished?

No wonder atheism is Satan's masterplan and you degenerates are falling for it.

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>nice mayme
Praise Jupiter


Morality doesn't come from religion. But you know that, and this is a pathetic troll thread. Grow up.

>Falling for the bait

>Atheists could simply kill ten thousand infants for no reason
Alright boys lets do this. *unzips kitanna*

actually, "morality" means "fitting in". it comes from the word "more" which means "the way things are". fitting in to religious dictates is "morality". proper driving is "morality". you can try to redefine it in some colloquial way or something stupid like saying that "gender" doesn't contain the root "gen" and can mean something OTHER than "genitalia" but give up unless you want to confuse retards slightly dumber than yourself.

You post this every fucking day four to seven times...
So why did it take me this long to realise that we're talking about that part of the bible where YHWH offs a dude for spurting outside a vagina?

I must be the slowest fucker on Sup Forums...

Posts like this are why I'll never be religious, because some people say shit like this and mean it.

who is yhwhy

is that shorthand for Yahweh or Jehovah

>Atheists could simply kill ten thousand infants for no reason
kek. Fuckwit can't tell the difference between an athiest and a sociopath. Try to remember the phrase "falling for it" the next time the offering plate is passed around.

Nah man, it's the correct spelling of 'Yehweh'.
Supposedly if you can pronounce YHWH, your head will explode. That's why you don't use the name in vanity.


terrible quality

why can't OP stop posting this thread?



i could cake someone and feel no remorse

principles concerning the distinction between right and wrong or good and bad behavior.
synonyms: ethics, rights and wrongs, ethicality

It's good to know the roots of words, but those roots almost never contain the full information and context of the word. What I posted is the true definition of morality as decides by the English speaking world, and it is you who are ignoring it's real meaning, regardless of how it makes you feel inside.


Speaking as an athiest, op is correct. Babies are expendable and easily replaced. I feel like we should open more abortion clinics nationwide and have them double as free meal cafeterias for the homeless.

science and religion fighting over our belief, humanity's collective faith. realize you are not opposites but in fact one and the same, you desire the same exact thing, the faith of all humanity.

Your bait only serves to antagonize conflict because you profit from the resulting destruction.
This is just religious warefare to distract hipsters and have them argue over something meaningless.
If you fall for this you are automatically stupid so why discuss who is dumber.

Too much science alienates away morality, too much religion prevents scientific progress. Balance is the key.

That's why God gave us free will. To use it for knowledge advancement as well as maintenance of morality. If one astrays too far from the other, it'll either result in ignorance or immorality. The worst is both. That's why I really admire Christian scientists who did not take away their faith despite of their new found knowledge.

Unlike today's athiest edgelords "ohhh I've watched aliens in history channel, I've read lord richard dawkin's book. I am now an intellectual!" FFS.

Anyone can do anything whenever they want. Tons of murderers/serial killers are Christian. Belief in gods doesn't stop people from being assholes.

Yup I am an atheist and I have done that and I can confirm that I feel no remorse nor do I fear any retribution.

It's not a human until it comes out of the vagina, so yeah.