So I guess dying does wonders for your IMDb "STARmeter" rating....
So I guess dying does wonders for your IMDb "STARmeter" rating
Also Green Room got released on iTunes.
I didn't know I could care less about his death. Until now.
Sup Forums pls go
Yes. The same way that when David Bowie died Sup Forums was flooded with threads aboud him. People make other peoples deaths about themselves.
Wew lad
>he had no kids
>single child
imagine how his parents must feel
>I could care less
>could care less
Except Bowie was a fucking legend that everyone heard about while this guy is literally who
I bet all our parents are super proud though.
What he said is correct, faggot.
>le pol meme bogeyman XD
at this point you're no different than the pollacks screaming reddit raids. I hope this board gets nuked
it's couldn't care less
in his sentence, could is correct
>i didn't know i could care less
>i just found out i can care less, so i will
>I didn't know I couldn't care less
Yeah, you're a genius.
>I can't into inferred meaning so I make up meaning that fits my point of view
Literally end your life.
i'm sorry for the ruse, i just like getting (you)'s
a star is born
Pisces huh. He was probably a sweet guy then.
is this the scooby doo guy?
what point of view you uneducated pig. It's how he wrote it.
Are you by any chance a nigger? because i'm not a native speaker yet i understand your language better than you do.
>american education system
Better than Sephardic
i bet theyre super happy were not dead
When he was unpinned, he sure as hell dropped to the ground.
> yfw your realize this shitposter's actually a Sephard
there is still hope for Brendan...