Poorfag here. My food storage is empty and so is my bank account. I'll get my paycheck on thursday

Poorfag here. My food storage is empty and so is my bank account. I'll get my paycheck on thursday.

Literally a dollar is needed, I could go get some canned ravioli or something. Noodles, I dont care.

Can't ask my family, nor my friends since I have too much pride. Dont want to sell anything because i need the stuff and id rather go starving til thursday if thats the case. Was thinking about putting my shittiest clothes on and go beg on the street but I have too much pride and don't want to see someone I know.

Literally a dollar helps, I can go hungry til thursday its fine, just need something small to eat.

[email protected] is my paypal

Ill post some memes in return.







god fucking damnit



buy lentils you retard, why would you buy noodles

lentils are super cheap, super nutritious and will sustain you for EVER


shit. never had it before, thanks for the tip! stil have nothing to buy it for tho lol



anyone even here? :/

i sent you $1.30, its all i had on my paypal. get some food my dude

oh jesus christ man thanks! can i pay you back sometime later if i see your info on my paypal page? how does it work




no need. check if you got the money because its showing up as pending for me for some reason


You sir, are the nicest man on earth

didnt get it... does it usually take a while?

yeah for real lol

ARE YOU RETARDED? Go to a place where there are vending machines and look under the machines. Many times people drop their coins and are too prideful to bend over and go hunting for there lost monies.

I survived on the streets doing this.

my bad. i had to change the gmail address i provided to the primary, instead of my personal one. it should work now. just didnt want to post my personal gmail on here

there we go, it went through. hang in there man!

never thought of it before

thanks!!! i will pay it forward, if not back.







80 cents
Good luck user

thank you!!!!





Post more. I used to have the whole book.


i think thats it for now, got almost 2 dollars. no one else probably cares so im out.
