Why haven't you started collecting yet, Sup Forums?

Why haven't you started collecting yet, Sup Forums?

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is that VHS?

It's D-VHS. High definiton VHS.


WTF this is like Blu Ray quality... is this running off a tape like VHS

The idea of using it for archival intrigues me, but no serious person would collect D-Theater. It's just way too expensive, and there aren't any unique releases.

Dumb greggposter.

WTF how come I never knew this existed?

Why would anyone want this?

>and there aren't any unique releases.
unless the original theatrical star wars' were on here but I doubt


the hell.. how come I never heard of them when growing up in the 90's?

It was a last ditch effort for VHS to stay relevant. DVD and Hard drives killed it for consumers and filming was focused on mini dv for size and storage advantages.

It is unnecessary.

WHy did you , is the better question, faggot.

BETAMAX was still the best.

Collecting these is a fool's errand. The tape will degrade just like with regular VHS right?

Sup Forums discussion encapsulated in one shitty quality photo.

>The tape will degrade just like with regular VHS right?
If 1930's film can still exist then so can these

>be a 90's kid
>Used to have literally dozens of VHS tapes
>somehow never heard of DVHS before
How could this happen to me

>The Time Machine
holy fuck nigga that is some real rare shit!

found these just laying around yesterday.

You reach a point when you realize how pointless it is and how much money you've sunk into it and you just stop. Has happened to me multiple times.

Goddamn, that is comfy as fuck.


Worth watching for more info. Really interesting stuff.

Check this out

That quality is almost Blu Ray like

yeah I just spent $240 on 2 Box Sets

>furst off, this is the jay bee cee

Like an Irish James Rolfe.

This shit came out on 2005

I watch techmoan too ;)


holy shit, man. holy fucking shit, that baby logic. obviously you don't know a thing about the different properties of different types of film used at different points in cinematic history; particularly the part where you learn how a movie is photographed on one kind of film, and how film used in home-mediums is another thing entirely.


Them teeth...