Ok so, everything turned out perfect. Is this the end of Silicon Valley?
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No now they're just making a cool video call app.
Which is a waste of their product.
isnt season 4 happening?
sad to see pied piper die though
>Which is a waste of their product.
you'll get more users by making a better skype, than by making a shittier version of dropbox or whatever he tried doing there.
well season 4 will probably be about them trying to convince people that their actual app is cool and to not focus on Notskype
They have literally zero money and a shit reputation in Silicon Valley.
I hope some of season 4 deals with Eric taking over as CEO.
It's a better version of dropbox actually.
Season 4 will end with Gavin acquiring Pied Piper for billions of dollars. Mark my words.
solid season, i'm looking forward to the next one
>being this retarded
They even explain what it does step by step in one of the later episodes
I think the show is over, I mean everything was solved, they are all in one company, have total control over it and the users for the video-call app are rising.
>They have literally zero money and a shit reputation in Silicon Valley.
they have shit reputation in the investor rounds because of daily users shit of their platform, however if they surpass it with the video app by being legit someone will jump in.
>It's a better version of dropbox actually.
techically yeah, but noone uses it. internet explorer is now technically better than chrome, however noone uses it.
perfect? what a shit finale
>perfect? what a shit finale
>muh reddit gilfoy is not alpha CEO
>muh muh
go watch TBBT
It's different for browsers. Browsers are just about addons for most people.
Their product means I can have something similar to unlimited memory on any device since you can access all your info from their app with very little internet connectivity.
>Is this the end of Silicon Valley?
yeah, they should end it, it was good.
I never understood why they went consumer-facing with Pied Piper.
Even in the first episode of the series Jared tells Gavin that if you make it business-facing, the applications are endless. Now they spent a big part of the season on 'consumers not *getting* Pied Piper'.
Hell, they even went to that porn company because they could save them millions on bandwidth. Why didn't they get more clients like this?
>show for nerd white boys who have one chance in ten million of ever being this successful with a startup
>"huhuhu this show is totally about me BRUUU"
C'mon man I don't get mad at you for watching Empire.
>stuff happens then other stuff happens nullifying what previously happened
>repeat but with little changes
>silicon valley
that whole post was retarded
I suppose in the context of this season they wanted to push consumer to distance themselves from Jack's ideas.
I realize this is a flimsy excuse but its the first thing that came to mind.
Because then the show would have ended sooner.
i never want it too but eventually it will have too
Shame but most good comedies like this burn bright or fizzle out scrubs last season or turn into the office us
wtf do your assumptions have to. do with my opinion shitlord
and Jared is reddit's favorite while i hate that fgt
my problem is the unnecessary shitstorm that richard always causes and how much of a douchebag he is
>my problem is the unnecessary shitstorm that richard always causes and how much of a douchebag he is
then don't watch the fucking show you fucking retard.
>do with my opinion shitlord
shitposting is not an opinion faggot.
>Hooli Board is pissed at Gavin because he spent $750,000,000
>Hooli Board is no longer pissed because now they have the box
>Pied piper is making a box
>They can stop making the box because the platform is now valued at $250,000,000
>Hooli board is ok with Gavin spending all of this on a box that isn't going to make anywhere near $750,000,000
>richard telling bachman about the fake users in front of those executives
Richard is such an idiot, desu. He really shouldn't be the CEO.
when will Richard and Monica start fucking and stop teasing tb h
That's fait accompli since season 1.
Is the way their system works technically feasible? What if someone turns off their device?
Well without Richard Pied Piper would already be the first company in the world. The show needs him to make them fail over and over.
Its in
>teh cloud
so it wont matter
the way he explained it was it doesnt matter where it is because its in fragments everywhere.
>Ok so, everything turned out perfect. Is this the end of Silicon Valley?
Erlich and Big Head bought the company, remember? How is that not gonna fuck up dramatically?
>Richard is such an idiot, desu. He really shouldn't be the CEO.
yes this is obvious since episode 1 that richard is a class A retard only able to code and nothing else, that's why we watch it.
to see an idiot engineer believing he knows all the shit in the world because he can code failing to the point of other "in his eyes shit tier college degrees" helping him out of his shithole.
the last episode was elrich telling him to the face that he is a fucking shitheaded retard that is the only failure this company ever had since day one, something we all know since season 1.
Jared fucks
And conflict, including Richard's autism, is what makes the show interesting. I swear there are idiots on this website (not necessarily you) who want nothing to go wrong and they all become rich and successful the end. I don't think that's compelling television
Well the show isn't over since it's already been renewed for another season
I can hope can't I? Do we need 10 more episode of >le autistic neckbeard mandrama?
And they will work on a box
The box is the perfect pleb product. The focus group was so confused as to what PP was and what it was doing, but if you told them "it's a box, and whatever you put in there will shrink in size but not in quality" they'd be onboard right away.
wew lad, time for your meds
Unbelievable shit doesn't make compelling tv, they could have made the company successful and then let richard and co fuck up in new ways but no nothing ever happens to progress the story
Most shows have ended and/or are shit.
Is Silicon Valley good to pick up for a summer marathon?
If you're interested at all in tech or the tech industry, then yes it's a great watch. I finished it in a week.
How is any of their setbacks unbelievable? Everything is plausible
>this guy fucks
what did he mean by this?
>wew lad, time for your meds
you really btfo him there user
Yes, you don't need to be into tech to enjoy it as well.
It's a lot better version of Dropbox, but way ahead of it's time
Just marathon the first episode and see what you think.
you can watch it in a couple days, if not a single one. It's 28 episodes of 27 minutes.
so what's stopping someone from actually making PP IRL?
is it impossible to make? I know nothing about coding
All of their problems would have been solved if they ran a better add than 'tables'.
>hey you, are you tired of running out of memory on your phone
>what if I told you that we have a solution to your problem
>imagine this *short, colorful animation explaining how it works*
Show ends, they all get rich.
None of that shit is real
It is basically impossible to compress any further without losing quality
Yes it is pretty much impossible at this point in time. They just needed an imaginary plot element that was sooooo good but misunderstood and way ahead of its time.
>so what's stopping someone from actually making PP IRL?
human intellect
>is it impossible to make? I know nothing about coding
nothing is impossible, man is god
Nah, it's just for the plot and is pretty cool in the imaginary consequences it would have. Still, certain file types could do with better compression so it's not exactly impossible in all regards, but nowhere near as revolutionary or interesting.
It is not impossible and there's actually an app like that in development.
Nobody cares about your apps. You wasted years of your lives for nothing
fuck you I made flippy bird
Yeah I doubt future compression is "impossible" like that other user said. It's just not very accessible as far as I know.
This is what bothered me as well. If consumers had a problem figuring out the platform, why not just make GUI more user friendly? Or just have a help bar to teach users how to actually use it. They did have that clippy rip off, so why did the show make that idea fail?
Their entire compression platform is fake and the Weissman score doesn't exist in real life but was created for the show.
I think it depicts pretty well how ads work. People in charge of marketing make ads that has nothing to do with the product because they sell them with imagery and that makes it funny
i guess Gavin Belson and EndFrame will go business-facing with the box and make a fortune in Season 4, which in turn will force Richard to make Pied Piper focus on business too, due to his inferiority complex.
>It is basically impossible to compress any further without losing quality
HEVC disagrees with you
that's video only and lossy
not comparable at all
>marathon the first episode
t. memespouting cancer
That was probably worst way to end a season ever
Gylfoil is reddit you dumb pleb. Jared fucks.
>This ish OP in the fuchar
>Shitposting, sad and alone
i want one of those things what are they called?
Idk but I had one in yellow and green
This. Anyone?
Basically this.
Marketing is filled with braindead people.
nigga please, Gilfoyle with his constant negativity and counter-culture is more Sup Forums than anything.
Switchball, see
If internet explorer used like 1/7th of the bandwidth on the same content then fucking everyone would use it
Hello user?
This is you from future.
I'm ugly.
>proprietary browser
No, I wouldn't
>Customer Questions & Answers
>Is it possible to toss this toy in such a manner that it when it lands the color selected is always blue?
This is Mike Hunt
but it says 0k used
Errich Bachman? Dis is yu from the futua, i am a ugly and dead alone.
Is your refrigerator running?
i didn't get that line
All they had to do was say that the whole cloud was now on their phone.
but it says 0k used
who can it all be on the phone?
Classic prank call.
"Is your refrigerator running?"
"well then you better go catch it!"
laughter ensues