I'm ending it Sup Forums

I'm ending it Sup Forums

Lost my gf

family lost all connection with me

Currently being blackmailed by some foreign assholes into paying them or i could be harmed / framed / arrested

Lost CSGO knives and such

I'm done, Please leave me some good streaming sites that wont instantly ban me below,

My steams here if u wanna say hi or something i might give it away before it happens


Goodnight sweet prince, Ill give out link to stream on my steam, add nd message me

oh no

I just got broken up with too. I won't kill myself if you don't kill yourself, OP.

It sucks, but let's just endure.


so your reasons for killing yourself are online bullies, you lost your video game knives, and your imaginary girl friend left you. wow dude this is terrible im so sorry

Im drinking beer listening to zombie nation.

Hope you change your mind


You don't realise, these online fraudsters have already gotten me almost arrested on multiple occasions by using my name in fraud and i have had enough of people looking for me, they expect me to pay 1,200 a month to keep myself safe, they have my address and all

If it makes you feel any better, there is an incomprehensible amount of is here who are just as miserable.

I've taken to learning some Buddhism, and it's helped me find some peace and contentment with day to day life and worries. Give it a shot.

Well, Before you kill yourself just give all away you good stuff before you say good bye.

That's the plan

youre an idiot, if you think paying a blackmailer stops them black mailing you then youre an even bigger idiot. grow a pair of balls dude

dont do it OP, ME; Andromeda is next year

exactly, that's why im ending it

Can you live stream your suicide?

hurr durr

>Lost CSGO knives and such
I was going to tell you to hang in there until I read this.

No reason to live now.

this, srsly. let the guy pls. This stuff is what he is, what he was, it makes him. Let him be with it
and to OP, don't do it. what else to do? grab your lazy ass and open wikipedia and start learning cs. learn EVERYTHING, install Linux and such. It's your life, your game, your are lvl fkcing zero go ahead, have some fun.

OP assume not troll ride it out it will get better. Dark night of soul will pass.

Its called moving to the fucking mountains and living in a motel for 6 months. Experience related.

Op get your ass in witness protection and live a life far away where you csn play csgo and wank off

Also do I have to make a steam account to get access to stream, if you cont? Cause fuck that shit

do it faggot nobody likes you

You don't have steam
wtf, kill yourself too

Sad, but don't do it none the less sad fag. Not going to argue with you tho

End the blackmailer's one

I wish i could if i knew where the fuckers lived


U should both do it


Get protection from them



Shitty reasons to kill yourself. You can easily go into hiding for a few months. Grow a pair

with no money

what country you from user? maybe we can help

pls do it a stream it OP


What's the point of killing yourself? Escape to the forest and try to make a life there (Worst case scenario: You die, but you dont go to hell)


Dont fucking do it Op.. Life gives you some tough shit. Your situation seems really fucking painfull, but this wont continue forever. You will find a new girlfriend and be happy.. And for those blackmailers, thats often pure BS.

And ive lost CS items for around 10 000 dollars myself i know the feeling, where are u from btw?