Hey /b, ask a super lonely depressed guy anything

hey /b, ask a super lonely depressed guy anything

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Are you super lonely and depressed?

How are you ?

youve come to the right place

How many times per day do you think about killing yourself, for me its every hour

What's the derivative of 3x^2? I'm asking for a friend

post dick pic

super lonely and depressed
not particularly suicidal, attempted it once when i was 18 but kinnd of came to terms with the fact that i dont want to die, any life is better than no life and i'll be dead for eternity after, why bother making it shorter?
maths never was my strong point

that isn't a question

post dick pic?

Why so sad OP? Its only a game.

I'm not OP but I like maths, it's 6x


I've got a maths PhD, it depends on what you're taking the derivative with respect to, if it's with respect to x the answer is 6x

Do you have any coping methods that work best for you? I got depression and anxiety btw I feel your pain man

not really, i used to surround myself with friends and partying but i started getting pretty severe anxiety and within the space of about 2 months i lost touch with everyone, anxiety is fucking worse than depression because it really feels like it takes over every part of yourself. these days im pretty much either working my shitty job (which is at least decent hours/ decent pay and easy) or sitting at home reading fucking countless amounts of books, and some internet. dont really feel alright unless im burying my head in something to take my mind off negative thought cycles that i get stuck in.should probably get some sort of therapy but the idea makes me want to vomit in panic


Feelings are mutual.

Do you know the cause of your lonely depression?

whats the integral of 2x dx from 10 to 13?

hard to say, i've been a really negative person my entire life so i dont really know any other way of thinking/living

Have you tried any medication for your depression?

(I understand that for alot of people medication will actually worsen the situation, but I am just curious.)

Are you just getting me to do your homework? This shit piece of cake lmao

Im so retarded oh my god, it's just 69... My phd was in topology, im allowed to make mistakes from time to time