Just finished Witcher 3.. will I go for FFXV or will I just buy the TW3 expansions?

Just finished Witcher 3.. will I go for FFXV or will I just buy the TW3 expansions?

nah go for FFXV, 30+ hours of gameplay if you don't rush. Solid investment.

expansions. i only played one. also whats your guys highest qwent score? mines 348 for one turn

FFXV tbh

I am currently on my first playthrough of TW3.

Tbh, I have been skipping a shit load of dialogue and don't really care whats going on.

So far I know my nigga is looking for this bitch and this other dark lord nigga is after the bitch also.

not 60+ like they claim?

Pretty much the whole game apart from side quests and shenanigans.

I wanna fuck a person that looks like Ciri IRL.

Suppose you could reach 60 if you did every side quest, grinded a bit and did all the post-game content. They mainly said that to increase sales though.

I literally just finished the story of FFXV a few minutes ago and I can say it was worth taking it slow. Be sure to save pictures also, when you know what that means.

30+? I finished the story with 40+ and I still have a shit ton to do at 70+

if dubs buy expansions

How about a threesome with Aranea and Iris

If you're doing this. TW3 is definitely not the game for you. Kys

To be fair there was a shit ton of talking in W3

The witcher expansions will probably give you just as much content as ffvx and its gonna be cheaper. Have fun m8

but the question is, IS IT FUN?
Fucking doesent really matter how many hours if you have to grind a fuck ton which most ff games do, is it a real grind or actuall hours of game play?

Whats the point of a game 100+ hours if your just grinding 24/7, your not playing the game your grinding for something useless.

>playing a casual, triple A rpg and telling others to kill themselves
My fucking keks user, dont be so butthurt from someone playing your favorite casual game a little more casual than normal.

Go play Dark Souls. See if you'll even DARE consider flaming others just because they "played the game their way"


I don't grind, I don't have that kind of patience. It's pretty fucking fun though. Although, I did not like how the second half of the game magically stops being open world

Oh shit son, let me fuck around and collect loot. dodge and slash and dodge some more.
I can't be fucked listening to all this shit when the quest tells me to go here, kill this cunt or talk to this fucker.

U mad I am playing the same game and doing the exact same thing except without the hours wasted listening to bullshit.

FFXV is BY FAR the shortest final fantasy, and one of the shortest jrpgs I've ever played. I beat the game at level 62, having done a good portion of the side quests, right under 32 hours. And I wasn't rushing at all. Also, because I did most of the side quests, my level was always so much higher than anything around me that I started to get bored with how easy the combat was. Plus the weapon selection is utter shit. Plus there are virtually no other outfits for your team.

For comparison, witcher 3 took me almost 70 hours with a similar playstyle, and had at least 3-4 times as many weapon/armor choices. Seriously, if you just finished witcher 3, FFXV will severely disappoint you.

The game is great, but it's so damn short that I feel cheated. The entire game is ruined for me now because it feels more like a well executed $20 games as opposed to a AAA title that's been in development since the stone age. I specifically remember thinking, "Oh boy this game is really about to open up," and then my next quest ended up being the final dungeon. I was so disgusted that it completely ruin my experience. I felt so cheated, like I was just robbed of the entire second half of the game.

Hope that helps OP


My roommate plays the FFXV now and says it isn`t as good as he thought (he is a big nerd, knows his stuff).. He comes back to the Witcher all the time and swears it is the best game ever with the DLCs

There is no grinding at all in FFXV. Your level will always be much higher than the enemies around you. And even enemies 10-20 levels higher are still a piece of cake if you're patient.

so hes comparing a game that has had years of patches, DLCs etc to a brand spanking new game?

The core witcher 3 game with no dlc is still astronomically larger and more content rich than FFXV. It's just a sad truth.