Talk about Doctor Who edition
Last spergout
Talk about Doctor Who edition
Last spergout
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I feel bad about what you guys did to Snakedance edition. Fuck you all
>can't handle the bantz
You have five (5) seconds to explain why Nardole being the new co-companion is such an egregious, awful thing when he was nothing but funny and likable in the Christmas special.
He has a gross babyface and I want to punch it.
>when he was nothing but funny and likable in the Christmas special
He wasn't. There.
He's gonna be GOAT. Don't listen to /who/. Ever.
the playful and friendly exchange of teasing remarks.
>3:30PM CATS
I don't want to click hide on any more of your autistic abstract tone poetry, it's brown noise.
Just filter the words m8 that's what I've done.
Because I'm a big baby and I react petulantly to expressive characters with silly accents, which is why I've clearly never watched a Classic Who episode in my life.
Reeeing like fuck.
what the fuck is reeeing
It's filtered :^)
First day on Sup Forums?
But you replied to his post. Why filter something if you're going to look at the posts anyway?
Welcome to 4Cats
Be aware that if you post anything unapproved by cats12 he will get his janitor partner from the GoT thread to erase it.
I've added it to the filtered list right now like advised. It just isn't filtered automatically until I reload the page.
go suck an egg mong user
oooh hee's reeeing like fuck now :) OOOOH!
I take it you were the guy who literally said you would abuse me on Reddit? And then you asked if anyone knew my real name.
i think reporting that post was pretty fucking justified
So in other more Doctor Who related news, what's /who/ with you guys?
I've just rewatched Series 3 and you can pinpoint exactly when the show becomes good and stays good until now.
/who/ isn't back to normal yet, but it's nice to see how much we've recovered since we figured out how to BTFO mong user
Which point is that? I assume it's not tinkerbell jesus.
When it ends.
Dave Mustaine here AMA
I don't know, I'm half convinced the real mong user just sits around while other people shout at each other in the belief they're shouting at him.
Mong user already BTFO himself on Twitter to girly letters anyway.
Of course. The real one hasn't been here since the Twitter public ownage by GL. It's just one retard pretending to be him.
Please take a look at the last thread and then try and tell me again "how much we've recovered"
Continuing my streak of finishing box sets I'd been putting off, I listened to the last ep of Diary of River Song. It was a better finale than whatever boringness The Satanic Mill was supposed to be and I'd say it was a more consistent boxset than DC1 overall.
I've been putting off getting DC2 because I don't know if can be bothered, I know Scenes From her Life is meant to be GOAT on toast but that's one episode out of 4.
Still nowhere near as bad as when the real monganon was here. That copycat is shit just don't reply to him.
Nice review cats
Occasional eruptions of political debate are nothing new and nothing to get undergarments in a twist over.
the christmas special really isn't indicative of what his character is going to be like. The special was about River's and the Doctor's relationship with each other, Nardole was only a side character with limited importance. As a recurring character he pretty much has to be written differently.
Not saying he's going to be goat, he could turn out just as lame as Strax, i'm cautiously optimistic that Moffat is not going to fuck up his final season though. I trust that he didn't bring back Nardole because he had the sudden realization that a scared fat guy is the secret to successful television.
just kidding, he's going to be a one-joke-character like Vastra, Jenny and Strax
Piss off snide prick
The funniest part is whenever they think the boogieman is there they start whoooping and running around like monkeys.
Hey, that's not fair. Vastra was a two-joke character. She kills people AND she's a lizard lesbian.
a) murders men
b) comedy lesbian
Moffat is a genius.
>not liking strax
get a load of this guy
a) comedy autism
Moffat is a fucking genius.
a) Matt Lucas
Give Moffat a Hugo now!
/who/ wont be back to normal until you leave for good and Chicky comes back
I still can't get over what a waste of characters they were. They appeared so often and had so much time dedicated to them but they still felt totally flat in the end. It's like Moffat woke up one morning and thought
>interracial-lesbian samurais! no wait, interracial-lesbian Sherlock Holmes!
and never went beyond that line of thought. So much more could have been done with them but the writers never seemed interested in exploring any of that. Even Crimson Horror which was focused entirely on them had nothing of interest to say.
Yeah. Done by a skilled writer, there was the basis for an Elephant Man, freak show story with actual depth.
Instead, she licks minge.
mfw last /who/ lord
john wiles
Don't think we haven't seen you trying to make 'yeah' the new 'What'. It's not going to happen.
Although now I've posted this, it is, isn't it.
Still watching the series from the worst ranked episodes to the best, finished The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe and honestly, that deserves to be considered the worst of new Who. It's just drivel.
Watching In the Forest of the Night later, guessing this is going to be as bad as I remember...
Why would you do this? I could understand if you started from like halfway up the list but why deliberately watch a ton of shit episodes in a row?
What harassment? Is he personally harmed by his picture being unknowingly posted?
Reminder that the creature from Listen is actually Adam Orford
what was the deleted post that was "harassment"?
Someone literally just posted Adam's selfie with a despondent-looking Capaldi.
The post saying 'harassment' got deleted as well, I think that muppet is just memeing.
Look at the filename on >IMG_20160629_134943.jpg
It wasn't just taken from twitter
it wasn't taken from facebook
no image uploading sites maintain the original IMG filename
adam is on /who/ false flagging
I thought user meant Orford's harassment of Capaldi.
Kek I was just giving you the spooks mates.
Nice one, actually. Might save that got later, thanks user.
And off we go. Orford becomes the topic again.
would explain a lot, i rarely go on the wiki but he found his page and commented on it if i recall correctly
Twitter is, actually. It's not the original file name it's the time and date which you saved the image.
where'd you get the pic from?
How do you save images? I just click and drag them and get some random letters and numbers
>right click
>open image in new tab
>new tab opens
>right click image in new tab
>save as
From Twitter.
I'm on my phone.
This actor is very good, you seen him before?
he's a semi-literate, conceited prick who said everyone who voted for Brexit was racist
The filename thing must just be a quirk of your phone then, Twitter doesn't do that on desktop.
What have you got against that?
>half of britain are racists
Well, 'complicit in enabling a wave of racist attacks, in the security of not having to experience them' and 'racist' aren't such distant bedfellows. ;^)
Isn't that true?
Even though he's not in the actual photo he has to have his imprint
only if you're so ignorant as to believe that everyone who wanted out of a literal dictatorship only wanted out because of some pigment
Suggesting that 50+% of the electorate are racist for voting to leave the European Union is coequal to saying all Muslims are to blame for terrorist atrocities, which is something the Remain camp, cultural relativists and the progressives are always very quick to point out isn't the case.
Double standards. Serious toy throwing going on. Fady isn't even that hot.
>Took this photo of Peter Capaldi earlier this evening - look at that smile! #DoctorWho #PeterCapaldi #DWSR
It's funny because it's not even Doctor Who related at this point, it's literally just spy snaps of Peter and co. for the sake of it.
>look at that smile!
Moffat already confirmed it was Clara from an alternate timeline trying to save Danny.
>Invited Pearl Mackie into my basement earlier this evening - she won't stop crying! Look at those tears! #DWSR
Cause the thing is, it's like my friend Vicky
Jenna just said "fuck off away from me you creep" Shes so funny #DWSR
>Got a sneaky shot of Peter on the toilet squeezing out a fresh turd. Looks like he's having a bit of trouble! #DWSR
updated the hype train image to include NardHole
>1 like: gelato secrets
I'm glad I've inspired you.
needs adam desu
what a load of rubbish
yeah ill add him later
cats thats the wrong one without the window