Scariest movie you've ever saw ? The one that still traumatize you just by thinking about it.
I was pretty disappointed by The Conjuring 2, which I saw yesterday.
Scariest movie you've ever saw ? The one that still traumatize you just by thinking about it
I don't get scared by childish movies. You know what scares me? Homophobia. Racism. Sexism. Transphobia. Classism. Nationalism. These are the true demons that we need to slay but intellect is my sword.
>tips fedora
This shit right here, i was like 9 when it came out and i'm 20 now and can't stand it. I think it's because i'm from the same country where it was made so i associate the things and therefore it makes it more creepy but i still recommend it to you all.
Probably Pulse. It's a very viscerally frightening movie while also being so bleak and unpleasant that it's just hard to sit down to. A masterpiece though.
I remember having nightmares after watching this when I was about 7 when this came out on VHS and blowing chunks on my brother since I was top bunk.
I also remember reading on this board that apparently Winona Ryder was scared shitless of Gary Oldman when he got into character.
Why you dont like Conjuring 2? Why disapointed?
I guess I expected too much of it. I wasn't scared during the entire movie, I even found myself laughing at some moments that was trying to be scary. Of course, some jumpscares surprised me but that's it.
Though, it was very entertaining and I really liked the movie. I just heard a lot about the first one and all that communication around the second hyped me.
Thanks for the above answers, I'll check them out !
I'm still traumatized to this day.
Insidious are nice too
I didn't think this until after I watched it for a second time though.
OP here, i loved it ! But it didn't scare me at all nor it made me feel unconfortable...
This. Legitimately fucking scary.
Is Insidious being good a meme that I don't know about?
I'm guessing you're talking about the japanese one and not the american remake ?
>war movies are scary
Might as well have said Come and See instead which is more shocking then threads but neither are what this OP is about
To answer however OP Noroi or TBWP will always be the quintessential go to horror for anyone looking to get scared anything else is difficult since it all involves tastes which are subjective to all hell
event horizon
I'm very excited to see this. Mulholland Drive changed the way I saw film
The Mist and The Thing are my two favourite horror movies.
Threads is not a war movie.
Probably Mulholland Drive, I haven't seen that many horror movies. The Winky's scene and the final few minutes are definitely the most terrified I've ever been watching a movie. I'm so glad I was able to see it in a theater for the first time
I haven't quite experienced the feeling of dread I got when Betty disappeared, leaving Rita with the box.
That movie Sinister in 2009.While the whole thing was average especially the ending, the candid shot home movies really stood out. I remember them more than I remember that knock off Johnny Depp or Jack White's cameo appearance at the ending.
the American one looks like shit
the Japanese one is one of my very favourite horror movies
>tfw watching Mulholland Dr on acid in a theater at a midnight screening
lol nice bait
I agree, I saw it last night as well and laughed my ass off through good chunks of it, the two parts that stuck our for me was when she was playing with the ghost shotgun in the opening and every time that little girl had the old man voice.
Honestly though I ended up feeling mostly insulted by the movie when it turned out to basically be a two hour commercial for the upcoming nun movie they want to make because i guess Anabelle was so great.
I liked sinister 1 as well, steer clear of two though.
I thought Sinister was a little underrated.
It's not amazing but the home movie sequences are brilliantly tense and disquieting.
That ending is shit though.
The home movies in Sinister were scored magnificently. Sound is what creates fear in Sinister, the movie itself would be a pile of shit without it.
how did you not die
fortunately the theater was mostly empty and my gf was on acid with me. it was a terrifying experience but we managed to help each other through it. it was pretty incredible.
a buddy of mine is the manager at this local, independent theater that happens to be right beneath my apartment. we've recently been watching movies while tripping drugs after hours in an empty theater.