The Smithsonian has restored the original Enterprise model to how it looked 50 years ago in 1966
The Smithsonian has restored the original Enterprise model to how it looked 50 years ago in 1966
>1966 was 50 years ago
Why waste money on making an exhibit on something that was forgettable nerdshit at best and communist propaganda at worst?
> it's not important to ME, how could it be important to anyone else
spotted the millennial
yay nobody cares nerd
Only reddit-tier faggots like star trek.
because people didn't forget it at all.
how new are you.
Star Wars - normies
Star Trek - nerds
Fucking cool af tbqh
I've always hated the CG recreation, the saucer section looks too fat and not angular enough.
But that is one gorgeous model.
Refit Enterprise a best
I neither browse nor frequent Reddit, and while the original series was fun and a great back story for the rest of Trek, it lacks appreciable elements that can even compare to post Gene TNG.
I'd say season 3 of TNG is actually superior to me than all of the TOS.
Most TOS fans are older, middle aged men caught in a nostalgia feedback loop.
They live in the past and they'll, of course, die in the past figuratively speaking.
Last time I saw it, it was in the basement in the gift shop.
Maybe next weekend I'll get down there to take a look.
I'm a 20yr old 100lb female
Come at me
This is in the Air & Space museum in DC and not the one at Dulles Airport right?
It's not bad, but incredibly cheapened when they reused the exact same model for the -A.
I'll take TOS with its round nacelles and brass deflector dish any day.
I don't think you want that TBQHWY
your tax dollars at work
>It's not bad, but incredibly cheapened when they reused the exact same model for the -A.
Shooting models are expensive things, and I don't think they had the budget for another entirely new design (the later TOS movies were really made on pretty slender budgets and reused things whenever and wherever they could). It was reuse the Refit or use the Excelsior, really.
Here's your reply.
That is what it looked like before this most recent restoration.
They did this restoration because all those dark lines sprayed on it in that photo are not accurate to the original Enterprise look at all. The guy that did the previous restoration in the 90s just did whatever the fuck he wanted to it.