/got/ general

Around trout, watch out

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Azor Jon


KILL ALL WHITE MEN: the tv show

Me irl desu senpai

I miss Hodor.

so the only good episodes were the last 2, if you skip the denni scenes

also Davos is best girl

cant wait for season 7 episodes done by podeswa and mylod

>not giving little finger what he wants
she's still horrible player.

I think you have start wondering, what the hell is this plot?

/Highgarden/ remembers

Game of Thrones "Battle of the Bastards" visual effects breakdown reel



He'd be a stannisfag like all you Sup Forums autists.


Qa when

fuck off showfag

All rise in the presence of His Grace, King of the Andals, the First Men and the Rhoynar, Protector of the Realm, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms. The White Wolf. Jaehaerys III Targaryen

Zombie apocalypse

>this much projection

t. Regressive liberal cuckold

How can Dany conquer westeros when she has an army that has no experience in winter climates?


We fix season six mistakes. I'll start:
> recast hispanic Lyanna with pic related.


Would you hold her hair back while she's sucking off 5 dothrakis savages?


>everyone screaming how great, awesome and epic recent episodes were
>finally watch them

Holy fuck, that was just bad. Those battles were ridiculously horrible.

How could anyone like this shit?

It became so fucking dumb it's like a parody at this point.

Lord of the Six Kingdoms, King in the North


Lolibear approves this thread.

Who ever played lord glover really owned that scene.


>muh free isles


So do the Tyrell's have any Uncles? Is there anyone to avenge them besides that old lady?

Also what in the fuck was the point of building Loris up as one of the best fighters in the kingdom when we never see him in battle? Why did they just cut his badass fight scenes from the books?

>she wanted to touch her face, couldn't because realized she had a shit ton of makeup

>she wanted to touch her hair, couldn't because realized she had it straightened

attention whore detected

You forgot king beyond the north, 998 Lord commander of the nights watch

>white wolf
DD have lost it

Can we get an actress name for lolibear? Or some off stage photos of her? She's really cute no pedo

But it was so epic, stuff burns, people get killed, jon dancing around the battlefield

So, women are ruling every single part besides the North?

That would be a perfectly valid plot point
"""the fan favourite""" strong wymyn will overcome the odds and she will emasculate the oppressive patriarchal society of White Walkers. All men must die, even the blue ones.
t. Dabib

No. Gwen is a scheming shit that fucking betrays you no matter what. Im convinced shes been behind the entire house takeover.

the battle was the best thing in this season

Bella Ramsey

Margaery has a bunch of cousins ... who are all Tyrells. It's just the main branch of the family that got ended.


No, but I would if she is sucking off 5 of the Freefolk.


Try to keep up mate

Can we agree that this season had the best music?

so are /got/ threads going bye bye now, the wait for the shitposting was way to long

>she's actually named Ramsey

that's great

Sansa will ruin the north, give her time


You wouldn't help her?
Why wildlings?


She's cute, but she's no best girl.

this, his booming voice and the music in the background gave me chills
GOAT scene, almost made up for all of the garbage in this season.


so why does being half targshit make anyone so special. Arent they just normal people but with white hair and shit

Whole sam plot was boring as fuck but I believe it was necessary. He went to Horn hill for gilly and little sam but did not leave them there. Instead he took the heartsbane. He cannot wield it. Jon already have a valerian steel sword. Plot looks useless as Sam.

In old town, he will discover the prophecy and Lightbringer. He sacrifices Gilly. HeartsBane? becomes the lightbringer. a sword with soul.

Why are there so little photos of her

for now until they're confronted with the reality of having to lead on the front lines during battle.
otherwise who do the soldiers stand behind?
This is why a king will always be preferable over a queen.

A king spills blood side by side with his soldiers. Giving it all despite the risk of dying. But equal on the battlefield.

Most if not all women won't make it to the battlefield period. Thus earning jack shit from their subjects.

Blood and magical names only gets you a step forward. The rest of it comes down to doing the work yourself.

King Bran. King of Westeros. King of my heart. What I wouldn't do to defile his sweet pink boy poochie.

When these generals inevitably get banned, wtf are we supposed to do? How the fuck is it fair that we are literally unable to have a thread while every other shitty show and movie can continue without obstruction? It's actually fucking bullshit. Moreover, like with the old days, these threads are getting slower and slower. During the airing of each episode we'd have a new thread every 20 minutes almost. Wtf is happening?

I only pledge to one king


Can someone explain to me how a widow's family name works? Isn't Olenna Tyrell now Olenna Redwyne, or could she justify it as being the last surviving Tyrell?

the only way of helping her is a mace to the face until blood is all over the place. fucking cucks

In the novels, there is an older brother that was a great knight but was crippled if memory serves.


>not leading from the rear

it's like you want to die

I think you have to start wondering, what the hell is this plot?

They have a magical blood link to dragons and fire the same way Starks have with snow, wolves and nature.

Being the legitimate king is already a pretty huge deal, unless you consider a now extint dinasty of usurpers to have a more legitimate claim that they can't use.

Also dragons an' shit.

So Mace came into King's Landing with a massive army. Where is this army at?

Where is the Sparrows that High Sparrow sent to get Cersei?



>dany dying is the second most voted one
im surprised, happy but surprised

A big black mace, if you will

Kings in reality don't fight wars

would you hold her hair back as she sucked of 5 literal bears?

shitty action game, for honor

Olenna took them with her. I'm assuming they won't be present in the Oldtown battle since they'd actually be able to beat Euron. Daenarys will get BTFO when she tries to get into a naval battle outshipped when her army is of Dothraki and Unsullied, plus Euron has the siege defense advantage plus ballistae.

Weak men will never rule.

You're incapable of enjoying anything

I'd be her handmaiden

but they werent even the greatest house in valyria
they're just a lucky house that got away before shit hit the fan

Huh, really makes you think

>all those House Lannister bannermen perfectly ok with Cersei killing Kevin

>not thinking that glorious Lady Mormont ownes the episode

Don't worry guys. Dany will melt that oppressive cis Wall with her dragons once she crosses the narrow sea. Then the free folk can really be free.

whos kevin

daughter comes before younger brother

What about Elaena?

Why would any of them care about kevan the kuck?

So... Dany goes to Westeros to literally meet the wiped table - each if her enemies is already dead, except for still-living Cersei and Littlefinger, who will most likely try to be her ally anyway. Because I doubt she's going to fight against starks.

Who is she going to fight? The others?

There is literally no proof that Cersei was behind that explosion goy


the first siege of Oldtown will be from Sam's POV, they introduced the city for a reason. The big battle next season is the second siege where Daenarys fails miserably trying to kill Euron.

It doesn't matter what we want, once we get it, then we want something else.

>when a meme has gone so far you cant tell if someone is truly a cuck faggot or an idiot who laughs at his own jokes
