So, are we all in agreement that both of these, (the directors cut of watchmen, and the ultimate cut of BvS), are both really good superhero movies?
So, are we all in agreement that both of these, (the directors cut of watchmen, and the ultimate cut of BvS)...
>superhero movie
batman vs superman is absolute shit
Not everyone will agree, but I do.
They are the two best
Only lunatic autists will disagree
Watchmen sure, but BVS was complete and utter trash in both version
I really hope all the people praising BvS are trolls or shills.
This piece of shit didn't even break 30% on RT and has been universally panned by critics and audiences alike for being a complete mess.
If you actually like this movie, you should do humanity a favour and kill yourself. ASAP.
fuck off child
Literally lmao'ing at your sad fuck life
Yep. BvS UC is the gold standard and unfortunately the last of its kind.
>tfw no directors cut of Man of Steel
that movie had pretty good pacing though, but I wonder how much better it could be with a DC.
Why does BvS trigger you losers so much? Not liberal enough?
It has emotional depth which they can't handle
>the directors cut of watchmen
It's also called the Ultimate Cut you plebian.
So emotional. I cry every time :^)
Its not trolling
there are tasteless plebs from reddit praising this trash on here.
you're in too deep aren't you? you just have to keep hating the movie.
there wasnt a possibility for one from what I understand
they used pretty much everything they had in the movie
from what i understand the only thing Man of Steel "cut" was a scene where he is a baby in the hospital
I love the fact that my enjoying a movie triggers people here.
I honestly think they're the two best capefilms ever made.
Actually there was around 3 hours of content overall if I'm not mistaken
Sure if you're a Sup Forums pleb
picture related
authentic Sup Forums(before 2014) picks
Maybe if you people stopped hailing this trash as some sort of misunderstood masterpiece and just admitted that it's a bad movie that you like regardless of its flaws, there wouldn't be as much backlash.
I thought the theatrical cut was a 5/10 mess.
I watched the ultimate cut last night and would give it at the very least a 7/10. It just is so much more coherent and overall I would say I liked it.
No there are 3 cuts of watchmen, theatrical, directors, and ultimate.
quaaaaadds confirm
The other user was right
The only full deleted scene was Clark as a baby. The rest of the movie was trimmed down.
For example, the Krypton opening was 30 minutes long before they started to edit for theaters.
MoS doesn't need a 3+ hour long directors cut, but it could probably get a boost from an extra 10 or so minutes of extended scenes
Why don't you just watch it? there's really no reason this movie should bring such anger out in you.
>all subhuman videogame players
so its true
these people are not locals
>you realize after watching BvS ultimate edition that Zach Snyder was literally born to make a dark and gritty solo Batman film.
>his true talents as a director will never be fully realized because he's stuck fulfilling Warner Bros shitty agenda for a quipy team up superhero flick
>yfw the DC line up should have been Man of Steel, a solo Batman movie, and then BvS, all directed by Zach Snyder
they're better then the uncut, is about it.
They're not typical superhero movies, considering they're a minority to marvel.
: /
that's a statistic, not a judgement.
>Sup Forumsed sensibility
really makes you think
>never seen a dark and gritty solo Batman film before.
I don't doubt that Snyder should have made those 3 movies in that order, but WB would have meddled the way they do to make them the most waterdown general POS.
they are the LOTR of comic book films.
No, Snyder is a hack. Watchmen is crap, BvS is crap, capeshit is crap, kill yourself.
>No there are 3 cuts of watchmen, theatrical, directors, and ultimate.
Exactly, and you posted the wrong fucking version...
I know, they think that DC v Marvel is like SEGA v Nintendo. DC v Marvel died down back in the 90's.
GET OVER IT, there's 6 media companies, you can keep pitching that indie films are god, but no one is arguing that either. no one says, I hate all indie films but the people that don't watch movies.
where is Thalia in that poster?
Even Snyder admits the ultimate cut isn't the best. He says the directors cut, his vision, is the most superior version.
They maybe the holy genesis but I am satanist :/
you can take the christian values and shove them so far up your ass only gabriel finds them.
>quote unquote capekino
Go back to your reddit forum, tourist.
Mos/BvS is probably the most consistent duology in a long time.
she was a minor character like alfred and rachel.
How mature of you my brothers
>newfag thinks 'capekino' originated on reddit and didn't start here first
>he surfs reddit
>wants others to join him
hey there newfag.
Hello outsider!
Why is it always Sup Forums cancer?
>all snyder does is create pathetic movie adaptations of superiors works
>he gets praised for this
You realize the content in this picture is more than 3 years old?
BvS wasn't an adaptation of anything though.
You do realize its still happening?
You mean the Ultimate Cut of Watchmen right? Where they added the Black Freighter and the scenes with the kid and the newspaper guy
>everything that triggers me is a troll
What about him? He's a guy with a twitter.
Would you watch Pax Americana kino, Sup Forums?
It's like a spiritual sequel to Watchmen, based on original characters that Alan Moore reimagined into his versions.
Written by Grant Morrison.
>yfw Adam holding Watchmen: The Ultimate Cut blu-ray box set
The music in this one moment has more soul to it than any Marvel movie in my opinion.
based snyder
Are you implying capeshit isn't fedora in its purest form?
>entire film convinces the Viewer that Superman just wants to do good and everyone misunderstand him
>Batman goes on believing that what he's doing is the only right answer, to kill an alien
>realizes that this alien has the same moral compass as him, Batman realized all the shit he's done just so he can kill Superman and prove a point to Alfred
>people too dumb to see this
>You realize the content in this picture is more than 3 years old?
are you pretending to be dumb or are you captain charles
It is though. The pictures are literally from 2013.
And? Hes still going at it on twitter with the same type of garbage
fedoracore or not, most of those are great films.
one piece, just ONE SECTION of a scene is removed, and Watchmen is perfectly fine.
Does it still have problems? Yes, but the spirit of the comic is preserved with that removal, and anyone who knows the comic knows exactly which one.
Where? Its just pictures of Metal Gear Solid.
His friends on there are the capekino fucks
>fedoracore or not, most of those are great films.
t. tasteless pleb
>tasteless pleb
yes, you are.
ITT : people who like giving Disney money for no reason, people bashing bvs even though they haven't seen it.
>its a pleb has to come with an elaborate excuse episode
/film/ when?
promised capeshit containment board when??
>a cringey nu-male manchild redditor has better taste in movies than you do
consider suicide lad
Ultimate is the DC with the Black Freighter story added in. Its much better.
what bizarre taste
Not at all. Its the taste of a meme tourist trying to fit in on a board with many different groups he isn't wanted on.