What's Sup Forums's verdict on this? Will I enjoy it if I know close to nothing about Warcraft 3's lore?
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Do you know anything about Warcraft 1-2's lore?
No, that's what I meant, 3 was a typo
Not a vidyafag and I liked it.
If you're so curious why don't you simply go watch it instead of asking us what you should think?
even wowhead and mmo champion gave up
dead money
well then you are gonna have a bad time.
There is heaps that this movie doesn't explain, a lot to do with Mevih's backstory that is never explained.
You need to read up on the game's storylines and each of the characters to better get to know them.
It has a shit score on RT and pretty much everyone other than diehard Blizzard fans are trashtalking this movie, so because of this you'll notice that most of Sup Forums actually likes the movie.
If it would've had great reviews then Sup Forums would shitpost about it constantly
I hated it.
It was ok. It was better than the hobbit films at least.
My only critiques would be the green screens look bad/fake sometimes, particularly with the human characters.
High elves look like complete cosplayed dogshit.
Mediv going bad isn't well explained, nor is the exact role of a guardian.
Other than that, it was a solid fantasy movie. Medieval fantasy is my favorite genre though so I am partial to these types of films.
It's fun
The Orcs carry the film. If the whole film was about them it would've been amazing.
The humans are very hit and miss. I personally enjoyed Medivh and Khadgar though.
Green screen with the humans is rough in a couple spots though.
The major flaw of the movie is the atrocious pacing, since around 40 minutes of completed footage was cut. This also leads to certain plot points not being fully explained.
Overall it's very flawed, but enjoyable.
don't expect too much since it is a vidya game movie
for me it was a meh, 5/10. on par with Avatar and Transformer movies. the only place where you will see people praising this is on Blizzard/WoW forums and subreddit
>It was better than the hobbit films at least.
It honestly wasn't. The pacing and editing is way worse in Warcraft. The Hobbit also had better actors, music, production values and mostly better writing/dialogue aswell.
The only thing Warcraft did better was maybe the CGI. But even that can be debated because we're only talking about the close-up scenes of the main orcs here while The Hobbit also had great CGI with Gollum and Smaug.
>most of Sup Forums actually likes the movie
This is such bullshit. The movie is absolutely terrible on about 50 levels. It's completely forgettable and weak. No one here likes it more than saying it was ok
It was the dawn of vidyakino.
It's like a 6/10 for those who know the universe and story, probably about 4/10 for normies.
as a warcraft fan i enjoyed it quite a bit, an easy 8 or 9 out of 10.
the only thing that pissed me off was asian elves, they just shoehorned that shit in their too obviously. muh diversity indeed
>implying he wasn't the good guy
>implying he didn't save Garona and Thrall
>implying he didn't save all the orcs from dying out
>implying he isn't the hero we didn't deserve
blizzdrones really can't stop circlejerking about this generic clichéd villain, can they?
>having a brain
pick one senpai
>generic clichéd villain,
He's grey in that territory. You can't really call him a villain because the actor who played Gul'dan said in an interview that Gul'dan believed fel would make them strong and ensure the survival of their race. Gul'dan simply is looking out for his own kind.
Gul'dan's a good boy, he dindu nuffin wrong
It's a mediocre vidyaflick
it was weak as hell. Could've been good in the hands of a good storyteller, but duncan didn't make the cut. plebs saying it was better than the hobbit movies are retarded, even with 5 armies being as meh as it was.
No, that's Illidan and Arthas.
truly this movie suffered from a lack of old-school blizzard story telling.
orcs didn't sound like orcs
humans didn't sound like humans
people acted like twats
nothing was really explained so you'd hear a name and then realize who was talking or ""acting"" on screen
the battles were not warcraft at all
you might like it, if you like the taste of turds in your mouth.
or are missing half your brain.
or think Japan really didn't bomb pearl harbor.
or think Diablo 3 was great.
i dont know you, are you a moron? cuz you'll watch it and forget about it 2 weeks from now.
You don't come off as terribly intelligent yourself
How about you watch the movie and then come here to discuss it rather than relying on Sup Forums to come up with your opinions for you?
except illidan literally didn't do anything wrong
watching blizzard run itself into the ground over 4 years and then watching them release this piece of shit, my mind has been recovering since.
im just saiyan you'd have to be troglodyte levels of dumb for your brain to synthesize any positive feelings for this moovy
This or XM:A today?
Not sure which will be worse but I want some mindless action
I just saw this last night and I think that there is probably a decent version of this movie in the editing room somewhere, but what they put out was not it.
There's not enough exposition to explain who people are, what they do, and why they do it. Beyond that there are problems in tone. The jokes don't really land which would be okay if the fights looked realistic at all but they don't. The fights look like people standing around waiting awkwardly for a cue for them to attack the CGI thing in front of them which is probably exactly the case. There's no real relationships between any of the characters though you can definitely tell that they wrote them to have specific relationships and you can see where, if they had more time, that they might've been able to make them feel real.
There's also big problems with editing frequency, camera angles etc. There's several scenes where there are unnecessary cuts every 2-3 seconds, all of which are moving shots which wound up giving me a bit of a headache. It's also frequently unclear who is speaking and to whom because the shot and the framing will just make absolutely no sense at all.
I give them credit for making pretty awesome looking Orcs but the inclusion of real humans and locations really hurt the movie more than it helped because oddly enough, it made the humans look weird and out of place in some kind of reverse uncanny valley situation.
It would be nice to get a director's cut but I imagine Blizzard doesn't want to spend the money rendering the scenes for a movie that did so poorly at the box office.
All in all I gave it a 2/5 on Letterboxd.
Having just seen Warcraft, I can't imagine XM:A could be worse. I'd recommend that.