thanks Sup Forums you actually recommended a good movie.
Thanks Sup Forums you actually recommended a good movie
underwhelming overrated piece of shit with a lame finale
you're welcome gringo
>movie about drug trafficking along the border
>the DEA nowhere in sight
>muh FBI
hope sicario 2 is about the DEA vs the CIA fighting for their own interests
what a sexist film. that scene where he chokes her is disgusting. but of course Sup Forums praises rape culture... ugh
no I wouldn't say it's a 1/10. it's a decent movie but it's just sexist. I'd give it like a 5 or a 6.
I havn't got the end yet, but I like the movie.
Also Emily Blumt cant act, you all have absolute shit taste, shes horrible. Same schitck in everything. Congrats in outing yourselves as absolute plebs Bluntfags. Sup Forums home of shit opinions
it is sexist but not these reasons
'Look mom I'm doing it! I'm being a contrarian on Sup Forums, now I'm bound to get some friends and avoid a life of being a fat basement dwelling retard'
>the movie is about the ending, the 2 hours between that is just filler
>realistic movies don't have good climaxes
>why can't movies have awesome boss battles like iron man
that's all i hear, sorry.
It's a terrible plot with a good setting.
Literally every reasoning behind the woman is just god awful. Entire female plot could have been removed and the movie would have been better.
>TL Note: Sicario means hitman
>he's a bluntfag
yea most people like beyonce that doesnt mean she shouldnt be murdered in the streets
Yeah, just finished watching it, I agree, she's just there as the counterpoint to the Del Toro. Not that good of a counterpoint since I don't know why she's overreacting at half the shit , like when she got shot. what was that even about?
She's trying to do it by the law, over get the fucks.
... is it because she's black? I didn't know she was overrated. I mean, I guess when you think about it, EVERYONE is overrated... much like your post (you)
its because shes an annoying slut
>when i pee it burns
>its yellow with bits of red in it
had a hearty chuckle at that one before the briefing scene
You tried so hard, and go so far
but in the end it doesn't even matter
Sicario was fun, but I really don't like Villeneuve.
Blunt is perfection
was a doctor whose family was killed and so he became the single most deadly operator that multiple government organizations have at their disposal. Huh.
Blunt's character was meant to be disliked. We are shown the horrors of life in Mexico (Juarez) and what the Cartels also do in the US (opening scene), the FBI is doing nothing but cleaning up the mess the cartels leave behind so the government has to do things in ways that aren't technically legal, but we as the viewer understand why they're doing it and we even approve of it. So we have to hate her character because she doesn't understand the greater good that is being done.