So this pic came across my newsfeed on FB...

So this pic came across my newsfeed on FB. A friend of my younger sister from some small hick town in Ohio; she's in South Carolina with her family for thanksgiving break.

>posts this photo of them eating out for dinner
>her bitch friends from Ohio jump in and say that it's too much for a girl her age and size
>she gets upset and agrees
>her family jump in and defend her saying its a normal portion for a girl
>she messages my sister saying she is having a shit thanksgiving and her holiday is ruined

Is this really a child's/girl's portion in the US? I mean she ate it all and was happy with it, so no problem there. I couldn't eat all that in one sitting though. Could you? What exactly do you feed a pre-teen girl to keep her healthy?

Yes, that is a perfectly portioned dish of bait.


Who fucking cares

This thread again

Stop posting this. Who cares?

Timestamp with tits or GTFO!

It's a bit much for me, but I have a sensitive stomach.

Portions don't mean shit. To avoid overeating, all you have to do is pace yourself and stop when you're full.

Restaurants in the US give massive portions primarily because it's expected you'll take some home as leftovers, not because they think you'll eat it all in one sitting.

>inb4 samefag making the same responses so samefag can post the same replies using the same pics

>eating kimchi with a spoon
>by itself

>inb4 samefag making the same responses so samefag can post the same replies using the same pics

>inb4 samefag making the same responses so samefag can post the same replies using the same pics


>What exactly do you feed a pre-teen girl to keep her healthy?

muh dick

I recognize this girl she was a few grades below me in school. I grew up in Wilmington. Shit hole tbh

Jesus, /b has now degraded to arguing over portion sizes.

>feed a preteen to keep healthy

lets see here.... that's a bowl full of simple fatty carbs, with simple carbs on the side, paired with low-quality protein slathered in cabs.

yup. she'll be fatty in no time.

>falling for this pasta in 2016



Haven't seen this pasta in awhile

beat me to it

This pasta is moldy



old pasta
or bait
but i will answer
gingers have no souls
they feed off pain and suffering
food is nothing to them
she could eat it all and the plate and not gain a lb

Did she eat the whole thing? Were you there?
And more importantly, who gives a fuck? She's not fat or ugly, she'll be fine.

I guess people forget take home boxes exist.
>wiki leeks

>Were you there?

I wasn't.

farfetchd pls go