>literally complaining that the main character is white
>taking IGN's reviews serious
I saw that picture of a gorilla and thought maybe it was Ghostbusters. Shite. Got happy for a moment there.
>Great White Saviour
>Ape Visual Effect
What did they mean by this
great white savior ?
is this a fucking problem ?
>a gaming website reviews movies
huh, really makes you think
Yes because it exists only in your head and in the minds of exploitative 18th century colonialist racists
What the hell do you expect from a movie that shows a man holding his own against a gorilla in a fight. The human would get ripped apart every time!
>Great White Savior
Tarzan was written over a fucking century ago and is about a white male. Does IGN think the filmmakers should've blatantly ignored the source material and made the protagonist a black man?
Eh? Gorillas are pretty dumb.
I could easily beat most gorillas with the skills I learned at judo and taekwondo.
Bullshit. With the correct technique I could kill a gorilla with my bare hands. A man like myself is not easily beaten.
Remember people, technique ALWAYS trumps size.
Bullshit, did you ever see a MMA fighter? He could beat the shit out of a gorilla, a bear and a lion combined
Oh boy, I can see where this thread is going. I can't wait for the dozens of posts where you and other idiots argue that fighting gorillas is a piece of cake.
>Great White Savior
Welp, SJWs have invaded IGN. What's next?
Hold on, did you seriously read IGN? For almost a decade it has been common knowledge that IGN is fucking shit.
goddamn you're dumb
Harambe was a better film
>piece of cake.
No dumbass. You need at least three weeks of martial arts crash course and basic calisthenics if you want any chance of taking on a fully grown Silverback.
>dress up in a banana suit
>do a quick jig past a gorilla
>it shits a brick and almost has heart failure trying to flee
True story.
>-Great White Saviour.
>gorillas are indestructible terminators
Actually this is a common technique used by tribes of the Congo. Apparently it goes back a thousand years. This is also where the term gorilla warfare originates.
Top cecc.
Do you know anything about gorillas mate?
They could literally rip your limbs off that's how fucking strong they are.
All I can say to that faggot gorilla is good luck ripping my arms off while I've got you in a rear naked chokehold.
>strength always wins in a fight
It's clear to me you have no idea what you're talking about and have never engaged in any martial arts.
I would simply use my superior balance and use the gorillas strength against him.
>look up this movie to find out what it's actually about
>they tried to 'Hook' Tarzan
Holy shit, no
>ign God Hand review
>you'll just end up button mashing your way past everything
So what? A Humvee is strong enough to send pieces of your grey matter flying 10 yards.
The point is, does the humvee have big enough balls to drive into my house and onto my head?
I don't think so.
>black man
can you imagine the fallout if the movie was about a black dude being raised by gorillas? Twitter alone would have been flooded with liberal tears and calling for the head of every person involved and the shutting down of the studio
>this fucking blatant Disney shilling
Jesus Christ how can you people not see it?
>Great white savior.
As it should be.
Is this the new Ghostbusters?
Why would Disney shill a review that shits all over their film?
> literally a Sup Forums thread
So this is what Sup Forums has become...
Ignore the Sup Forums children. The ethics in journalism crowd thinks there is some huge conspiracy where everything is being paid for by somebody.
>getting mad over hypothetical situations
Leave Sup Forums
>Great white savior
>Film critics don't downscore a movie rate because of their political agenda!
Stop caring about tumblr blogger tier (((((((((((((film critics))))))))))))))))) you dummies.
>getting mad
wew lad
Yeah but they weren't always white cucks. Thats just something that happened last years. Probably hired some new "journalists".
Take a look folks. In 2016 you can literally review a movie negatively because its main character is a white male. That is 1 out of only 3 negative points they made.
>Con: Fucking White People
This is getting a bit out of hand
This isn't a Disney movie
wat, you're right. thank you i was actually thinking of watching this shit.
>Movie is less about Tarzan and his time in the jungle and more about Belgium committing genocide in the Congo with a bunch of animals thrown in
Why not just cut Tarzan out entirely?
>Belgium committing genocide in the Congo
Is this a real thing?
ahaahahahahaha, Tarzan is white you stupid fucking cucks, he had colonial parents who became ship/plane wrecked or something. This world is fucked
How the fuck is TARZAN being the great white hope a surprise? You should go in knowing that is going to happen. This isn't a shock. this isn't a surprise.
>go into a movie about traveling through space
>complain it's a space movie
serious what the fuck
They had a hand in it, yes.
Clearly they haven't faced me and my dual blade
just stop already
>Great Whte Savior
The world is doomed, people.... Doomed.
>mfw this will be 100 times better than skull island
yeah and no problem about the bad white people tho
Don't worry, user. Only fat basement dwellers and ugly Tumblrinas take this SJW shit seriously (very small fraction). The rest of the world sees it as a retarded meme phase that shouldn't be acknowledged or given attention.
Oh come on, just hands. Everyone has a pair of em.
>complain about white protagonists
>don't go and see movies with non-white protagonists because watching anything that isn't a blockbuster is out of your comfort zone
Fucking Americans lol.
If people actually gave a shit about minorities in movies, those movies would gross more.
white can only be villains
i could take down a trained gorilla with the flick of my dick
>if you kill your enemies, they win.
>watch Greystoke
IGN does movies now?
>9.5 it's alright
IGN is the most nerd pandering, company bought out bullshit ever.
>great white savior
I don't recall it being a fucking problem for the Avatar reviews? Does every hero have to be a fucking nigger now or what? Goddammit
>Great white savior
Did Raimi take over for Yates?
>Jim Vejoda
>fictional story isn't real
>Great White Savior
You fucking what cunt.
You fucking what?
This fuckwit goes on about some fucking Belgian shit in the Congo. Lmao what the fuck? It's about fucking Tarzan, has he not read the fucking book or seen the animated movie?
Gorillas have literally 0 technique. Man has brains.
Yeah but it's 2016, why couldn't Tarzan be a black woman or an old Chinese guy?
dont you love how 90% of critiques have nothing to do with the film as a whole
>fucking white man saves the day
>fuck yea dude civil war was rad
zero critique
> -Great White Savior
This is literally racism, it isn't even subtle.
This can't be real surely.
It does look a bit shit though, and Greystoke is kino
>Great white savior
I can't even find the energy to be annoyed anymore. This is our world now.
oh boy, good memes everyone
>great white savior
>picture of apes
IGN is racist.
Tarzan literary means "white skin" in the language the gorillas use.
lmao bravo critics
So... who would win between a gorilla and aquiles?
> (-) The main character is white
National Socialist uprising when?
>great white savior
they're gorillas
what do you mean by great white savior
welcome to the future
huh really make you think
The movie's plot isn't about tarzan saving the gorillas, it's about Tarzan stopping the Belgian genocide of the Congo.
It's absurdly disrespectful to the real events that serve as the backdrop of the movie. Like if you decided to make a movie about Indiana Jones stopping the Holocaust. Or Tin Tin saving the Hindenburg. You don't mix that cartoon bullshit directly into real life tragedy, it's insensitive and stupid.
like if you made a movie about Indiana jones stopping the Nazis
FTFY jew
>Great White Savior
>this is a negative thing
>the companies that developed antiretrovirals to fight HIV which was destroying the African continent were all white
>the only group of people on the planet to eradicate slavery from their countries are whites
>Abraham Lincoln
>Ulysses S. Grant
>William Tecumseh Sherman
>John Brown
>^ these people are "not white saviors"
>he thinks people put much thought into anything these days and arent drones
ahhh here it is don't mention ANY genocide that isnt the Holocaust GOYIM
Yeah remember that scene where Indiana Jones stumbled on the death camps and freed the inmates before Hitler's final solution could be put into effect?
Oh no wait, the Nazis were just used as villains and the movies deliberately take place before WW2 to avoid having to address the horrible human costs of Nazi villainy.
To be fair, God Hand was a piece of shit
>You don't mix that cartoon bullshit directly into real life tragedy, it's insensitive and stupid.
insensitive on all the 110 year old congolese cinemagoers?
>people actually wondered why GG boycotted a neutral site like IGN.
>nazis were just used as villians
Just like the US gov is used by Israel
The fuck are you even talking about?
Kill yourself shitskin
Or their descendants. Or really anyone even vaguely aware of history.
Remember Dances With Wolves? The Last Samurai? Now imagine those movies with a main character who can talk to animals and whose most iconic portrayal is a Disney children's film. It's ludicrous.
Literally nobody was wondering that. I don't think many people here knew that those faggots even boycotted ign.
did it also upset you when maximus kills emperor commodore and restores the republic?
it's a movie, history is history, who cares.