I think I am ready I just haven't received much advice as to what it is like and if it is hard...

I think I am ready I just haven't received much advice as to what it is like and if it is hard. Any advice would be appreciated.

The fuck you on about user?

It's great, you'll love it. Good choice OP

If you don't like thinking for yourself, go for it!

My apologies missed the title there. I'm going to Marine Corps boot camp in a few weeks looking for advice

OP the minimum requirement for joining the army is 40 pushups, some number of situps and being able to do a 10 km run in under some amount of time
This is for the US army I'm talking about
Honestly look up the finer details and good luck

Know what to expect before joining. If you have a relative or know somebody that joined, ask them what to expect. Remember the drill instructors are always testing you, it's all part of the discipline.

Just dont go thinking you protected freedom or some shit like that..also dont think you need a pat on the back for your service.Just dont be an entitles douche is all.

Im aware of the minimum requirements I wanted to hear more experiences if anyone had any or advice. I want to be as prepared as possible. And it is for the Marines not the army


I'm waiting to hear if my waiver has been approved. I'm enlisting in the US Army. The Marines disqualified me because of my tattoo sleeve. Hope you studied the ASVAB.

Basically its just welfare queens nowadays.

Join the Air Force, at least you'll learn a marketable skill. Not just idiot Marines/Army fags yelling at recruits because they got yelled at etc.

Daaaarling!!! Don't worry xoxo.


Be prepared to spend the next 4 years with a bunch of morons who didn't realize high school is over. And that goes for the senior enlisted as well.

Don't get me wrong... I loved my time in the Marines. It was just stupid, wasted time.

why is he wearing pink? i thought it was just a joke that jihadists are colorblind. can anyone confirm?

Just go with the flow and don't take to much to heart , volunteer for deployments .

So I should go in expecting to get tested and fucked with? Doesn't seem so bad if you know that already

lol studied the ASVAB.

If you're not making at least an 80 going into it blind, then you didn't pay attention in basic classes like algebra. If you're not an idiot, the score they give you at the end of your ASVAB doesn't mean shit.

>I'm going to Marine Corps boot camp in a few weeks looking for advice
advice? it's too late. you've already fucked up and joined the military. nothing can help you now.

Meh. He can change his mind all the way up through the night he arrives at boot camp.

I'm not going expecting to be recognized for it. I could care less

lol got a 74 but i was always smoking weed at school, thinking about joining, am i fucked?

just don't qualify on the rifle range. Every marine has to qualify, they can't make you pull the trigger

I didn't do great in school which is why I'm joining the military. I only scored at 61 on my asvab. I'm going infantry regardless

Eat a lot of food or all the work will make you waste away. It happened to me in basic - I went from 210 to 160 in like 2 months. Also always volunteer for shit, it'll gain you respect amongst the instructors and they might even give you sweet opportunities. Also try to be a PT beast if possible. Shit will be much easier if you're a PT beast. I went through Army but I'm gonna assume it'll be somewhat similar for Marines to some extent, so I must let you know that it won't be as "fun" or "challenging" as people say it is. It will mostly just suck dick. I mean that. You'll usually just feel stupid for enlisting while you stand around in lines dick to ass with other dudes for hours, getting no pussy, and watching your hands prune in the heat, etc. It will just suck. Don't expect much more. Whether it's worth it or now will be up to you though user. But I'd suggest you stick through with it.

Too late my minds already made up

Watch Full Metal Jacket if you haven't seen it already, my dad was a marine, he says it's pretty accurate to how D.I.'s actually are.

Eat the peanut butter

Ňow that's a great warning thanks user. Glad you enjoyed your wasted time atleast

You are on your way to becoming a citizen

dont bitch out or the bugs will finally take over


I can do that. Thanks user

So should I make a run for it when I get off the bus?

You ever sucked dick in a foxhole? Get used to it.

Quit the devils cabbage and join

1. dont ever look the drill in the eye
2. dont ever volunteer for anything
3. dont be an outlier, dont be first, dont be last. just be another body in the formation
4. when you do fuck up, just beat your face, be motivated, but not too motivated and the drill will move on to the next private.
5. when you are hurting, remember that everyone around you is hurting too. dont be a whiny bitch, and dont be a hero.
6. dont be a sick call riding malingering faggot.

probably will 4dat collegecash
thanks for the vote of confidence

I had thought you wanted to blend in with the other recruits and not stick out by volunteering?

What if I'm not ghey?

I disagree on the volunteering thing based on my experiences, but I did forget to mention earlier that you should definitely not go to sick call all the time. That will make you look like a bitch to everyone and you don't want that kind of attention.

I love this advice, this seems really helpful thank you user

I will look for the movie thanks user

In my time during basic, those who volunteered actually formed decent relationships with the instructors and were given roles of leadership accordingly. Not to mention the Sergeants respect and the respect of the platoon. Two of my friends who were always volunteering actually were offered a spot at special forces because of it. Not to mention the ones who didn't volunteer were seen as lazy and singled out more by the instructors. This is my experience though.

I wasnt stronger than most, faster than most, or more capable than most, so I just wanted to blend in. So that was my tactic. Dont complain too much, dont volunteer, dont go see the drill for anything.

Oh, and during basic dont ever let your mom send cookies or candy.

Ok I really don't want to be the bitch there. I just want to make it through the 3 months

I was the same way also everyone told me to keep my head down and stfu before I went. In the end, after having seen it all, I kind of regret not volunteering more. But to be clear, not volunteering for mundane tasks that the instructors need help with wont hurt you.. the worst that will happen is that the instructors and your buddies will notice that you never volunteer OP. Just dont be a dick sucker though OP. Be useful, not a suck up.

Well just avoid sick call at all costs. I know one guy who was on sick call all the time and the whole damn company treated him like he was a shitter for it. It was pretty cruel how he was singled out looking back on it honestly.

They're going to break you down and put you back together again.

Go with the flow, take the path of least resistance, do what you're told to do, learn what you're told to learn.

Once boot is done it's off to A-School for whatever the fuck job you got, and after that it's to a proper command.

Same shit applies. Do what you're told, when you're told and you'll do fine.

Always be 15 minutes early to everything. If you're on time, you are late.

Always answer with rank, never let someone with more stripes fool you into thinking you're friends.

Have fun. You're gonna get paid pretty well.

Just be careful about volunteering some lead to good opportunities others lead to pain and missery. Also its really not as bad as you think, sure while your in it it fucking sucks but when you look back youll realize it isnt to bad. Start learning all the marine ranks, learn how to shoot and disassemble a rifle. >get a mohawk before you ship off drill sergeants will think youre bad ass trust me i had a kid who did it

Hope you like sweeping.

Marine here, 9 out of 10 you won't go to war and they will try to fuck you every chance if you have a relationship right now it'll probably ruin it and you will hate your life unless you go to combat only fun times are killing bitches other then that the marines is the worst branch you could've picked

and mopping. and buffering. and cleaning toilets in a hurry.


Well I'm outta here OP, hope i helped. But i was army keep in mind. im 90% sure it will be harder for you. but not impossible. the only advice you need really is to just take it one day at a time and dont let quitting be a possibility no matter how much it sucks.

t. either not an actual marine or a shitty marine

you're right I'm making it up I actually have no idea what I'm talking about from a grunts perspective

what peanut butter?

Well now this is a different side to volunteering i guess i will feel things out. Thanks user

You asked the damn question. Here's a better piece of advice, fuck you, eat shit, and die!

Ive been told to keep my head down also so im not sure what im going to do in that case. But sounds like good advice, be useful and dont suck dick

Sounds like good advice. Avoid sick call at all costs

Thanks user!

Never let someone with more stripes fool you into friendship? Seriously i shouldn't trust them?

You really i think i get payed well? I was sure i wasnt going to be

Good because you will not be recognized!

I have been learning my ranks but im not convinced on the mohawk thing

also they'll do shit like

"Hey who has a motorbike license?"

"I do sarge!"

"Ok cool, move those 1500 boxes of potatoes 3 foot to the left, see you tomorrow"

I have no gf so that part is good i'm also going to be a grunt too but why do you say i'll hate my life?

I cant say it's my favorite activity

Fuck all that. Become a contractor. Make twice as much money and don't go through all the bullshit "tear you down and build you up again die for your country" brainwashing bullshit. More money, better living situations, less rules and bullshit about what you do on your offtime.


Too late already made up my mind. Just looking for advice for this situation

what mos?



What your mos?

I've been told that the best answer to questions is "I don't know sir!"

That is, if you try to explain yourself you're just going to get it piled on heavier."

im not in the niggertary

Sounds like good advice thanks user

POG lol

No, nigger, i'm not in any branch of military.(nigger)

The hostility with this one

Scream in the beginning all the time then scream only when the Di's are near. Hopefully you are tall you get to eat first usually and hope you enjoy sitting in uncomfortable positions for hours till you want to die lol

For hours? I thought recruits were always kept busy?

Treat Never Keep Keep. Just remember and follow that for everyone else's sake.

Boot camp is probably the easiest thing you'll do in the Marine Corps. Unless you get a skate ass MOS like me

Treat Never Keep Keep? Whats that mean?

Well thats a positive message. Most people tell me it's the hardest part of the Marine Corps

Nah fam. You just gotta be flexible. I had some of my favorite times in boot camp. If I could go back and do it all over again, I would. Just be ready for training day 17.

don't do it. join the air force instead.

Don't volunteer for anything
3 things you say only in phase 1
Yes sir/mam
No sir/mam
I sir/mam
Do what your told
Try and be a Gide they rank up faster
Listing carefully
Don't cause a ruckus
Stay out of attention of the drill instructor and mainly the senior drill instructor
Know your ranks

don't go. you aren't in the military yet. it doesn't matter what you've signed already. join the air force. you'll thank me when someone busses your table at the air force chow hall.


Development a taste for crayons and be good at licking windows. Boom! Marine.

Bussing tables stopped years ago...quality of life is really going down.

make sure you enjoy the service and free food. it stinks but you can get your life and heart in order. if anything you avoid the problems and you really help make the world a sacred place.