Fuck my life, fuck all of you. fuck society. turn on cnn in 30 minutes

fuck my life, fuck all of you. fuck society. turn on cnn in 30 minutes

why can't you just an hero like the japanese

Post a screencap with you sticking this gun up your ass before you go an hero

So youre gonna shoot innocent people & live to tell the tale so we can pay for you for the rest of your scumbag life?

Dis gon be good

>unix timestamp

hehe nice try kiddo

you gonna try to kill people with a .22?

You won't do shit. Just kill yourself.

Yeah, fuck your life and use a knife. Dickhead. Be a man and stab/slice people. Or how about you just blow your own head off after you nut in your own mouth.

>getting baited this hard

fuck cnn,libtard assholes.... FOX!

what region?

or nvm, u wont do shit anyway

>turn on cnn in 30 minutes
I wouldn't waste my time watching the Communist News Network

responding to bait

What you gonna do with that 22. You gonna shoot up a squirrel mall?

ha .22 wont do shit

Responding to baited bait

Timestamp faggot

yeah, i'm sure you're all just pretending

Which school?

baiting the bait that someone else baited

the 22 won't do anything, but those dubs are a different story

>no stamp

I wonder how much CNN ratings spike when these threads come along

>living on Sup Forums enough to know all bait threads the second you see them

> 2016
> not seeking counseling for your problems
> fucking up gun rights for everyone that's not a faggot like you

.22 confirmed. The magazine is slotted in the red area. What a faggot.

>Being enough of a retard to not realize this is b8 even if you've never seen it before

Man, sales people must love when you answer their cold calls because you're so fucking gullible.

What a fucking shitty set up.
Enjoy your jamming and jokes at your expense.

when was the last time a Sup Forumstard actually went and did something like this?