>Be Christopher Nolan
>Do a World War 2 movie to outdo saving private Ryan
>Use RC planes for German Luftwaffe
Be Christopher Nolan
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>casting 1 direction faggot Harry Styles in your WW2 flick
Miniatures touched up by CGI are the best way to go
How low he has fallen
I see no problem with this. It will still look better than CGI
You faggots would bitch about CGI so shut the fuck up
Nothing wrong with this faggot
Hey Chris there's a squirrel in the plane
That's the biggest RC plane since the silent era
>ywn have your own RC Stuka
This shit is from 1996 and looks good to this day. 100% CGI looks like garbage after 2-3 years.
that's not a stuka doe
Ew, did I just read a post from a pleb complaining about using miniatures in special effects? Gross.
Dem mutations stay plebe mutant
And? What's wrong with this. Do you expect them to create full-scale replicas costing tens of millions of dollars?
Most early war German and British aircraft simply don't exist anymore and if they do they are not air-worthy. Using large-scale RC props makes perfect sense.
>Implying Nolan wouldn't have the money to build his own full sized WWII planes for the movie
RC Stukas are also in the movie
>implying movie budgets work that way
What's the problem here? Most of the plane shots in any movie since mid-90's has been CGI.
If he built the damn spaceship for interstellar, he sure as heck can build propeller aircraft
(((Nolan))) is a HACK CONFIRMED
I don't think that spaceship actually flew.
Is that a midget man inside the upper cabin?
Nolan is notoriously cheap in his movies. He films them with as few takes as possible, never does reshoots and tries to fix everything by editing. That's why TDKR was such a mess.
ehhh... guys?
Who gives a shit? Are you about 15 yrs old by chance? If he can act then he can act. We'll see
Yes yes we already know
If I ban you will you die?
You are fucking retarded aren't you?
ww2 movies kinda stopped after saving private ryan, i'm looking forward to this one.
does he know RC anything don't move realistic.
I'll be impressed if Nolan can direct him. Even Mick/Bowie were in great movies.
It's pretty offensive that he's only casting white males.
It's 2016, the lack of diversity is really problematic.
How about a ww1 one? it seems so overlooked compared to ww2 though maybe i'm ignint, what're some good ww1 films?
>complaining about models
Man fuck you, seriously just fuck yourself
Joyeux Noel
No evil Nazi comic book villains.
How much are those radio controlled airplanes?
>tfw Nolan will never ask you to build RC planes for his movie and pay you 10x their actual worth
Encouraging. Practical effects are almost always better than cgi
Pfff. It's only a model.
No. Just no.
Germany, its allies, co-belligerents and all the neutral states on the planet were fighting for the forces of truth and light during world war two.
inb4 Hitler shown as a benevolent and respectable combatant by allowing the mass retreat at Dunkirk because he didn't want to slaughter the English.
He is holding the wing in the distance. Did you miss the Grover bit on Sesame Street about near and far?
Even ignoring perspective, he doesn't even look to scale. Something like a 60s foot tall GI Joe doll would be to scale with that plane.
Inb4 he delivers a great performance
People who say it looks better than CGI are retarded. Simple mechanical CGI objects are indistinguishable from reality now. Cool nevertheless.
kek, I came here to post this.
physical props provide better immersion for the actors which allows them to give a more genuine performance
Just a reminder that the 1960s, WWII classic The Battle of Britain, famous for using so many replica British and German aircraft, still used RC planes for the Stuka sequence that still looks good today.
you have poor visual intelligence, many people can spot CGI no matter how 'good' it is, perfectly matching shadows to real world environments is basically impossible. Unless the whole shot is CGI, it's gonna look odd and off to most people, even unconsciously if they don't know what they're looking for.
Even when a scene is entirely CGI, you can tell due to the oversimplified light source.
You need glasses dude.
>100% CGI looks like garbage after 2-3 years.
That was true in the 90's and early 2000's,
there's no difference between CGI from 2012 and CGI from 2016.
>many people can spot CGI no matter how 'good' it is
It's the same for models, puppets and animatronics, especially in movement
what's your point?
I don't like Nolan's films either but I fail to see the problem here.
Is it that you are triggered? I don't get it.
since when was using models bad?
fuck you Sup Forums
Some parts of the plane scene were miniature and it looked decent.
Also the collapsing fortress in Inception was incredible.
exactly, both look like shit
>casting Brokeback Faggot as your Joker
>casting Princess Diaries cunt as your Catwoman
>casting a not-so-big guy as your Big Guy
You know what I find funny? He's doing a movie about Dunkirk just after Britain is doing its own Dunkirk away from Europe. Nolan has impeccable timing.
they were all actors in multiple movies
Hate Anne all you want, but her catwoman was the best character of the movie
Spain still has actual Heinkel 111 still flying. They used those for the Battle of Britain film. Why not use them again?
Fuck off, you don't need diversity for the sake of diversity. It makes everything worse when you do that. Blacks make up around 10% of the US population, it's dumb to think we need a one to one ratio of ethnicities.
there are some people falling for really obvious trolls itt
is it summer or what?
>Mosquito Man
>Dr. Pavel
you should kill yourself like hitler did.
This,I simply will not watch another "hur here comes America to defeat the ebil nazis durr" ever again as long as I live. No doubt there will be a never ending slew of them.
Hitler did nothing wrong.
While the theory of Hitler’s diabolism is generally accepted, there are very well informed persons who contend that he brought himself and Germany to ruin by being too soft, generous and honorable rather than too tough and ruthless.
They point to the following considerations: he made a genuine and liberal peace offer to Britain on August 25, 1939; he permitted the British to escape at Dunkirk to encourage Britain to make peace, which later on cost him the war in North Africa.
Hitler had advanced and cut off France and Britain at the English Channel in Dunkirk in just 7 weeks, at which point he just let them go. Hitler spent most of his time trying to put a stop to the ever encroaching Red Menace. Between Lenin and Stalin 40,000,000 Russians and Eastern Europeans died at the hands of the Bolsheviks. This is for thought crimes, not WWII - This is what communism will get you. Hitler's main concern was to stop the advancement of communism, and protect Europe from the Bolshevik advances. For the sake of Capitalism and Free Enterprise, Hitler meant to put a stop to it. Most are brainwashed into thinking Hitler was a "Monster". But it was European agression, much like today, who poked and prodded Hitler into war by allowing over 50,000 German nationals to be exterminated in Poland.
Read up on carpert bombings in Berlin and Dresden if you think the Allies were the good guys. Ask the Red Cross how many died in these so-called concentration camps - The only professional count ever taken.
Try 271,301. That's everyone. Most of the deaths were from Typhus, thus the Zyclon-B for delousing. More Jews were living in Europe AFTER WWII than before the war started.
Everything you were taught was wrong.
as raw materials for memeing, yes. Otherwise, not really
That's not a Stuka you fucking plebeian.