ITT: Films that deserve to be hated far more than they are

ITT: Films that deserve to be hated far more than they are.

Pic couldn't be more related.

fuck you op

I hated this fucking movie so much.

>hating any Cronenberg film

You're retarded.

It's pretty awful.

fuck you too


Go back to watch The Matrix


I bet you prefer post-body horror Cronenberg.

What didn't you like about it? I thought it was entertaining the whole way through.

but dubs, they all are good

KYS muh dude

This movie was so fucking shit.

I got it on a "6 movies on one disc" thing at Walmart filled with Asylum shit and was actually surprised when I learned people knew about it and enjoyed it.

I can't believe this movie was in one of those packs.

Cronenberg is one of my favorite directors but I'm kinda neutral on this one. Most of his other classics I have watched countless times but this one I have watched only once.

I remember kinda liking it but not much else. Only that the premise is ridiculous.


Nice insight

Not hating all cronenberg films. He has never made a good film.

All his movies start with some lame idea that he precedes to execute poorly.

This movie to me was like the Ex Machina of its day: a trite, run of the mill but interesting sci fi trope concept that sounded great on paper but fell short of expectations in reality.

So many things did the whole VR vs real life / uploading consciousness shtick better, one of which being a single episode of the X-Files. I admire the direction they were going in for the movie, but the execution and acting was just shite.

>acting was just shite.
I thought everyone did a fantastic job. Jude Law dropped his accent maybe twice and some people behaved oddly, but it was in the game so it was fine.

Fuck off and die


>that opinion
>that formatting
>that 'precedes'

So much wrong with this post.

I love Cronenberg but cosmopolis was a piece of shit.

I haven't been able to believe any characters I've ever seen JJL play, and this is coming from someone who absolutely loved Christian Bale's performance in The Machinist but just thought she was the weak link of the movie.

Jude Law was fine, sure, but some of the scenes just felt so forced and fake to me and completely unbelievable. One of my friends told me that "BUT THAT WAS THE POINT BECAUSE YOU DONT KNOW IF IT WAS REAL" but that to me seems to be a cop out excuse for a poor female lead.

Dang, I was worried before watching the movie that'd it be cheesy, but JJL made the whole game corporation CEO lady really believable to me.

> I haven't been able to believe any characters I've ever seen JJL play
Man, this bums me out.

Then I suppose we could chalk this up to personal preference. I really did want to like this movie solely based on being into scifi and the like but something about it just didn't work for me.

I still feel the X-Files did a more interesting job with both the video game company episode and the one with "invisigoth" and the govt conspiracy about her former lover that uploaded his consciousness.

I love both Cronenberg and X Files, the none of the computer/video game/virtual reality episodes even come close to Existenz, even the ones written by William Gibson.

Fuck you. It's quite the opposite.

The VR episode of The X-Files is meh at best, so it's hard to compare. The first William Gibson episode was brilliant, but the VR showed that he probably hadn't watched the show at all.

William Gibson is a shit writer anyway.

I would like to order "the special"

lol jus a dream aside I enjoyed the way it portrayed the shared dream, the eery, confused vibe of it all and the creative props.


Cosmopolis was his best film.

So fucking good.

I think this movie was fucking awful and it's one of the few movies I thought was a chore to sit though, that and Abatap. I also like bad movies and this was just boring bad.

I agree, ExistenZ was pretty shit outside of the tooth gun and the Howard Shore soundtrack

Everything about that sequence is pretty great, but the dog at the end feels like a blatant rip off of Wild at Heart.

>lol jus a dream aside
It avoids that by resolving the plot in the real world, and it makes you re-evaluate the entire movie.

Its a good twist that fits within the scope of the movie. Its not like the layers of reality wasn't a big point of the movie.

I thought it was really fun and it held my attention pretty much the whole way through. I liked the surreal/dreamlike atmosphere.

Suck my dick, OP

(laughs out loud)

He was the contact all along


wtf is happening here? He's shooting a gun made of chicken corpse?

Watch the movie. It's good.

This movie stomps Inception when it comes to dream movies.

I guess I'll have to

No, like right now. You've read to much in this thread already.

Watch the movie, its a must.

I don't see why so many people hate it. It's not a masterpiece, but it's a great watch, really engaging.

What a beautiful full head of hair he used to have.

Well, it's 20 past midnight in here, I was about to go to sleep, but fuck it. Imma watch this now.

Fuck you. It's good.

OP is a gigantic nigger general.

True patrician

Its a perfect midnight movie to be honest with you famagochi.

>there are people that actually like Cronenberg

Well now you're just baiting. But then again, homosexuality is the best all around cover.

Naked lunch is seriously the gayest book I have ever read.

Good eu boi

Worst movie I have ever seen.

Then you've obviously never heard of Jean Genet.

Which says enough about you (if true)

"The game made me just sexually assault you"
"Yes, the game is also making me sexually assault you"
"Let us allow the game to make us rape each other, with the thinned possible pretense that we actually do want to fuck each other but won't say it"

>This movie

What you just said proves that this movie is kino.

Could someone give me a legitimate reason why this film deserves to be hated?

too many people like it

Probably kids who heard it was a vidya movie and were just bored.


Cheers for recommending lads. Felt like it could use some extra money, but other than that pretty solid. Liked how it all suddenly made sense in the end.
Kinda makes you think if Nolan stole the idea for Inception from it.

>Kinda makes you think if Nolan stole the idea for Inception from it.
A lot of people mention that. Glad you enjoyed it.

The stilted acting was done on purpose to reflect the weird animations and flat voice acting of video games at the time. The movie is essentially a remake of videodrome replacing video with games.

I got this from the movie too. Atmosphere would feel weird if you're playing an RPG like it's IRL.

Yes exactly. I'm not gonna pretend this movie is top tier, but I still really liked it.

>it was bad on purpose!

> Got it on a "6 movies on one disc"
> Asylum shit
> surprised when learned people enjoyed it

Of course you're liyng about the "6 movies on one disc" thing. Besides the fact that kids have no money to buy movies.

You need to grow up - and I'm not referring to your nose only. In some years, after you enter University or take your first job, you will understand why people enjoy Cronenberg.

Go back to your Disney movies for a while.