

Is this what true autism looks like? I don't know any autistic people in real life and this is what I've come to believe they're like.


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Naw, true autism is not being able to post this in one of the several existing Ramsay threads that you can easily see after a quick glance at the catalog. Autism or just plain reddit tier newfaggotry.

This head chef has legit autism


its scripted ning nong

>this triggered

reddit pls go.

What a terrible group of creeps

jeez.. that autist head chef is rough to watch

and Razer Ramon's fat brother..

its better w/o the swear words bleeped, is this from the dvd or something?

>literally one other Ramsay thread on page 10

How retarded are you?

I think he is just nervous about seeing Gordon and being on TV. Hell anybody would be. He seems excited and really nice.
an autist would have starred at the floor and mutter is answers without making eye contact

There were 5 Ramsay threads up 15 mins ago at the time of the post, and even more before that. Probably because OP or somebody has been spamming Ramsay threads all fucking day and people just stopped replying to them altogether.

>There were 5 Ramsay threads up 15 mins ago at the time of the post
No. There weren't. This is a dumb post.

Yes there were, retard.

>those eye twitches

Prove it. It's not hard to look at the archive and see what was up at the time. I made the damn thread and browsed the catalog first, there was literally one other thread that this wouldn't have even fit in. Now fuck off back to réddit.

>duck was cooked a month ago

The archive doesn't tell you the exact time a thread dropped off the catalog, newfag.

What episodes of hotel hell/kitchen nightmares should I binge watch and what is the best way to do it?

There are tons of good ones for all different reasons. Honestly just watch random ones. If you want to start off with the creme de la cremewatch Amy's Baking Company, but don't get excited for the return to ABC episode, it was a fucking joke.

I've seen that one on YouTube. It's the one with the crazy bitch with old man husband right?

Yeah, definitely the most memorable episode. There are hardly any bad episodes of either show to be honest.

He seems nice at least

>constantly calling him sir

I respect his manners and kindness

>Ramsey thread with embedded episode

Great. Now I'm busy for the next 40 mins.

>those borthers
>"busy idiot is a british compliment"

God he was so ignorant. but i was kind of sweet and funny.

I haven't been on Sup Forums in a LONG time.Is there normally a few Gordon Ramsey threads up at one time? Is he like a mascot or something?


Probably the Brit edited channel 4 version of Kitchen Nightmares US.

>LE AUTISM XDD!!!!!!111
legit autism is literally smashing your fucking fists to your head at random times and sperging out and literally unemployable with serious mental problems

he's just an awkward teen being overly friendly

and that little bullshit "Fresh !" shit gordon ramsey says at every fucking episode is such fucking bullshit because he has all his restaurants get meals prepared off site and sealed/re-heated later, AKA ready made meals

nothing gordan ramsey serves in his restaurants is fresh

Most places don't make fresh anything, all stuff like this is from a box and deep fried, it's impractical to expect them to prep all of this stuff themselves especially knowing how poor the business at most of these places

>autistic gets triggered

proven my point
youre a nigger spouting a meme word like a retarded child who heard it for the first time
go on youtube right now and watch a video of an actual person with autism before you ever use that stupid fucking word again, you cancerous little shit of a human being

Why would I need to watch a video when I have an example right here you autist?

There are many different levels of autism you know.

>white english son of a bitch
What did the mean by this?

he knew what he was doing, everything he said was on point.

the sheer volume of "sir"s and "mam"s thrown in there demonstrated deliberateness. and they were always on the money. it was a little awkward, but once you got his shtick down, you realize it's all part of his way.

That guy was really friendly though, seems like a cool guy that hang out with.