Promise me, Ned, promise me that you will take my child back home to live in Winterfell to be a bastard and an outcast...

>Promise me, Ned, promise me that you will take my child back home to live in Winterfell to be a bastard and an outcast. Promise me that your wife will chastise and hate him for matters outside of his control. Promise me that you'll be too beta to put her in line and to treat him with dignity. Promise me that you'll let him leave to join an ancient order of shamed knights and rapists and sacrifice any right to take a wife and have children. But... above all Ned, promise me you'll put him through years of mental anguish by keeping my identity as his mother shrouded in mystery when you could simply just lie to him and say that his mother was an uninteresting southern shrill who died giving birth. Promise me, Ned, promise me...

What did she mean by this?

It's just a silly American tv show. Get over it or quit watching it.

i guess you don't know how they treat bastards in westeros. fuckin pleb Ned had to keep the act up or jon would've been killed. Sending him to the wall was the safest place for him

That guy is the worst Sean Bean impersonator ever.

Ned Stark was an honorable man

He wasn't just a bastard; he was a Targaryen bastard - LYANNA'S Targaryen bastard. Robert loved Lyanna and hated Targs so much he ordered them all eliminated. He'd gladly keep his own bastards alive, but not Jon.


I didn't undestand this scene. Is Ned not Jon's real father anymore? And who is that chick? His sister, or Robert's wife?

Jon is the son of the Mad King's son, Rhaeghar. He's the nephew of Eddard Stark and Daenerys.

And Ned's sister was Robert's wife. She ran away with Rhaeghar and had Jon.

fug I finally understand now

I'm willing to bet the majority of normies thought Ned fugged Lyanna.

>Hmm, maybe I can tell Catelyn he is the child of a peasent/random soldier who saved my life and I promised to take care of his son in his last breath.
>Nah, I'll just say I fugged (benis in vagina) some fisher-woman.

Nigga he can't control everything. He promised to care for the twerp and he did it. Jon lived better than pretty much any other bastard ever. Most wives have their husband's bastards killed to prevent a takeover.

Did she actually say Rhaegar in the show? I couldn't really hear.

She did not. But he was mentioned many times in S1.

If Robert, the King, knew Jon was a Targaryen he would've killed him. That was the main threat to Jon's life.

Yes..because having the babies head bashed in by Robert would have been so much better. Are you literally autistic or just really fucking stupid?


Joining the nights watch was Jon's decision you dumb fat retard

For a long time I just assumed that the Mad King fugged Lyanna and that means Dany and Jon are brother and sister

reminder that normies still have no idea of who she was, who Rhaegar was, why Jons parentage had to be hidden and why it is important.

it was pretty gud
He looks white trashy and speak in northernshit dialect

I'm glad that for once, the show didn't spell it out.

I thought about this too but if you consider the circumstances Eddard did absolutely nothing wrong. It just sucks that his wife had to die without finding out that Lord Stark never dishonored her.

Thats why the series turned into ''muh Daenerys/muh dragons/muh women leaders/''

I'm surprised that Euron got some screentime at all, but knowing D&D, they'll turn him into a feminist straw man.

You can subscribe to the theory that the Mad King fucked Tywin's wife and fathered Tyrion. I've always asumed there was a little more to the hatred of Tyrion by Tywin, apparently the Mad King lusted after her.

You do need a third dragon rider.

muh honor

someone post rhaegar mai boi comic

His name is:
> Juan Snow

His royal nickname isn't The White Wolf


>Dusty Coyote

if robert was such a problem why not just do this
>stewart: Lord Stark, King Joffrey requests your presence in the throne room
>Ned: King Joffrey?
>stewart: King Robert is gone, gods give him-

coz the lannisters would just give up that easy at that point they're all in their prime of fucking shit up