About to watch this for the first time. What am I in for?

About to watch this for the first time. What am I in for?



just watch it.
don't let us influence your opinion too much.

anal rape

>Theatrical Cut
Watch the Ultimate Edition.


if ultimate edition: something that rivals the genius of Watchmen
if theatrical cut: peepeepoopoo

>Theatrical cut
Average to below average shit
>Ultimate Edition
Decent film

Fuck off to Sup Forums


A movie that looks good but utterly fails at having any sort of cohesive story or characterization
>Ultimate edition
The one true capekino

the greatest capefilm ever made.

Where's your Civil War thread, marveldrone?


Marvel fucboi here.

Theatrical release had potential but fails bad in many parts.

Ultimate Edition fixes most problems and makes it worth watching.


Listen up cracka, Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice is by far the best movie that humanity has managed to create. The cinematography, screenwriting, acting, directing, custome design, the locations and the production make it a unique and unremarkable movie that people centuries ahead of us will still watch and appreciate. Now go back and shitpost your little capeshit threads and GoT generals, and let the grown ups talk about real kinotography.

absolute garbage

Kænęmœç , the purest form of kino

Any tits?

you won't believe it but BOTH THEIR MOM'S ARE NAMED MARTHA