Is Star Trek 2009 kino?

Is Star Trek 2009 kino?

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hell no, barely even a flick

it makes Final Frontier look like a masterpiece

I like it, made Star Trek tolerable.
I get chills every time the Enterprise comes out of warp

I liked it a lot


I really liked Bana in this.

Unironically his best acting in a blockbuster

It was the best sci-fi film of that decade. However with TFA's release, it's no longer the greatest of this century so far.

TFA is fantasy, not sci-fi.

>hello christopher, I'm nero

the new trek too.

btw, is the best sci-fi of the 2010`s interstellar?
`cause i agree with that.

it's the perfect movie, it's trek, it's fun, it's action, I fucking love it. I hope Beyond will be in the same spirit and have high hopes for Lin as a director.

It's a good for what it is- a pleb'd up ADD Star Trek.
Funny that JJ couldn't shit out a passable Star Wars reboot even though he always claimed to like wars more than trek.

ST'09>>>>>>>>the rape of nanking>>>>>>>>TFA


Moon is pretty based, too, but it's from 2009

>all that unnecessary shaky cam on the enterprise

I'd argue Into Darkness was better than TFA as well. Benadryl Redditmemepatch was a fun villain.

tfw i told you kino is german

Was he autistic?

It's so hard to take this homosexual seriously as a villain, especially as a butchered reboot of Kahn, wtf


yes because every smart character he plays them as autistic

What is "kino"?

is that Magnus Carlsen?

Aren't all smart people autistic?

I actually enjoyed it. Made a good balance of the action and plot intrigue, which is an area where the sequel completely failed.

I also liked how it ended up serving as not only a reboot, but a sort of sequel as well. That was clever.

no, Alan Turing for example was very approachable and social

>approaching a gay man

>is generic summer action blockbuster that is also a reboot of an older series kino?
if it's opposite day maybe.

german for movie theater

>Into Darkness
>better than anything

It's not that I hate stage plays, but then I would go watch a stage play not a movie in a fucking theater.

The irony is that while ST:09 is now seen as an audition piece for TFA, it was a far, far better 21st century update of the Star Trek movie formula than TFA was as a 21st century update of Star Wars.

It was quite simply a much, much better movie than TFA, both in terms of plot as well as in terms of execution, not to mention in terms of feel.

It's a great adventure movie. One of my favorites.

It does irritate me that INTO DARKNESS and now BEYOND just retread the original storyline of "Kirk starts out as a hotshot, but learns how to be a mature and wise Captain".

INTO DARKNESS literally copied the '09 ending beat-by-beat.

Would it be 10/10 if they kept the visuals, but got better writers?

lose the lens flares and focus on an actual sci-fi plot and yes it could be 10/10, the cast is great and the sets are spot on

don't listen to the memers, it has GOAT cinematography and sound

the lens flares are actually good and fit the films.

STID is decent. way better than TFA.

it was alright, but it makes me shake my head to be honest family when people say "Wow Star Trek is actually fun for once and not boring nerd shit!"
fucking plebs

most of the star trek movies are shit tho. especially those proceeding JJs. and the series is a cult thing, i dont enjoy it


Why the fuck did he deliver the line like that? ike he was at some seminar?

also both JewJew movies contain way too many pop culture cliches like >Kirk bangs green girls and is a bad boy who doesn't play by the rules!
>Scotty says "the engines cannae take it!" a lot, and Kirk always asks him to beam him up!

I hear it as an annoyed delivary. He's been waiting years to execute his plan, just wiped out a fleet of starships, and now the last one is bugging him. He realizes its the enterprise and just wants to talk to spock, not this shit captain he's never heard of

i agree its better than TFA but the flares are too detracting and need to be toned down at least

in space light is a big deal. although the use is mostly on deck its fairly realistic that external lights would be very bright and detracting from your ability to see properly

To add i hope you're happy because JJs wife said the same thing and now hes gonna stop with the lens flares altogether because hes a cuck.

Ill defend their use in Star Trek Super 8 and STID tho

His wife couldn't understand why he used so many during Alice Eves was reflecting her emotion in the scene and worked perfectly. fucking plebs RIP lenseflares 2006-2015

Movie sucked.

the opening scene is pretty good but the rest is not.


Needs more lens glare.

Oh... sorry. I guess I should translate that into faggot-speak:

Needs more lens flare.


No you fucking uneducated plebfaggot

Its garbage on all fronts, from a long time Trekkie standard, to someone who enjoys scifi, to someone who enjoys Action

Its shit on all fronts

>making Engineering be a shot of a fucking distillery factory
jew jew abrams is a hack