Can a racist be a good person?

can a racist be a good person?

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Sure, why not?

they wish harm upon other humans

No. Racists are not good people. Can a racist give to charity? Yes. Can a racist save a life? Yes. But you cannot be morally good if you hate irrationally.

thats what i thought

Forget about race, you're a fucking pedo faggot!

I help people and ask for nothing in return. I say please, thank you, yes sir, yes ma'am. I don't litter and recycle as often as possible I have three beautiful children I provide for with no government assistance. I always hold the door for women. I've never struck a woman in my life. But I hate niggers, Jew's, slants, Pollock's, and Mexican,s . So you tell me?

you can't be good if you're full of hate

By hate I don't mean I go out of my way to hurt them I just think the world would be a better place without them.

But they do that for what they think are justifiable reasons. SJWs can be good people, but they also wish harm upon other people. Just like racists, they do so with the validation of their own conscience. Most people are good people. There are very few truly evil people, that is, people who take joy in others suffering. It's just that most people are so warped by confirmation bias they don't realize that their version of good is another persons bad.

Nigger culture destroys everything go drive around Detroit it looks like a a 3rd world country they ruin a place then expect the white man to pay to relocate them

>Nigger culture destroys everything
Niggers invented modern music with the blues. Put away your lego and read a book

Not necessarily. I think that I'm better than blacks, but I also think I'm better than dogs. I wouldn't intentionally harm either.



thats not true, a resist is temperamental. iv been a racist white male. but i came to realize at a later time in life that the power is in Rothschild hands. Black people are suppressed by one man. same as women and children.

I think so. Racism is a character flaw, but I suppose you could compensate for it in other areas.

Im a racist and i save lives for a living save lives of the people i hate too. Being a racist is being a realist.

Give me one realist "fact" about blacks or latinos that can't be explained better by using poverty as a metric and not race

>blacks kill more people that any other race
poor people kill more people than any other class

Not an issue of race, its an issue of wealth. Don't get me wrong, I love Trump and voted to leave cucked EU, but race isn't a problem.

ITT: People rounding racism up to extremism verging on genocide

No, you need to be stupid to be a good person! If you're aware of what's happening around you, you'll viciously exploit it. To be a good person, need to shut up, stop nosing in on things, and fucking listen! Judge not, lest ye be judged!

Of course, you can still be trained to say nigger frequently and be taught to hate arabs, as long as you didn't personally decide to spit on how things are meant to be, as long as you didn't decide to personally be contrarian!

you live a useless life

Well it doesn't help that OP hasn't set the parameters for racism in this discussion.

Hitler did nothing wrong, he was just butthurt that his mom died in the care of a Jewish doctor

As long as they aren't a nigger, chink, sand-nigger, muzzie, dot-head, then absolutely. Why do you even have to ask, OP?


I'm living in a world filled with morons.

Good/bad are pretty much completely subjective concepts.

can a racist be a good person?
>how do I feel about purple?

Especially when irrationally, how can you be at fault. It's a feeling, you can't control it.

my aura is puple tbh

All of you WRONG.

You misunderstand reality.

Here's your answer.

You're deluded tbh

Your post seems to make the claim that "racism" is "irrational", but provides no provenance.

Yes, that is the only objective answer but for sake of discussion, we're arguing and swapping notes based on subjective points of view on morality.

If that's the only answer that you are interested in, what's the point of having a thread in the first place? Why ask questions that you already know the answer to?

This, racist and good person are mutually exclusive. Some racists are worse than others, but they're not good people.

Well are you stupid?

There is no point to the thread.
>Why ask questions that you already know the answer to?
That's a good question.

What's your fav colour?
>No you're wrong, let me explain why


What a hateful and bigoted thing to say!

"Good" is based on opinion
so yes,
and no

Seriously user, memes aside, only a cringy autistic Sup Forums edgelord will actually defend racism.

Depends on what race you are.

Newfag /thread's himself

Bitch ... I fucking love purple, you got that straight?!?

Not that fag, but people have been /threading themselves for at least ten years. Nice dubs though.

discriminate to persons for steal, murder, or rape it's okay but discriminate to persons for their color, religion, or nationality is bullshit

The entitled attitude i encounter. On a whole there never thankful for the treatment they recieve. The poor whites with a couple exceptions typically are thankful.

A lot of these replies deal with the word "hate"

noun: racist; plural noun: racists

a person who believes that a particular race is superior to another.

Sooo.. technically racism is only correlated to hate, they are not causative. Hating does not mean you believe in superiority and vice versa.
So believing a thing is better than another does not make you implicitly immoral, or hateful, or bad. Like all beliefs it's what actions that you take in response to that belief that define your "goodness"

This is insane. Everyone is talking about racial differences being irrational. How is anything but races being DIFFERENT rational. Intelligence, physical size, genital size, testosterone, bone structure are all different. Please drop the fucking elementary school holding hands under a rainbow shit.

What a fag you are.

that's not correct dumbass

In zoology there are no races, they're referred to as subspecies. Often all it takes is a difference in plumage or living on different sides of a river for subspecies to be divided up. "race' is just a polite way to say it. We are divergent from a common source, but not all of our traits are common among all races. differences in appearance and differences in behavior can become dominant traits within isolated groups. Humanity has had a number of relatively isolated groups who diverged both in appearance, and in behavior.

Isn't he exactly as good towards his own race as he is bad towards other races? A racist, I mean?

fuck no

you suck

Yeah they can, and often are good people. It's just that they have prejudices based on anecdotes they or others have experienced, combined with misinformation and misrepresentation. These things are also commonly inflated by affirmation from other people close to them. All of this builds up into a view of a racial group as having common defining traits that they don't like, when the truth is simply that they are human beings, just like you and you get good ones and bad ones.

Also, science proves that race in fact doesn't exist beyond phenotype expression.

this statement alone explains why a racist cant be a "good" person

>science proves that race in fact doesn't exist beyond phenotype expression
No fucking shit it's a phenotype expression, in what way does that detract from it "existing"? In what other way would race exist?

All people are equally racist, so yes.

So you're saying all hate is irrational and without justification?

Many racist people believe there to be a genetic difference between races, when in fact it is only a superficial physical commonality of traits.

>physical commonality of traits
...which are based on genetics

No, the genome is the same, expression of the genes is different. But between "racial" groups, these expressions largely only differ in superficial traits such as skin tone, eye colour, hair colour/texture etc.

Are you actually suggesting that having different ancestors doesn't lead to different genetics? Have you taken biology yet?

shut up nigger

I think I understand where you're coming from. We are somewhat alike. I work hard, social and polite to everyone. I have goals and when I can contribute to society.
As for other races. I hate when I see them bringing their "culture" in and mixing it with ours. It's like when I go to someone else's house I see how they live and copy. Take shoes off, ok. Wash hands before eating, ok. I don't declare in my house I can spit on the floor, don't force your customs on me. If I don't like it I should leave. If I'm not wanted they should kick me out.
For that reason I don't hate niggers, hindu, chinese and such that behave white. Shurely it would be better without them in my country but I don't want them off the earth. They can do their hooga-booga somewhere not here and I'll be just fine.

Can a racist be any skin color?


I believe people of all races and ethnics should be caked equally.

You speak English - a language comprised almost entirely out of OTHER languages.

Is you "culture" being retarded?
Congratulations on keeping up the tradition

it goes a lot deeper than that, all the way to behavior, intelligence levels, interests and more

Its cute how you racist stormfags just say "Im right because I say so!" when reality and facts tend to disagree. No wonder no one other than retarded basket cases follow that retarded shit lol

Only if they're racist against blacks and mid-easterners.... Jewish racism is also acceptable, but often misplaced.


nice facts backing up what you say bro

Ask an SJW they hate white people and men

who is that in the gif? i wanna fuck her

everybody is fucking racist, but only white people get in trouble for it.
the biggest racists on the planet are asians, followed by niggers.

Fuck off nigger I hope you die. Don't tell me I'm not a good person, you aren't even really human

what is good or bad
a matter of perspective therefore an illusion no more real than the concept of time

That's just called culture mate

I hate everyone whos not white or doesnt speak English I'm still a decent person

Racists use terms like "genes" and "genetics" to justify their small minded beliefs...when they know fuck all about what genes are or what genetics actually is.
For example- there is more genetic diversity between the different tribes in Africa than there is between the rest of the worlds populations and any one of those tribes.
But of course - they're all just 'black people' to retarded racists...all they need is a thorough DNA test to show how pig fucking ignorant they are of what genetics actually means

Orphan (2009) movie

That's a shit argument, tbh.


There are genetic differences. I don't know which are superior, and in what measure, but to imply all races are equal is most illogical.

>intelligence levels

again, that is bullshit, and you know it
you are not fooling anyone with that

thanks user. but damn, looks like she already went and grew up... sigh

doesnt matter the amount of difference between different african tribes
what matters is that none of them are white

I'm Mexican and I laughed at this

I like you

The only thing a lack of melanin in the epidermis offers is increased risk of skin cancer.

no how can you be a good person if you are racist? tbh people who are racist should just hang themselves the world would be a better place

I'm half 50%Japanese, 12.5%black, 12.5%indian, 25%white.
I'm Racist. But why? Because I tell the truth that Hurts black people. EVERY PLACE there's BLACK PEOPLE. There's Poverty and Crime.

go to Sup Forums

>implying the only difference between people is the amount of melanin on their skin

come on, that isnt even funny, you need to try a lot harder than that

Except on Basketball Courts seemingly.
Those niggers earn your life's wages in about a week.
Consider yourself debunked faggot

How about this hypothetical:
1. Deport all shitskins out of the country overnight.
2. Deport all white people.
In which scenario do you think everything would go to shit?

You clearly have no argument in response...resorting to "pfffft Naaaah"

Kill yourself faggot

black people don't live in NBA courts, user
they live in the ghetto. their entire culture shames them if they're not a rap gangster, a pro athlete, or a regular thug gangster. they get ostracized for "acting white"

the "racist" meme is bullshit. as if someone else has the right to dictate to me who i am allowed to like and who i'm not allowed to like or dislike. fuck you all, nobody decides that but me. it's called freedom and everyone is born with it.

Explain intelligence levels. Are you saying it's impossible for a black man to graduate from Harvard? Maybe you're confusing the fact that they don't have the same educational opportunities in Africa than in America. This would also be down mainly to culture and not some kind of mental block only found in coloured people.

You can barely speak English yourself.

No, racism is never good. Therefore people who perpetuate it cannot be wholly good.