How do i become like Elliot?
How do i become like Elliot?
be egyptian
Remember how George figured out that by looking stressed out all the time everyone at work assumes he was busy? Kinda like that. Play it really aloof, mysteriously, almost autistically so. Don't laugh at jokes or pleasantries. Let your eyes bug out a little bit as if you know some dreadful secret others don't. When pressed to say something, come out with something scathing and incisive.
Have a drug dealing fucktoy friend, a good job, and schizophrenia.
Learn linux, take oxycontin and morphine, only respond with a single word.
Alternatively this. Opioids make you feel like a fookin legend and the enthusiasm and confidence is charisma. You'll also not care about anything else.
use gnome
morphine with suboxone (not naloxone kek)
be an ordinary cybersecurity analyst during the day and a vigilante hacker by night
develop schizo
thanks to you fags who keep posting it on here i binge watched it -- good got the acting was terrible, terrible lines, all kinds of wrong tbqh. probably i have seen recently
Acting class.
Give up and be a faggo... Nothing. Don't change a thing.
I need some shit like that. Is it bad ive rewatched series like 3-4 times because i feel i relate to him a lot personally?
be a goofy egyptian cutie
suck jew cocks
Why would you want to be like him? He's ill!
step 1: have autism
How do I achieve this?
and oh! almost forgot, talk like dopey cunt with a ghettoass accent
Gotta say,sniffing morphine is beyond retarded.
get vaccines
install gentoo
Why is he ill? because hes depressed and anxious?
Saw that guy in The Pacific, what the fuck is wrong with his manner of speaking?
Oh, does he actually speak like Elliot all the time?
i never saw this elliot thing.
Only saw him at the Pacific.
Maybe something to do with him being Egyptian
I watched like the first 3 episodes of Mr.Robot and then stopped. It was really obvious that it was just Fight Club but with hacking. Christian Slater's character is Tyler Durden, the wacky hacker chick is Marla. Has he realized that Christian Slater's character isn't real yet?
Because he's a schizophrenic drug addict....
I guess im fucked in the head aswell as Elliot is.
It's endearing the way he talks
You can't catch autism
So... you can't "become" like Elliot.
How am I supposed to know. He's just a character in a show. You should get help tbqh desu senpai.
everyone knew that christian slater was elliot's tyler durden, the real twist was the wacky hacker chick.
tfw being aloof like Elliot but thinking I'm pretty normal until someone asks "have you got emotions?" "have you got a soul?"
Tyrrell and Elliot are the same person.
Tyrell is elliots suppressed powerfag side.
He has a complex where he is afraid of his "inner woman" which is his actual body, because he lives in the computer world, "mr robot".
Robert Anton Wilson's Illuminatus trilogy describes three sides of the brain,
the robot: represents the left side of the brain, analytical in nature; the devil: the sexdrive and drive for power; and the giant octopus leviathan that represents the collective consciousness.
In Mr. Robot.
Elliot clearly has the computer brain, which wants to know everything about humans and what is going on.
Then he has Tyrell, his suppressed gay side that wants to join the "illuminati". Tyrell always seems to find him at the strangest times.
Then he has the "woman" which is what explains the anarchist group he works with. When he's working on these anarchist projects for the greater good, he imagines in his head that he is working with all these people. Notice the racial and gender diversity of the anarchist group: Black man, asian girl, Father-type leader, crafty sister.
In other words, he feels called to do something for the greater good of humanity, outside of the typical structures and institutions.