JJ Abrams BTFO, Disney on suicide watch


>“Well, George Lucas is a friend of mine, and he and I were having a good conversation the other day about it. I don’t want to say too much about the film because I also have a lot of respect for J.J. Abrams, and I want to see where they’re taking it next, to see what they’re doing with it. I have to say that I felt that George’s group of six films had more innovative visual imagination, and this film was more of a retrenchment to things you had seen before and characters you had seen before, and it took a few baby steps forward with new characters. So for me the jury’s out. I want to see where they go with it.”


>this film was more of a retrenchment to things you had seen before

Like, Pocahontas, Dances With Wolves, Smurfs, "Call Me Joe" by Poul Anderson, regular earth animals but with extra legs, re-used T-Rex sound effect, mecha straight out of Manga, etc.?

>it was okay but not as good as the old ones

wow, sure not pulling any punches here. BTFO indeed

Legends is the real canon. True Star Wars fans knows it.

Wow. Such strong language. How will Jar Jar and Disney sleep at night.
> So for me the jury’s out. I want to see where they go with it

Basically an advertisement to see the next film

Cameron, Lucas, Spielberg and Zemeckis among others belong to that older generation of directors whose movies had by far the best practical effects. Unfortunately they were also first to be obsessed with CGI, 3D and other gimmicks and that's why their newer movies don't have as many memorable characters and scenes.

he liked Genesys

Imagine Episode VII written and directed by our Lord James Francis Cameron

>Renato Aragorn

>George's group of 6 films

The prequels were awful. Cameron makes a fool out of himself by whitewashing them, more so than Avatar has made him one. An episode 7 by Lucas would have been pure dreck. Not to defend Abrams effort, which could be considered lackluster on its own merits.

I feel the Force Awakens direction was necessary to make people be happy about Star Wars again.
I'm hoping for big dramatic changes in episode 8 now.

>George's group of 6 films
he said George's group of sex films which refers to the videos George made of himself playing with himself in the bathtub

And Bill Murray and Dan Akroyd """""""liked""""""" the new Ghostbusters

>The Hate The Force Awakens meme

>"Terminator Genysis is the true sequel to Terminator 2" -James Cameron

>JJ Abrams BTFO, Disney on suicide watch
Are you mentally handicapped?

none of that was in space while TFA was just rehash of SW 4

Genesys and TFA were both better than Avatar

you just named a lot of different shit meanwhile tfa is just new hope with worse actors


Avatar makes is clear Cameron's idea of taking things further is simply in the visual effects department and that as long as you do that then you can have the dullest and least original story line imaginable.

Of course The Force Awakens had things we had seen before and old characters, it was a fucking sequel. And obviously it wasn't going to outdo the original Star Wars or even the whole OT in terms of pushing special effects or visuals.

However he also argues TFA wasn't as impressive as the PT so it's pretty clear he's just friends with George and is trying to make him feel better.

thanks for reinforcing that all stories have been told already an nothing is original anymore.

Did people forget he said this?
Even Jimmy Jam Cameron can be human sometimes.

>I want to see where they go with it.”
No you don't you fucking liar, you wanna watch another shitty rehash by that fucking hack.

it's still better than 3 and salvation so he's not wrong. or are those in your top 10?