I seriously hope you don't do this
I seriously hope you don't do this
elbow room
I don't, but it's really hard not to when your best friend is a sweaty fatman
we put our "snacks" there
By snacks I mean kebab
and leg room, it's not like we're interacting with each other during the movie any way
Pre-assigned seats, can't really do this
>not holding hands with your best friend during the trailers
>not looking each other in the eyes as the film starts, grinning excitedly whilst the eyes betray deep affection
The only people that don't do this are gay.
If the theater is packed, you should sit next to each other, but why fight over armrest space when the theater is only half or less full?
Elbow room, space to put your extra shit, etc. If the theater isn't full, there's no reason not to.
I didn't realize we had so many psychopaths on Sup Forums.
I wish I could tell my bf that I'm gay and have the hots for him, but he should have noticed by now with the amount of hints I've been dropping
Whenever I go with a friend we sit next to each other so we can both jerk off the other. Isn't it what y'all do?
Why do we have to sit next to each other at the movies? We don't sit side by side on the couch when we watch a movie at my apartment!
I wasn't aware that anyone did this. What a strange thing to do
this guy gets it
they wanna affect a bigger radius when their bomb vests go off
always did this
reserved seats can't do this anymore really, but at least there is plenty of space
why would you sit right next to someone who isn't a girl
>I wish I could tell my bf that I'm gay
elbow room dude, I'm 6'5" too so it's especially nice to have two seats empty on either side
first post best post
>not wanting to sit side by side with your qt3.14 female friend that you have a crush on but will never admit because you are too insecure and she will probably say no so this is the only way you can have a moment with her
here in brazil no one does this
everyone stick together because we are educated
As someone who's been there nothing good can come from it, trust me.
more legroom for my legs
better for the gunmen to take you all out
>not sitting on your bro's lap and wiggling around to demonstrate your brohood
the fuck is the point?
>being underage
>Just be gay with your best friend already, it's 2016, you're not homophobic are you? Oy vey
>not giving your bro a handy during the previews
>not letting your bro give you a handy during the credits
what year is it?
this is about seeing a movie with 1-3 of your bros, obviously you sit next to any female you go with
I always forget Sup Forums is filled with gays and gender-benders who can't into heterosexuality
what's the matter, Sup Forums? Are you that sexually insecure you can't sit too close to your bro? Haha, do you take separate cars to the theatre, too?
You'd be surprised to learn theater shootings aren't an epidemic outside of the US.
>not wrapping your arm around your bro and giving him a respectful mid-movie kiss
Has modern society made us simultaneously the most accepting and most insecure toward homosexuality we've ever been?
My friends and I don't do that "buffer" seat thing, but I can understand why people would beyond "oh noes muh gay". Our legs are always close to touching and there's no way 2 people are comfortably sharing the same armrest
no we're just hypocritical and overpopulated
you're assuming that people use the seat buffer because "we don't want people to think we're gay" or "I'm uncomfortable sitting close to another man."
it's merely about having more space to lean over and move around
stop making everything about homosexuality
>not cradling your bros dick and giving him a friendly yet completely platonic fap
>not exclusively taking cute guys on movie dates and making out with them for a third of the movie
what the fuck??
In my cinema there's an inspection every 30 minutes, movie is stopped lights are turned on and kino authorities come in to check the seats. If you sat in a different seat than it was assigned to you on the ticket you get booted and banned for life.
Why do men with balding hair can only grow beards or facial hair ?
I always talk during the movie though so it's better if my friend is next to me
>mfw my friend fondles my balls ever so softly sometimes when we're in theater
>mfw that's how we met.
wow you guys get off easy, it's a minimum 60 days in the theater jail at my local one
>what's testosterone?
Why do you think men lose their hair?
Because it takes the attention to your beard instead of your lack of hair.
t. Balding man
How are you supposed to share one popcorn among three people if you don't all sit next to each other?
>not watching your favorite flick with your head in your buddy's lap
>not cuddling after while you talk about the movie and your future
you don't have this luxury in seattle.
My friend and I leave a buffer seat because we both generate way to much heat.
Do you let your gf cuddle with you or is it just a black thing?
I like to sit like a man. I don't know about the faggot OP.
Who does this, I always lean over and make a comment during movies and so do my friends.
Is that my nigger Tyrone? Why isn't he serving me popcorn?
Shit if the theater aint packed me and my friends sit in different rows.
Black guy here I let my black gf cuddle with white bois
these don't look comfortable to me at all
>a crush on but will never admit because you are too insecure and she will probably say no so this is the only way you can have a moment with her
a little too close to home user
Me and my best friend are both sweaty fat men so as long as the place ain't packed we always leave a space so that we both get two arm rests and plenty of room with out our fat merging together.
>be me 8 years ago
>14 y/o
>qt fag friend always sat next to me on bus
>sometimes would reach under and fondle his ass and balls while nobody was looking
>he's breathing heavy and we have to stop so he doesn't cum in his pants
>tfw did this daily
>tfw he didn't stay in touch
>tfw no bf
I told my qt3.14 friend how I felt and it destroyed our friendship. :'(
I never knew this was a thing. I go to the movies with a single friend all the time.
Am I gay now?
I'm scared my friend thinks like this so I choose to ignore anything that might be faggotry being expressed towards me
My best friend and I split a bag of popcorn watching Independence day 2. Theatre was pretty empty too.
>not being homosocial and having your relationships be more daddy/daughter than anything and only interacting with females platonically when you have to
the asshole always wins, life is one big high school
now get over it and start lifting bros, you'll make it if you put in the effort, and it will be incredibly hard
That's weird user, I'm great the way I am, thank you
DHT causes baldness ontop of head but more facial hair
I tried to do this with my friend and he called me a faggot and made me sit next to him
That's super-duper-autistic.
I can pull other chicks but they were not her I don't ever care that she doesn't feel the same way about me. Our chemistry was so great together, she was literally the best friend I had ever had and I regret losing that.
Fuck, I'm not even gay, but I'd love to have a best friend like that and maybe he could sit in my lap while we're watching the movie.
What happens if you both get hard tho
That means your penis is trying to tell you something
>why would you sit right next to someone who isn't a girl
Because I'm gay?
I'm not gay but I like sitting next to my friends at movies so I can give them handjobs.
One seat can hold 2 AR15s and several clips, otherwise we'd have to lay them across our laps.
are you
or are you just a pathetic virgin NEET who is desperate for any form of human contact, like most faggots on Sup Forums
I always sit next to my kino kompanion so I can snack from his CrabMix-MEGA-PlateĀ®
i've done it before when I go to the ghetto theaters instead of the AMC with the recliner seats
I love sit next to my fellow marvelbro and jerk him off everytime we hear a quip
I've been there, love him to death and he loves me too. Just not in that way. It's healthier now, I'm not romantically looking at him.
Tell him you're gay but don't tell him you have the hots for him. Just telling him will help a ton. You are just confused, trust me.
>tfw 2 out of 3 female friends confessed they would leave their boyfriends for me
What the fuck, I thought we were just friends. Now I understand how women feel when their male friends suddenly confess their love towards them. Even though you're good looking/whatever, I just don't look at you that way.
>male friends give you shit because you didnt fuck the attractive one
Why are people so desperate.
You say that ironically, but when I went to watch the force awakens at my local theater a guy who worked there went on stage before the movie started and told everyone that if people werent quiet then they'd pause the movie and keep the movie paused until they were.
Half-way through the movie some guy sneezed twice and they paused the movie and made him go up on stage and explain himself before they started it again.
Never had that happen at that cinema before or after. I think the guy working there that day had legitimate autism and was angry at all the "normies" who came to watch the latest star wars.
I think I did with one gf though she was black
You know, it's funny. Everything starts with some guy being serious about liking something (in this case, cucking), us making fun of it until it becomes mainstream, then eventually normies think it's cool and a lot of them try it out and it becomes normal and expected of you. If you dont let your GF be fucked by jamal, it might be grounds for divorce in the future.
Unless he is gay, nothing can come from it.
You'll get over her you wont
>he didn't opt for the Deluxe Kinosseur's Crab n' Tendies PlatterĀ®
Only if the theater is relatively empty.
>go to packed theater with male friend
>find two seats right next to each other
>See a loner walk in looking for a seat
>Look at my friend, we both know what to do
>I get up and sit on his lap since I'm the most secure, and wave for the other gentleman to sit down in my seat
>Enjoy the movie on my best friend's lap, secure with the knowledge that I like women and seeing women's naked vaginas. And I like to put my fat cock in their vaginas. That's what I liked to do with them.
and by kebabs, do you mean ka-booms?
Please don't w4tch li$t me NSA-sama
I wish I was gay bros
>not having a buffer seat for your designated cinema falcon to perch on
Literally who did I violently mean by this?
Wasn't expecting this thread to turn into a feels trip