Average looking Brit girl who will age like milk why should I care.
She's Irish retard
get out of my board saoirsefag
this is a catefag board
same thing
>whites find this attractive
I was also on the cover of time. It isn't really a big deal.
I'd follow her leadership, if you catch my drift
Shame about that mud accent of hers. Irish people disgust me.
Boring actress, the major celeb fad in movies is dead
>Born in America
disgusting thumbs desu
>Saorse Ronan and nine other stars read to take over their fields
Her acting career is so dead the only field she'll be accepted in is tending to a field of potatos
You'll never have those grapes little fox.
>saorise ronan will never be your childhood friend
>you will never rediscover each other later in life, mature and accomplished
>she will never offer her cherubic personality to your adorable charms
>you will never get married and have a few kids
>you will never be the stay-at-home father for her adorable irish ratlings
>she will never return from a hard year's acting to pound your nuts off and squelch out another child
>you will never be on your deathbed waiting for her, and die at her bosom with her smiling through tears at you
fuck my life
Stop user I didn't had a single suicidal thought today until now
oh no, you're going to bring out the """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""irish-americans""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
is this satire?
>plastic paddies
wew lad
You're either shit trolls or complete retards, either way fuck off.
This girl is so average. I could walk into a Wal Mart right now and see 10 better looking chicks.
The why don't you? Why are you here then? Why do you bother posting sad comments like that?
I'll fix it later
No, you.
What was that vampire movie she did? Still one of my favorites. I remember her eyes being so cutie in that one. The director obviously had a huge fetish for them.