Miss Lane, I'm CIA.
Miss Lane, I'm CIA
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>It was actually Jimmy Olsen
Too far Snyder, too far.
I'm watching this right now. What's going on?
i tried watching the extended cut last night and i feel like every single scene with lois screams I'm ACTING. is that why they cut her out of so many scenes because she has no topless scene and shes kinda an annoying bitch.
I think this movie is gonna do better now that it is out on stream. More people will watch it. At least I waited until it was out on instant stream to watch it.
what's a worse alternate reality to end up in
getting executed in a desert shithole
or being a friendzoned nigger?
why do they keep cucking Jimmy?
he looked qt ;_;
Needed more scenes like the boat scene.
Vampire scene. Best scene.
>or being a friendzoned nigger?
They became a couple in the season finale.
OH god. we got a new meme boys.
Alternate stories.
memes are back on the menu boys!
Too much joker in my lex Luther in this movie.
>Execute Jimmy in some sandy shithole
>Superman only swoops in to save his waifu
Bravo Snyder
Christ, I'd kill to witness a Banebro lost it in that theater.
Could Nolanverse Bane beat Snyderverse Superman?
maybe. snyderverse superman can't seem to handle big guys without "dying".
She's not that bad, but I agree we should have seen her glorious boobies.
You can thank the puritan States for considering nipples are 18+.
Feels good to be French.
Is this the masketta man pretending to be CIA?
So does this UC explain why he let Jimmy die? He was clearly monitoring Lois, why did he just let him be killed?
Meme central movie
Lois lane above everything.
nobody, not even lois knew he was CIAI'm sure by the time the first gunshot went off Superman observing from the upper atmosphere was streaking down to save her, plus on his way there he had to stop a missile strike from a drone.
When is aqua man going to show up?
No, it's Bill Wilson's son, James Wilson
>Mexican ripoff
>The same as the big guy
He already did in BvS, he'll also show up in Justice League, Willem Dafoe is like his right hand man too.
Why was CIA more handsome in this universe?
mush mouthed manlet that got killed by a girl, some big guy.
They manage to make her more useless than in Man of Steel
Who's lex Luther creating?
Why the fuck are you watching the movie with your browser open on another screen? And pay attention to what Lex is saying you retard. He is creating doomsday
that was the cliffhanger and superman's flying top speed to put a stop to it r-right?
What are those bug things?
That he was CIA wasn't the point, I thought Superman would try to save him before he got shot in the face. When the character's summation had "Faster than a speeding bullet" you'd think stopping someone from getting shot right next to his waifu would be easy.