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BvS Ultimate Edition discussion thread
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mmm love it
Gonna dump all my kino caps just to get it over with
It was a huge improvement.
Here is an album with all the best ones if you don't have them already imgur.com
kino confirmed.
More good reads, let's hope the visual guide guy comes back and finishes what he started.
There's a treasure trove of discussion here too.
Like this thread if these plebs make u cry everytime
>12 posts
>6 unique IPs
>only posting once in a discussion thread
I must apologize to Snyder and all fans of this movie. I shatposted for too long. It's a really good film.
I'll wait for yify rip.
Is this real?
Main theme, same as Sucker Punch and Watchmen: Perception v Reality
The ultimate edition is mediocre at best stop memespouting you spergs
>Says the shitposter.
What's with all the Batman V Superman threads? Is the torrent out or something?
Are you?
no in the scene batman asks wonder woman to take out her smartphone and check her e-mail because he sent her another webm of an "enhanced individual", turns out it's just a snapchat of his dick
The real version of the movie just came out.
Really? Is that why it's R rated?
It Is All A Smoke Screen
It does seem odd for a major blockbuster to essentially give away the entire plot of the film in the trailer. If we are to believe this is essentially it, then it's a pretty boring story. Batman and Superman don't like each other, Lex Luther uses this to push his agenda hoping Batman can take the alien out, Batman and Supes fight, realize they are both on the same side, out comes Doomsday, Wonder Woman shows up, and they all go after the bad guy.
I am not buying it. They can't be THAT stupid, to put so much time, money, and hype in to what would essentially be a cookie-cutter story, only to give it all away 4 months before the movie drops in a silly trailer. It just doesn't add up. I believe there has to be a MAJOR twist or two that is being held back, and it is likely that part of that is that this cave troll is not Doomsday.
The movie had great visuals, Snyder sure knows how to set up the mood.
But overall it wasn't a good movie. It was the terible script mostly, terrible casting of Lex, there were some good fight scenes, but a lot of them were just overuse of CGI
I was excited to see Snyder do a car chase scene but it was just bland CGI. Even Nolan who is terrible at action scenes managed to do a better Bat mobile scene in TDK
It's rated R because Affleck shows his ass in the shower and because you have to be Retarded to sit through 3 hours of this shit
literally any actor could have just been blandly and emotionlessly reciting the script and it would have been a more menacing and better villain than Eisenberg
Best scene in the kino tbfam
Batman is supposed to be the smartest guy ever. I have no idea why he was so mad at superman. He knew sups had nothing to do with the bombing. I had no idea why they were even fighting at the end other than the stupid reason that lex had his mom. Superman all of a sudden cannot rescue her somehow.
God this is such cringe, that nigger trying to sound intelligent, the politician woman that sounds like she's chewing on dick, "every act is a political act" really? is it? Why the fuck would you ask "must there be a *" where * already exists, what the fuck are you gonna do? God this movie is such a fucking garbage dump of disappointment, wtf.
>Batman says he will save Supermens mom
>while Superman goes after Lex
>Batman takes at least 10-15 minutes to get there and kill all the henchmen
>Superman who is super fast does nothing in that time but fly to Lex
What was superman doing while he entrusted Batman with his mothers life? Resting?
autism the post
Marvel fucboi here.
It was better, I liked it but still conflicted with a few scenes. Louis is still useless though and the martha scene still comes off as dumb. Ultimate Edition is slightly better than Civil War. Theatrical release is worse than both though. 7/10
Bottom left looks like a renaissance painting
Kino incarnate my friend. Have you read the Gospel of Snyder?
Do you even art? That's Baroque if anything.
Larry Fong might just be Snyder's best asset.
Watchmen's opening was impressive.
people fear what they dont understand
>expecting me to sit through 3 hours of capeshit
Can someone please post a link to the special features? I can't find em anywhere
Glad that you liked it m8
Who knew Lois' kidnapping scene had such a cool transition with Lex's theme?
it made me realize i'd see a movie about cavill talking to people
no homo
Someone explain this shit to me.
yeah, that's all over the movie. of course as part of the exploration of power
it even feeds into bruce wanting to spear the superman face to face
I loved the film for having the bravery to show 2 gay black men kissing in the background early in the film. It really served to highlight what a progressive and forward thinking city Metropolis is, and how Snyder can seamlessly weave social commentary into his films.
>implying kinoposter isn't a shitposter
BvS was literally beta uprising starring batman
Is it even out yet?
yesterday famalam
My biggest problem with the movie was the overly artistic shots, the cramming of 2.5 movies into one, and the idiotic dream scenes whose only purpose was for the trailers.
It's the best batman movie ever made.
>whose only purpose was for the trailers
you mean like every scene in every movie ever
I appreciated BvS' strong conservative backbone that Civil War lacked.
> the idiotic dream scenes whose only purpose was for the trailers.
they convey a ton of information about Batman's psychological state, they were essential to the narrative.
>Release Date: July 19
Best Buy says the same date too
Pleb as fuck mate.
i'd also like to add the fucking idiocy of the complaints about the dreams
there are functionally only two in the whole movie, three if you count the dream before bruce's pov of black zero
so one dream which expounds and heightens a character's emotional state is too much?
especially considering that all of his dreams keep hammering the idea of him having deep seeded personal issues?
>He didn't get the purpose of the dreams
digitalHD release date is different. and no i don't know why
>and the idiotic dream scenes whose only purpose was for the trailers.
There were homos on the ferry tho
Anyone else notice that you can hear the world engine noise in Bruce's dream sequences?
Thought that was a great way to convey that day still haunts him.
Maybe Lex told him to say that. It didn't really seem like his character, but it does sound like something Lex would say.
i really was
also what did he mean by this?