does that look like 250mg of dmt
Does that look like 250mg of dmt
Dominic Gonzalez
Jordan Sullivan
Awful lot of British cop-threads today.
Adam Rivera
hehehe is that from that uk dealer on alphabay?
David Davis
Gabriel Reed
silk road from spain
Aiden Cox
Dont be fooled.
This is a police-thread.
Joseph Morales
not a good idea, user. this drug simulates death and will allow you to meet your maker if youre not careful. the drug allows you to slip into another dimension currently inhabited by are their food. don't let them show you this reality or it will haunt you for eternity
Dylan Ortiz
hasnt silk road been closed for a while
whatever one youve used is probably a honeypot
Jayden King
thats pretty much what im looking for
Ryder Stewart
you have my attention