Extremely overrated TV shows


Waiting for you to start OP

explain your opinion you fcking goober

fuck you, fight me OP

Whenever you're ready to begin, OP

>OP is literally a pleb.

This is part of the reason i hate Rome. The autisticly defensive fanboys

It was good, but it is overrated

Too much of Vorenus and his annoying side-plot of getting cucked and dealing with his family, not enough focus on the politics and non-fictional characters

Well? When are you gonna post one OP

Not OP. I recently rewatched it and I have to say, while not extremely overrated, I did find it slightly overrated. I loved the historical content, but alot of the drama fell flat. Needed more Pullo. That being said its still a A- or B+.

Isn't op expected to start?

Not overrated; Rome was a great show.

The only thing that could have been better was if they focused more on the actual history rather than exploring Vorenus' story.

>I hate a show because people that I don't like like it

You're retarded, sorry.

I loved every second of Vorenus "side-plot" and I'd watch a 4 season HBO series about him and Titus Pullo campaigning in Mongolia.

Like is said, literally a pleb.

did you not see the >part, you fucking idiot? oh right you're too busy blowing your official Titus Pullo™ inflatable dildo

The first season was ok, not great but ok. It had way too much lame soapbox shit, not enough history, took a lot of liberties with historical accuracy, but it was somewhat watchable. However, the second season was pretty much dogshit. It was an anime tier plot of vorenus being a whiny little bitch and going on his adventure to get his children back, then getting cucked again, and his shitty plot stuck around til the end of the season. octavian and antony's rivalry and war is abridged to basically a declaration of war and antony committing suicide. complete shit

Not even gonna read your rant, autist.

Are you the same fag that made the lynch sucks thread just to rile everybody up.

lmao that's right faggit, you don't have an argument besides relentlessly sucking Rome dick

my argument is your rant amounts to "I didn't like it". As far as historically inaccuracy you're only half right. True it takes a lot of liberties with what we know about the people of rome but it brings the life and ritual of rome to life like nothing else has even come close to doing. It's histories has been explored and written about to death but there's nothing like Rome when it comes to showing how Romans lived.

Extremely overrated
Not even remotely

Overrated? Maybe slightly by people on Sup Forums irl no one talks about it. In fact it is probably underrated

alright since OP refuses to start the thread I guess I will

The first season was at least fun but I wasn't aware that this was a well liked show.

>make stupid post
>get surprised when people make fun of you for it
Frogfaggots everyone

I, Claudius

>Too much of Vorenus and his annoying side-plot of getting cucked and dealing with his family, not enough focus on the politics and non-fictional characters

I agree, I could have done without his sideplot at all. I get it ... he's an unrelatable jerk so some people relate to him.

first season is god tier, second season is meh so it does leave an overrated feel

but its very good as a whole regardless

>you will never be Pullo
>you will never recover the golden eagle
>you will never start a war over a misunderstanding
>you will never have bro tier adventures with your stuck up commanding officer
>you will never sail on a raft of dead bodies
>you will never be ordered to fuck Cleopatra
>for real, why even live.

Everybody Loves Raymond. Hated that shit.
Modern Family is overrated too.