I run a small business. I used to employ 3 people in the states. For the same price I can employ 8 overseas

I run a small business. I used to employ 3 people in the states. For the same price I can employ 8 overseas.

If Trump halves the minimum wage and lowers my tax I'll be able to hire Americans.

This will be great!

well where is america going to get there money to pay there debts

Who's going to apply for a job that pays $4 an hour?

Also what country overseas are you comparing this to? The Phillipines?


sponsor me a visa and i would work for free, just give me a couch to sleep and a little food.

If your small business can only survive by people making half minimum wage you must have a shit business. Kill yourself soon.

For 3 people in the US, you could employ 12 in Mexico....your getting fucked up the ass.

not great bait.

someone who has never run a small business startup...

when there are no $8 an hour jobs available the peasants will have to do that job or starve.

They are not going to pay. Trump has already suggested that he just say fuck you t China and default on all the loans

if you can't pay decent wages for your peeps, you shouldn't have a company.


There is no fucking way you run a business that small and can consider sourcing the labor overseas. This is pure fucking fiction.

With 4$ per hour you cant even pay the mexicans that trump wants to kick out out of your "great" country.

Muk Amorika gr7 again.

We don't have any loans from China. We don't have any loans from anyone. If you are thinking of the national debt, those are bonds, not loans. Bonds are bought and sold on an open market. Even if it were legal for Trump to default on bond payments (and it isn't so he can't), defaulting on the bonds from one bond holder would result in a total collapse of the value of all the bonds. Economic apocalypse.

Troll thread is definitely troll thread. Kek.

When downward pressure on wages makes it impossible for many people to patronize your business, your business will fail. Paying people more across the board = more customers.

Enjoy your short-term success followed by staggering failure and economic crash.

It would especially fuck the American investors who hold most of those bonds.

>If Trump halves the minimum wage and lowers my tax
and even if so, how would hiring more workers help you in your shadey spice business?

That's not exactly realistic. In order for wages to translate into buying power, labor has to be subject to the same free market principles that rule production costs. By encouraging immigration (legal and otherwise), we are keeping wages in certain fields artificially low. This lowers the buying power of large segments of the population. Conversely, by permitting union monopolies on certain labor markets and mandating minimum wages, we are keeping wages in certain fields artificially high. This increases the cost of goods and services. Then when you factor in oppressive regulations and punitive taxation, you make the cost of goods and services even higher. US corporations have responded by moving production and now many services overseas to lower production costs.