You'd have to be dumb to vote for Trump

You'd have to be dumb to vote for Trump.

From the Pew Research Center: those with a college degree voted for Clinton by a 9-point margin; those without a college degree voted for Trump by an 8-point margin. The less education a voter had, the more likely they were to vote for Trump.

C'mon stupid people, tell us why you voted for a lying con artist who hates you.

Other urls found in this thread:

Implying the minorities voting for democrats
are not equally retarded.
Anyways, go back to your containment board

Ha Ha!! Another stupid person who cannot even tell the difference between having a college education and race.

It's true. College does indoctrinate you.

All those college educations and still dipshit protesters can't figure out the popular vote means nothing.

There's a lot of disappointed parents somewhere who would've rather blown that tuition money for basket weaving on a sports car at least.

Would you rather want Clinton to win so that the SJWs and feminists can have more power to censor us?


Trump said he'd put people back to work, like this bitter formerly unemployed woman

You'd have to BELIEVE in Trump, there's a difference. Most people voted for him as a protest against political dynasties, knowing fine well he's a lying sack of shit like the rest of them but that at least he breaks the cycle.

Its over. Its been over. These threads just make you all look more pathetic. It does not matter what you say and it does not matter what you feel. The past is the past, and the past decided that the liberals have lost. Grow up and swallow your pride.

More people voted against Clinton than they did for Trump, he just reaped the rewards of the two party system.

you must be dumb to think not to, trump will do just fine ,) i can promis you that!

Trump Supporters on Sup Forums are just trolls. They know the implications of Trumps presidency but they avoid thinking about it by trolling other retards here.

You'd have to be dumb to vote for Hillary.

>Now where is your god?

Is that what your grandfather Cletus told you?

Notice how most Trump voters talk about how bad Hillary is, not how good Trump is?

That should get it through your thick skull why so many people voted for a complete retard, not because they're dumb but because it was the only way to stop Clinton.

I'm genuinely curious as to why the United States has (almost) half the country believing it's best to shoot themselves in the foot than keep up with the changing times. Probably a good portion of those people that vote for Trump believe in angels and that God for some reason loves the United States.

Trump is creating the demand for a centrist president next election by giving power to religious fundementalists and nutjobs, that is what he meant by 'draining the swamp'.

He's the political equivilent of a suicide bomber.


No more Clintons, No more Bushes.


Lernin is for faggits

>dumb ass trump voter confirmed.

>too dumb to realize that you don't has-tag on Sup Forums

>that the SJWs and feminists

Wanting to be ruled by women and minorities.

Or you, as a Hillary supporter, cannot put down in a logical fashion what those "implications" you say are. All you asshats have are ludicrous horror stories about "gay death camps" and keep "triggering" each other on tumblr over absolutely nothing.

Explain, in your infinite wisdom, what exactly you think is going to happen or what "terrible implications" await us? I'm willing to bet you can't make 4 solid points against the guy that make any kind of sense without naming things that Hillary would have been even worse at.

Her entire campaign was run on the premise that the "feels" of a small group of people mattered more than the sovereignty of a nation or economic stability or, you know, reforming the education system. Trump, bullshit artist or not, ran a campaign based on logical arguments and didn't just parade rap artists on stage to tell people who to vote for to "be cool."

You're just as bad as Obama trying to convince people there was no way to save jobs because it was impossible (when in reality he was just a lazy sack of shit) and Trump has already proven him wrong without spending a day in office yet.

just because you have a degree doesn't mean you're smart. ive met more retards in college than anywhere else.

Britain said "I'd have to be a complete cunt to vote for Brexit"
Murica said "Hold my beer"


>implying that white males haven't fucked everything royally.

>implying that having a college degree makes you intelligent
As someone with a college education, most of my peers in uni were some of the most worthless dipshits I've ever met. These are people who are institutionalised. They earn their degrees by regurgitating the shit spewed at them by their profs. Intelligent? No. Capable of critical thought? No. Good at acting like a parrot? Yes.

Correlation =/= causation. You fail to take into account, for example, the fact that trumps campaign was centred around the revival of manufacturing jobs. If you work in a factory you are unlikely to have a college degree. Try using your fucking head for once instead of suffering from cognitive dissonance so bad you simply repeat statements that make you feel superior.

That thurr booklearnin will make yew queer

Wow it's fucking nothing.
Remember when trump gained the support of 60% of white women on election day ?

Average IQ of Trump voters was about 82, whilst the average IQ of Hillary voters was about 117.

Just sayin'

Yep. Just like the butt hurt right swallowed their pride when Oblammer won a second term. Get used to this shit.

>implying white males are the only ones to have fucked things royally

wew lad

>the election is over and you're still bitching about it

Not expecting a source because you're full of shit.

Just sayin' - use your fucking head.

>college (((education)))

The most fun the US will have in the next 4 years is watching how the Alt-Right will try to defend all of his actions they were warned of by pretty much everyone with a brain.

Hey, Hillary Clinton was bad and I like that she lost. But damn, that guy is a retard and already doing everything he accused "crooked Hillary" of and worse.

I think it's gone past the election. Everyone realizes what a thin skin the new president has, so the trolling will only intensify, regardless of political affiliation. I actually think many people voted in this meme of a president for precisely that reason.

>implying voting for economical and education reform has anything to do with angels

You clearly don't know our politics so you're welcome to shut the fuck up at any time.

Yeah, and they think that since they're so fucking smart it's ok to decide how to spend everyone's money.

Would you want someone else to just come in and tell you how it's best to spend your own money?

i cant stand trump
but all youre argument really proves is that uni's have a libtard bias and are more centers of indoctrination than education
to be clear, im currently enduring a phd in econ, and i thought i was leftish until listening to the bs propaganda and nonsense being passed off as debate/education

You would have to be a voting machine to vote for Clinton

Having a college degree doesn't mean you're smarter than those without a degree.
People with Down's syndrome have college degrees, you're probably one of them.

So you decided to elect the guy who thinks he should use everyone's money to buy hotels.

>>mfw I realize that Trump won not because more people voted for him or less electorates were won for Hillary but rather because people like myself (extremely intellectual and striving for bi-partisanship) did not vote for Trump, voted third party (I did) or were completely apathetic to the whole process

I regret nothing

this is your daily reminder that anything said after " I concede this election to Donald Trump" is nothing but butthurt.

Theres also the emails, I honestly get mad since I actually put a couple minutes to looking into some stuff found in the emails and im not even in the US, yet it went so under everyones head and no one ever mentions them

muh education.

because i have to fucking all day not to starve. i sure don't have money for fucking collage. have it ever occurred to you that people in college are also the same people who want to enslave all white people to make up for slavery, feminist that want to oppress men for not being women, and people who think it healthy to eat to much but disgusting to be thin? yeah, and i'm the stupid one. i don't feel a need to be oppressed even though i have to work all day to survive and they have money for college because their rich dad hooked them up.

((citation needed))

Show me where Trump has committed treason or carelessly mishandled tons of government information, or where he pays killer money to make people talk nice about him. I could go on and on but you're *hopefully* a troll or just retarded, doesn't matter, he's saving this country.


Are you trying to say he's going to be a bad president because he went through the same process of gaining investors to build a business? Like what point are you even trying to make?

I don't think liberals know which way is up after this election, tbh.

Obama forced every to buy a product they may or may not have even wanted/had an immediate need for under penalty of law.

Trump used investor money to construct profitable hotels.

Explain how Trump is the "fascist" one again? How do liberals not realize what a joke they are to everyone around them?


>dicky leaks

Question has been raised to the legitimacy of the content of the emails since they were obtained by hackers who wanted to influence our election.

go be a nigger somewhere else

blame whitey. oh wait you're serious?
let me laugh even harder.


sure kid. y'all keep forgetting about the blacks.


>implying anything's fucked royally
No, the only thing truthfully fucked the people of the United States of America. Everybody's so goddamn brainwashed and convinced, set in their ways until their phone/TV lights up to tell them how to think.

He's just a president, Hillary's just a person and nothing is as fucked as ANYONE wants to believe. The only thing fucked is Americans.

You want to get mad at the guy for using existing loopholes in the already over-regulated tax law to spend his money and grow his business instead of give it away where most of it is flushed down the toilet?

Do you actually, for one moment, think the government could provide more people with work than Trump was able to by spending that money on building hotels? If so, you're a fucking idiot.

Don't act like you actually give a fuck

>"Hillary is a nasty woman and needs to be locked up"
>wins election
>"she is a good person and we owe her a great debt of gratitude for her services to our country"

And now he's actually considering someone who was found GUILTY of mishandling classified documents for Secretary of State. Fuck, Petraeus would actually have to report to Trump as his parole officer... but something tells me you're not bitching about that.

Neither Trump, nor you minions have any deep convictions whatsoever.


bitter tears?
try bleach!

Not one person in the democratic party has come out once to say they are fake or fabricated. The only thing they've said is that "it's bad because they were stolen." Get fucking real man. If they were fake every channel on television would've been saying it especially after CNN was caught colluding with the Hillary campaign they would've had a field day with the story.

You're a fucking shill and a half to keep trying to keep up that pathetic narrative honestly

Fuck off

Actually Hillary won more working class votes and most working class people just didn't vote cause her policies were boring establishment bs.

> Going to college doesn't = smart, for many it just means daddy had enough money to pay for you to learn buzzwords in business school

Well thats obvious, I think them having access to this information and witnessing the Hilldog getting it in with her campaign and propaganda, while trump was self funding with around half of the $ Clinton pushed on her campaign, they would feel the need to do something. But legitimate or not there is some degree of truth to them that makes them relevant

Shit quality trolling, don't start your tangents with telling a person they don't care about serious law violations.

>extremely intellectual
Another super genius I see

really? everything?

let me know when he starts funding ISIS and kicks off world war three over some fake russian bullshit

>everyone and everything I dont like is ussian hackers

get tucked faggot

You dont, fuck off. Or rather you you're very selective about the violations you pretend to care about, as long as it's a Democrat who's doing the violating.

Is it the amount of education that mattered, or the level of involvement with academic culture?

College campuses are... some might say "excessively" progressive. There are few to no conservative groups of clubs in US colleges and universities, and those that try to form are often collectively denigrated. Progressive/Liberal/Democrat leanings might be a result of adherence to college culture and peer expectations than because of objective benefit.

Is it stupidity, or a different set of priorities?

College students and staff tend to focus on social justice, equity, and safety. They believe that those with power have a duty to exercise that power for the good of all, even if some don't want it. Those with wealth should offer assistance to those without, and military might should be used to establish peace and prosperity in war-torn or under-developed nations.

Working class tend to focus on personal wealth and independence from oversight. They want the freedom to do as they will on their own property without having to jump through hoops of licenses and permissions and fees, and military might should focus on maintaining stability, and reducing crime or public danger.

>claims to have high intellect
>votes for wasted 3rd party vote, knowing there's not a snowball's chance in hell of victory
>intellect 2016





>You'd have to be dumb to vote for Trump.
>From the Pew Research Center: those with a college degree voted for Clinton by a 9-point margin; those without a college degree voted for Trump by an 8-point margin. The less education a voter had, the more likely they were to vote for Trump.
>C'mon stupid people, tell us why you voted for a lying con artist who hates you.
go fuck yourself. vote is over. No one cares now about trump or Hillary... don't live in the past retard!

I didn't say anything at all against books or learning. I said college indoctrinates people.

The fact that you three parrot your liberal teachers only proves the point. No reasonable person who actually thinks for a moment would deny that colleges in America have a leftist bias.

tinfoil hatting like a motherfucker

>someone points out Hillary breaking the law MUST be that they only care about democrats and otherwise always ignore law violations in every other situation

wew lad

"Considering" is the strong word in your argument, and it's not a good one. When you work in a corrupted government shockingly he will come across bad people and use them for his own better purposes, and to fix corruption will not occur in one day. "Draining the swamp" is ambitious and everyone knows it, but that hasn't stopped literally every president ever from being ambitious nor will it ever.

Don't make it a Democratic thing, I choose no side. I choose the person I believe in more. You have a massive, massive stick up your ass and I'm so sorry you have to be so butthurt. Maybe go cry some more about how I hate federal laws and Democrats, when it is entirely baseless.

Aaaaand /thread

Sick burn at the end, that sparkly eyed faggot got wrecked

>get tucked faggot

>dumb enough to believe fox news propagandists.

Horee sheet! I don't trust the source and will look more into it later but if that's true then damn man. Haha

>considering is a strong word
"Lock her up" was one of the main staples of his campaign, you fucking dipshit. Yes, I think "considering" a man who was found guilty of the same shit for secretary of state reveals how utterly disingenuous Trump is.

>draining the swamp is ambitious

>I choose no side
Anything else you'd like to lie about?

OP, OP, can't you see, sometimes your bait hypnotizes me, and i just love your faggot ways, i guess that's why your dad is black and you're so gay.

>le media propaganda
Thats a scene of actual journalism retard, go back to whatever website is accusing people of being nazis over a tweet

Go back to watching the "real" journalists, good ol steve colbert and the new ethnically diverse guy

>From the Pew Research Center: those with a college degree voted for Clinton by a 9-point margin; those without a college degree voted for Trump by an 8-point margin. The less education a voter had, the more likely they were to vote for Trump.

You mean degrees in Feminism, Gender Studies, Black Studies, [Inset here] Studies? Those kind of degrees?

>mfw the butthurt
Donald Trump is the President of the United States of America. I'm fine with that, he will make mistakes. You're not fine with it. It's cool dude. Anybody with a brain could piece together that I meant choosing a political party, you just can't see past the butthurt.
>but u votud fur trump u republcn u hat democrts
>b-but annon he work wit bad people
Yeah, but he's saving jobs and kicking ass before he gets into the White House. Seems fine to me. You don't agree. That's cool man. Learn breathing exercises or start smoking some weed brah

While I disagree with the implication that Democrat voters are more intelligent, professional degrees make up something like 70% of majors. Engineering and hard sciences like physics only make up like 5%, but only like 10% are social sciences.

if you want a liberal white women to run your country why dont you stop bitching and move to germany,your crime and poverty(the only 2 things democrats have ever did for america) wont be missed

So would Gary Johnson

>he's saving jobs and kicking ads
Kek. He saved 800 jobs (lied and said it was 1100), and it was a deal they had in the works for a long time. Oh, and btw, the company will be getting some massive tax breaks, so the jobs will essentially be paid for by the taxpayer.

>he work wit bad people
He's surrounding himself with lobbyists, establishment politicians and Wall Street big shots who were partially responsible for the 2008 crash. #draintheswamp??

>Yeah, but he's saving jobs and kicking ass

that you believe this, is really really sad.

So you admitted he saved a bunch of jobs and is working with the same people that have been in or around office anyways? Man, you really activated my almonds with that.

Keep up with the changing times? The times are changing, to right leaning populist movements. Your tone implies other countries lead by left leaners like Merkel are good and the future. The truth is those people had their shot, blew it, and the world is gagging and rejecting the liberal dick shoved down so many throats.

Because I just want to see the whole world burn.
and Donald Trump is my Molotov Cocktail.

The election was a month ago and you retards are still whining about it. KYS