I have this pocket pussy, but I am getting kind a bored with it.
Anyone have creative ideas that could make this toy exciting again? (It also has a hole at the end)
I have this pocket pussy, but I am getting kind a bored with it
Logan Bailey
Jason Garcia
Install it as a silencer on a gun.
Timestamp pics here.
Caleb Diaz
Put a nail inside
Samuel Turner
pour hot sauce in it! I'll mail you a bottle if you want!
Jose Peterson
Of course it has a hole at the end. Thats where you are supposed to put your dick. What have you been doing, licking it?
Mason Kelly
Cut a hole in a melon and insert your pocket pussy into the melon. Then fuck that melon.
Cameron Rodriguez
Write your mother's name on it
Thomas Roberts
use icy hot as lube
Josiah Morales
Put elastic bins around it to make it tighter
Chase Reyes
Install your pussy in a motorcycle so that you can fuck your bike while you ride.