Feels thread
I've been here for a long while now and because of something that happened with me quite recently i decided i wanna tell you something.
>be me
>0/10 beta skinny fag
>have no talents
>extremely stupid
>have several embarrassing fetishes
>family hates me because of my radical "racist" political views
>have no friends
>always follow a group of girls in my school and they let me be around out of sympathy
>they make fun of me in front of me but i can't do anything
>never had female interaction before
>never held a hand
>never been kissed on the cheek
>have crush on girl that is taken
>she's nice to me but like every other gir
>"you're a nice guy user"
>she's in a relationship with an asshole
>tells me that we should go out and do things
>always cancels in the last minute
This just happened few minutes ago and she cancelled again in the last minute.
I'm no longer sad or angry because of it because i got used to this.
What i wanna say is, eventhough I'm rejected by almost everyone i know, at the end of the day, i come here on Sup Forums and say everything i wanna say.
Thank you Sup Forums, you really make my life better
Feels thread
>take katana
Dubs spoken
wtf nigga how many dubbs you want?
If its any consolation your crush will get "Run Train" by a bunch of niggers in a "Study session" at a random college.
>There are people doing a lot worse then you ask any user here.
I just got a bj from my girlfriend a few minutes ago. Feeling pretty good right now.
Improve oneself, from what I have notice, is those who work out or do cardio or yoga or any of that, builds up confidence besides muscle tone and flexibility.
I remember when this site was created...heck, I remember when Queen Elizabeth the 1st suck my Dick when she was 19.
u think ur cool? ima let u know i just sucked my own dick a few minutes ago
how can your right hand give you a bj?
Reading that made me want to reject you. Your first problem is coming here when you're a loser.
lift weights and eat like a tank
>No talent
work hard at something you're passionate about. Passion trumps everything in life and hard work beats talent
Train your mind.... your stupid because you're not trying to be smarter.
Theres a video called 2 girls 1 cup. Get it in your head that all women have the potential to be 2 girls 1 cup.
>Family hates you
if your family hate you then other people will definitely hate you if you're spouting your political bullshit. You can't even sort yourself out.... what the fuck are you doing talking about politics? Keep it to yourself, you're not going to change the world with your views. You have more important things to be doing like improving yourself
> No friends
Get involved with something, take up a hobby, anything. Men will make friends with other men they don't like so long as they share a common an interest or participate in the same activity. I use to hangout with a lad I played rugby with and I thought he was a dickhead.... but he was a good player and knew lots of girls.
>Group of girls
My testosterone dropped when i started thinking about the conversations they'd have so I can only imagine how low your test levels are. You're living in hell hanging out with women you're not fucking. Either stop hanging out with them and go at it alone or practise being a normal lad on them. Make fun of them back, start faking confidence so you can see what affect confidence has on girls, flirt with them (even if you are not attracted to them), infact flirt with every girl. Get the girls you hang out with emotional.... emotion is passion. the worst thing a girl can feel about you is indifferent. A girl hating you is as good as a girl loving you. It inspires interaction. Practise everything ont hese bitches you hang out with.
Been 107 days now. Still not doing so hot. One of these days I'll go talk to her.
Listen up, it ain't gonna change shit, don't waste your time.
I was a fucking horrible guy, but then i decided to follow a diet and go to gym.
I became fit, and yeah, more confident.
Face is 7/10, not self rated.
Well. Imagine what?
Got a gf and i'm living a beautiful life.
No, just kidding, i still never kissed a girl and i'm so fucking sad and alone, i keep thinking that i did all this for nothing.
I want to kill myself but this way i would hurt my parents again. This doesn't have to happen.
So i told all this for what? because don't try to change yourself, it's just a waste of time, i'm a fucking chad now and still sad.
Congratu-fucking-lation .
But masturbating with those biceps must feel rad as fuck bro
Could care less about your life, I was just giving you advice.
>Be me
>Only person that i ever cared about is gone.
The end
user can I ask "How your day was?"
Don't give me some CSGO Bs.
Here's the thing, no one likes a guy who rambles on about politics, that just makes you more unattractive than you already sound.
Drink. Drink hard. Drink fast. Drink.
What's up pussy farts?
welcome to the jungle, we got fun and games
Ok then
1. Act like you are pretty hot shit. But not too hot. Like spicy.
2. Fake confidence for a while. Eventually you will get more confident. I used to be timid as hell and scared to talk to people. Used to think they all hated me. Found out senior year they didn't and I was just quiet
3. Get the fuck out of high school. They can easily be your most hated years of your life (college is much better even though it's harder classes)
4. Hanging with all chicks man. That's asking for trouble unless you are one of them homosexuals I keep hearing about. Get yourself a good friend no matter who they are or what they look like. A true friend is better than any girl
5. Ugly weak skinny. Fix it. Even ugly people can look good if you carry yourself right. Go to the gym or do body weight workouts. I started just doing 50 push-ups and 50 sit ups every day. Then I moved to chin ups after buying a bar. And now I'm constantly going to the gym. Went from 135lbs to 185lbs and I'm pretty happy at it.
6. Time and place for everything. Shut the fuck up about your political views or racist views. Or if you do talk about them. Act like your joking. Works for me
I don't have any serious ambitions but I started dressing nice. Got a good haircut now. True confidence. I know what kind of person I like. Hell I told the last girl I liked to fuck off because she confessed to me that she liked somebody else also but more than she liked me. I still see her every Monday and Wednesday in class.
Biggest points
>fake confidence till it becomes real
>fix yourself
>shut the fuck up
second this
got an extra pair of dubs for you here mate
> It is me
> 0/10 Weak lean beta
> You do not have talent
> Very stupid
> You have many embarrassing idols
> My family hates me in 'racial discrimination' my radical, their political views
> I have no friends
> Always follow the group of girls at my school, I assume that is sympathy
> Any fun of me in front of my eyes, I can not do anything
> Interaction Women were not before
> Wear never hand
> I will not kiss nothing on my cheeks
> You need to destroy the girls, held
> It's good for me, but like all other tools
> "I left a nice person."
> This is related to the disliked person
> It tells me that we must do things that we will go
> Always see the last moment.
>Female interaction
You mean you havent had any from girls you want to fuck.... you need to work your way up to them by sharpening your game on girls you dont give a shit about
> Never held a hand
stfu no man wants to hold a girl's hand thats what they want. You're copying what they want... stop it.
>Never been kissed on the cheek
ask your grandma, faggot
>Crush on girl
Nice guys finish where? That asshole is fucking your crush 10x better than you ever will because he doesn't care about her. The best sex women have is when they are fucked by guys they love who do NOT give a shit about them. Fuck um like you hate them. Your crush is not special.... there are millions just like her who do not have their mouths on some asshole's cock.
>Tells me that we should do things
Men play women by fucking and dumping them. Women play men by taking their time and not giving them pussy for it. She is doing you a favour by canceling for 2 reasons. 1) you're trying to friend your way into pussy and that NEVER works.... so she is preventing you from building your hopes up only to have them crushed. 2) She is stopping you from wasting your time. If she doesn't cancel you will be her time slut and there are NO rewards for being a time slut.... you're the loser who drops everything you're doing for a girl and nothing dries up a cunt faster than a guy who does that.
When she cancels pretend you don't give a shit. Be cold but don't be a dick.... and don't use it as a tactic to get her. Infact never use tactics to get girls.
You're a push over. You're being rejected because you're not interesting enough to hang with and nobody minds canceling on you because they know you wont mind because you're 'nice guy loser'. The next time somebody arranges something with you tell them you cant because you have plans with someone else. Don't be a cunt about it and don't indicate you're saying what you're saying because that person canceled on you. Believe the lie is true.
Convince the person arranging to do something with you that other people hang out with you so you must be worth someones time.
you very well might be gay
no need to assume man :/
Dude getting fit and looking good always feels good. Being the ugly piece of shit I used to be sucked
it's all right mane
get that 9gag joke outta here nigger faggot
Thanks for sharing user, i also am a filthy drug addicted degenerate.