Is it ok to give a 3 year old a small amount of xanax or codeine so he would shut up and sleep?

Is it ok to give a 3 year old a small amount of xanax or codeine so he would shut up and sleep?

I'm babysitting and losing my mind from the screaming.

Yes definitely
Crush one and put it in its food
Enjoy your evening

You probably don't wanna fuck around with that, OP


Benedryl will do the trick more safely, keep the xanax and codeine for yourself.


>mfw OP thinks it's ok to give a kid codiene
just slide that little shitter a bar and you'll be golden

Why are you even babysitting, if you cant handle a fucking child???

Where would you like your copy of Prison Bitch monthly sent to?

Do it, and i hope you like prison niggers.