/lbg/ - letterboxd general

Post profiles, rate movies.

Old thread reached bump limit.

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>It's a vulgar auteur meme time
Truly based God Zack Snyder is sending a message with this face morphing, when we are in our extremes we will change and digital camera is the only way to capture this

Hey Faggots,
My name is bel, and I hate every single one of you. All of you are fat, retarded, no-lifes who spend every second of their day watching stupid ass movies. You are everything bad in the world. Honestly, have any of you ever gotten any pussy? I mean, I guess it’s fun making fun of people because of your own insecurities, but you all take to a whole new level. This is even worse than jerking off to pictures on normiebook.
Don’t be a stranger. Just hit me with your best shot. I’m pretty much perfect. I have directed my own short films, and I'm fluent in russian. What films have you made, other than Penis Boy? I also get straight A’s, and have a banging hot girlfriend (She just blew me; Shit was SO cash). You are all faggots who should just kill yourselves. Thanks for listening.
Pic Related: It’s me and my bitch

Is it possible to change your username on Karagarga?


Are you sure?

Look at Steakbro's pathetic thread bros.

swing and a miss

That will be the next OP image.

It's a favorites list you mong, and it shows breadth of taste

shows a fucking tryhard american being tryhard pretending soviet trash had anything redeemable

i really don't understand the logic of "non-english = tryhard". you keep stating it like some sort of obvious fact but it sounds like nonsensical memespeak to me.

soviet trash = tryhard

like liking wavelength



What's your opinion on this user, /lbg/?

>doesn't rate
Not interested

he's lookin good

>soviet trash = tryhard
i understand that you believe this but what i'm trying to get out of you is an explanation

as in, why you believe this



why is he so pathetic?

Beta nümale shitskin.

lol Why should anyone take your opinion seriously though?


Who here /Christian/ ?

Oh man I should do something like this for film

nobody cares for that fuckin wasteland, doot. any taste there is to be completely ignored because nothing within hundreds of miles within that desolate shitty website matters.

Yeah I'd definitely contribute. You can always start with the Vatican's list of films.

>The Terror

Excruciating film, so uninteresting, aside from the Hellman-directed opening scenes.

>Black Caesar

Disliked this on the first viewing, rewatched on BD and my what a difference a quailty file makes.

>Emergency Ward

William Greaves directed this short about the Montreal General Hospital's Emergency Ward for the NFB and it's solid if not particularly great filmmaking

>Blind Detective

Pretty much a masterpiece.

Did everyone go to sleep?

i'm still here user :)

Most people are active, there's just nothing really post-worthy atm.

Can we all agree that CianLangan reviews are pure unadulterated kino?



Pt.2 > Pt. 1


What should I watch?


I thought they were pretty equal but Part 2 felt a little more messy.

What Farhadi are you going to watch next?




red road looks most interesting here

>the crumbling bisque of evolution_rex

i'm not the only user responding to you. this is my first post in this thread.

you were right there were more english movies than 5-6 like i originally posted. i still think it's a shit list. when i initially responded i thought they were ranked, otherwise i doubt i would have even brought up the language. but it's all german and soviet obscurecore, i'm sure you can connect the dots why i called them tryhard. if she really likes soviet silent films and calls them her favorites, i guess i don't have a problem with it but again of the movies i have seen i don't find them very appealing.

this is a list with no indicators or introduction other than the numbers, and the numbers don't even mean anything. it's dumb.

alternately i did ask for you to defend the movies on the list. and you still haven't. i wasn't the only one in the thread to make a negative comment, but i feel like i'm the only one discussing the contents of the list itself. you keep getting very heated at my choice of language but can't even defend the films themselves.

you're confusing me with someone else, since i'm not the one who you asked to defend her list - the only films on the list i've even seen are OSLO, AUGUST 31ST and APOCALYPSE NOW. not to mention, i think "heated" is a bit of a strong word when all i've done is ask to explain why you've chosen to call it tryhard.

who is the user ITT watching John Ford? I want to be your friend !

u my fren

u my fren 2 fren yey

i may not be who you're talking about but i have recently started watching John Ford

No one cares you anti-art VA faggot. Find a new hobby.

hah triggert

Poots was hot as fuck as a Trump/BREXIT supporter.

Just finished A Boy and His Dog. It was pretty good

How about that ending?

I loved the ending. Probably my favorite part

Is this a dank meme?

Vive L'Amour remastered blu ray is online :o

Vive L'Amour remastered blu ray is online :o

>mfw Rostova is 4'11"



that would be nice user

Someone should do a nun-core list as well.

>>The Shallows 2016 HD-TS READNFO x264-CPG

>its a full movie and BUT No END Credits, post credits are completely removed. thatsway runtime does not match with imdb given runtime and its because i went with my girlfriend that i recently impressed and you know girls talk lot of shit while watching a movie and she was talking n talking, and in her mind i was listening to her shit like straight ass dummy boyfriend but Actually i was busy camming, and right before the end credits she finds out that instead of listening to her crap i was busy camming, She smack the shit out of me and broke my camera, luckily i was able to save the memory card So, here we are with another Summer Exclusive

is this the birth of an Epic New Meme™?


One hopes.

Hokay, I'll give it a shot then.

yeah im sure someone's favorites are made of old russian shit unironically.

everybody has different preferences, and this user happens to be enamored with that particular country in that particular time period. i don't see why that's so difficult to believe, or why you'd take any sort of issue with it. besides, the list is actually fairly broad - you're vastly overstating the prevalence of Soviet/German films in it.


Killer nun? Behind Convent Walls?

Very respectable. Gotta go deeper and dirtier

Teh Sound of Muzik

There's already plenty of nunsploitation lists on Letterboxd.

Oh fuck off degenerates

>wants to make le epic nuncore
>is too much of a faggot to make it proper
>acts like a bitchboi about it
Pathetic, tb.h

hah triggert

No one said "le epic nuncore" dumb degenerate. Grow up sometime.

try harder next time

Stop posting this disgusting trashboy

Makes no difference. Two faggots, then

>grow up sometime

>someone tries to a list of films with nuns
>complain it doesn't have porn
>confused as to why he's called a child

fucking kys offended faggot

You are the only here who seems to be offended.
Just because you fucked up and were wrong doesn't mean you have to have a tantrum about it.

Sup Forums get out

lmaoing at all these nuns getting their panties in a twist



Next month I'm helping out at a Cary Grant film fest in his home city. What's your favourite Cary Grant movie?

I imagine that's how you sound right now

why are you continuing to respond to him

Because he's making a fool of himself and I'm enjoying it

Oh, look another one to join the faggot brigade

Sure I am, retard :)

ebin post ironic satire-memeing guise

Why does he look so smug?

Post profile degenerate :)

Sup Forums babby sure is mad

hang urself lil bitch

because he knows his films are genius and will be appreciated years down the line

based Mann